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Feedback / Re: anger weapons (mace)
« on: April 03, 2015, 04:08:41 pm »
Zs and Godswords were same attack speed, and all anger weapons were twice as fast. I haven't tested their new speeds. Because god bows and rod trump any 2 handed melee weapon for pvm. (There is something wrong with you if you are using anger weapons for PVP)

The anger sword actually used to be very useful in pvp. It would hit hard and often. Now that it's slower, it has lost most of its usefulness In pvp and pvm alike.

It's not any slower. All godswords and other anger weapons were buffed to Anger Swords speed. Angers sucked in PvP, btw.

Let me just put one thing out there, just because the update notes said the speed was increased, doesn't necessarily mean that it actually was. Being a programmer I understand that changing code always has a chance to introduce a new bug.

That being said, when I first got my anger sword it was amazing. So amazing, that I did bring it out to the wild in place of a whip. I even remember fighting Eliminator in the safe wild/duel arena while using this weapon and I would win the majority of the time.

My question is, if this weapon was made faster, by what percentage was it changed? It definitely seems slower, but there's really no way to test and find out.

Feedback / Re: anger weapons (mace)
« on: April 03, 2015, 02:26:52 pm »
Zs and Godswords were same attack speed, and all anger weapons were twice as fast. I haven't tested their new speeds. Because god bows and rod trump any 2 handed melee weapon for pvm. (There is something wrong with you if you are using anger weapons for PVP)

The anger sword actually used to be very useful in pvp. It would hit hard and often. Now that it's slower, it has lost most of its usefulness In pvp and pvm alike.

Events / Re: Quick giveaway
« on: April 03, 2015, 01:57:55 pm »
Getting a lot of good replies so far! I might have to increase the number of prizes if it keeps growing! Tell your friends!

Events / Quick giveaway
« on: April 03, 2015, 12:24:17 am »
****Entry is now closed.****

Go vote for your favorite here!

Hey guys,

I've been doing pretty well staking lately so I figured I'd share the love a bit.

So, I always see people complaining that they cant afford the good armor sets, etc. Well, i'm here to change that.

Here's how this will play out. Each player who wants to enter sends me a message on the forums telling me why they deserve a bandos set. 24 hours from now, the entry will be closed. I will then go through my messages and pick the top 5 answers. I will post another topic and place the five I chose in a vote. Each player will then go vote for their best response. Whoever has the most votes after 24 hours will win first place. If your answer is one of the 5 I select, you are guaranteed something.

It's too hard for me to pick just 5, so there are now 7 spots for winners! Also, every person who entered will get a consolation prize!

Here are the prizes:
1st: Bandos set
2nd: 3rd Age Mele Set
3rd: Amulet of Strength (t)
4th: Dragon Claws
5th: Full DH
6th: Cyan whip and DFS
7th: Abby Whip, Dragon Boots, DFS, Stone

Let me know if you have any questions! Good Luck!

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: slayer task drop rate and somth else--
« on: April 02, 2015, 02:04:59 pm »
I disagree solely because i'm one of those jerks who likes to kill people at revs and spectrals. The wilderness is already dead whenever I'm on, and now that corp has a safe teleport option and frost dragons can be killed outside of the wilderness it's even worse. Moving these out of the wilderness would basically prevent anyone from ever needing to go into the wild.

Cody's lesson for the day: "Don't bring items into the wild unless you are willing to lose them. Same goes for staking."

Off-Topic / Re: The funniest thing I read today
« on: April 01, 2015, 08:47:06 pm »
I'll show you a magic trick! All you do is hold ctrl and start spinning that scroll wheel! Before ya know it, that text will be so big that you cant even read it! (Again!)

General Discussion / Re: Is Eco ruined?
« on: April 01, 2015, 03:11:42 pm »
I'd have to disagree here. The only time I trade items for items is when they're selling something that isn't worth paying hard cash for (ex: zamorak hawk) or when the items they're offering are actually useful to me. Other than that I always pay cash.

Games / Re: Dying Light
« on: April 01, 2015, 01:46:15 pm »
I have played and completed this game. I had a blast throughout the whole thing and and didn't find any major issues. The only failure I found in this game was the ending of the storyline. I don't want to spoil it for you, but i'll say this. The final quest and the buildup to the final boss battle is EPIC, however the boss battle itself is very disappointing. Still definitely worth playing. I give it a 9/10.

*edit* Oh, and don't forget to find those easter eggs! This game has a few that are pretty cool!

Introductions & Farewells / Re: Bye <3
« on: April 01, 2015, 01:21:20 pm »
Definitely sad to see you go. Austen and I always had a good time trolling you.  :'(

Best of luck to you in the future!

Feedback / Re: anger weapons (mace)
« on: March 31, 2015, 09:02:25 pm »
If I remember correctly, the sword used to be faster than godswords. Now it's equal. I've taken the sword bossing since the update and it just seems much less effective now.

Feedback / Re: anger weapons (mace)
« on: March 31, 2015, 07:40:06 pm »
I don't know... Sword seems to be slower as well, and i have yet to try the battleaxe. Maybe I'm crazy?

Debates / Re: What do you think about owning a gun?
« on: March 30, 2015, 07:55:51 pm »
I personally agree with guns being legal. I mean, how would making guns illegal stop criminals from using them? I personally think this would cause more problems since nobody would be able to protect themselves.
You are completely correct, in Australia we aren't allowed to own guns yet there are criminals that have guns and use them as forceful objects to get what they want....

I have always liked guns myself, but they shouldn't be allowed to be sold to people under the age of 21 (any type of gun) I also think that people should have background searches done on them and intense training with the gun so they know how and when to use the gun.

Guns are also not for protection they are used by some people as an ego booster and to show off, like any other male would say look at my "gun" it's bigger then your "gun". <----- change it so it works.

A couple of things to note here that I didn't state previously:

1. In the US, when buying a gun from any store there is a thorough background check done. They verify that your address is the same address that the government has on file for you.
2. In order to purchase a handgun at age 21, you must first apply for, and receive a pistol purchase permit.
3. In order to legally use a rifle, you must have gone through a hunters safety course which teaches you how to properly and safely handle the gun.
4. I believe the logic behind being able to purchase a rifle at age 18 is because you can join the army at 18. If you have no prior experience with firearms you'll be at a severe disadvantage.

Debates / Re: What do you think about owning a gun?
« on: March 27, 2015, 03:17:45 pm »
Just as an added note, I am very safe with all of my guns. They all have trigger locks and they're locked in a safe.

Debates / Re: What do you think about owning a gun?
« on: March 27, 2015, 03:04:25 pm »
In the US you can buy a rifle at 18. You cannot buy a handgun until 21. When you own a handgun, you are not allowed to conceal it in any way unless you have taken a concealed carry class, in which case you can carry a handgun on you.

Personally, I own two rifles, a shotgun, and a handgun. One rifle (30-06) is used for deer hunting. The shotgun (12 gauge) is used for turkey and pheasant hunting. The other rifle (.22) and the handgun (9mm) are used for target shooting. I come from a family of hunters and military personnel so this is very common.

I personally agree with guns being legal. I mean, how would making guns illegal stop criminals from using them? I personally think this would cause more problems since nobody would be able to protect themselves.

Screenshots / Re: PLS NOO DONT
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:45:07 pm »

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