Uninstall Instructions
Windows users can simply uninstall the Emps-World application. That removes all related game files from your computer.
Other users need to manually delete the .emps_world folder in their home directory.
Your account recovery was successful. Enter a new password for your account:
Thank you for your purchase!
To redeem your Emps Credits, login to the game. You'll receive your EC as soon as you're online. If you're already logged in, please allow up to 1 minute until the payment is registered and shipped by the system.
Having troubles or got questions?
Visit our Helpdesk.
Windows 64 bit client is recommended.
Macbooks newer than 2020 run on Apple Sillicon.
Runs on any debian based linux distribution that can open software packages: Debian, Ubuntu, etc.
Works on most system but requires a working Java installation. This is your last resorts option.
You need to open the client as an app from an unknown developer. Please have a look here: https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/mac-help/mh40616/15.0/mac/15.0
Don't remember your credentials? Visit our helpdesk.
Don't remember your credentials? Visit our helpdesk.
We would like to thank existing users for bringing new players to Emps-World.
Both players are rewarded with unique items in-game. This process usually takes a few days. Please enter your friend's name if they told you about us! We would like to know who is bringing in fresh players. :)
Windows users can simply uninstall the Emps-World application. That removes all related game files from your computer.
Other users need to manually delete the .emps_world folder in their home directory.