Bandos godsword

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Bandos godsword
Tradeable unknown
Equipable unknown
Stackable unknown
Noteable unknown
Destroy unknown
General store unknown
Low alch unknown
High alch unknown
Weight unknown
You have a Bandos godsword.

The Bandos godsword is one of the 4 obtainable godswords from the Godwars dungeon. The sword itself is not dropped, but can be created from the hilt - dropped by General Graardor - being attached to a godsword blade. Its special attack, Warstrike, costs 50% of your special attack bar and will lower the defence and prayer of your target depending on the amount of damage dealt.

Bandos godsword can be upgraded to Bandos godblade using the Invention skill.

Bandos godsword
Skill-0.gif Attack Bonus Bgs.png
Skill-2.gif Melee Skill-4.gif Range Skill-6.gif Magic
0 0 0
Skill-1.gif Defence Bonus
Skill-2.gif Melee Skill-4.gif Range Skill-6.gif Magic Skill-5.gif Prayer Skill-3.gif Hitpoints Block
0 0 0 0 0 0
Skill-2.gif Strength bonus Maintenance
Skill-2.gif Melee Skill-4.gif Range Skill-6.gif Magic Degradable Repair Item slot
0 0 0 No No 0
Requirements Attack speed
None Unknown
Bandos godsword special attack
Energy Effect
50% Deals additional damage. Lowers opponent's defence and prayer points based on the damage dealt.


  • Along with Statius's warhammer, the bandos godsword is the only melee weapon that can lower defence; despite the potential drop being much higher, however, it is not guaranteed, unlike its counterpart
  • Zamorak bow's special attack also has the potential to lower the opponents defence level