Crumble undead

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Crumble Undead icon.png Crumble undead is a Magic spell from your normal spellbook that can be cast at level 39 Magic. The spell requires 2 Earth runes, 2 Air runes and a Chaos rune to cast. It can only be autocast with the Slayer's staff, which can be obtained from Infernal mages and Ankous. The spell is particularily effective against undead, hitting very high for just a level 39 spell. Often people will choose to train with this spell because of the high hits, low rune cost and low level requirement.

It is effective against Zombies, Ghosts, Skeletons, Nechryaels, Revenants, Ankous, Barrow Brothers, Aberrant spectres, Skeletal wyverns, Banshees, Vyrewatchs and Spectrals. It can be used in combination with the Salve amulet to make your attacks even stronger.