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Messages - Lars

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Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Direct Pay
« on: March 04, 2016, 10:36:50 am »
I'm not sure if your idea could be added. However I wouldn't mind seeing money pouch in the game.

This will also make sure that Bubblebeam won't lose another 800M in the wilderness :D
The following users liked this post: Lars

I don't PK or PvM. But anyone with a fully functional brain can see that the shortcut should be removed, for obvious reasons.

If you don't have 61 magic, or ferocious ring, I usually take that route with my ironman to trolls, to do task. Happy?

For whole topic. I used to complain about PKers, all the time. Well, look who's in complain now... I just realized, how useless it is, to remove shortcuts from game, any shortcuts, as there already is few only to use it occasionally, which would make only agility useless skill to train as well. Just because, you coudn't entangled, barraged or teleblocked person, doesn't mean, shortcut needs to be blocked/removed. Need PK points or risk fights? Edgeville PK/Abyss Zones. Fair and Square fight. Not some BS rushing on PvMers, who tend to achieve profit, from their own grinding. Learn to grow, Kid. It's just a game to enjoy. Enjoy the way it is.

I also wanted to reply simply to say this to you: Calm the fuck down with your over-use of commas.
The following users liked this post: Lars

« on: February 29, 2016, 09:58:32 pm »
like getting free items wasn't enough, you have to post it on forums...
but good luck staking that junk though.
like being ingame wasn't enough, you have to post shit on every topic...
but good luck shutting up though.
The following users liked this post: Lars

Feedback / Re: Switching
« on: February 21, 2016, 06:28:36 pm »
The update of today has patched this issue.
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General Discussion / Re: Imdaman
« on: February 20, 2016, 10:10:05 pm »
Ofc I will lose to dupers lol..

Cleaned him a few times and he kept coming back with high amount of cash #ep1kGame
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Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: February 20, 2016, 04:59:52 pm »
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Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: February 15, 2016, 04:35:52 pm »

Martin be like

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Videos / Re: Feasting
« on: February 14, 2016, 10:35:39 pm »
All I could think of

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Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Fire cape
« on: February 13, 2016, 11:09:58 pm »
Turn on animations in settings ???
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Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: February 10, 2016, 11:53:48 pm »
Suggestion and feedback boards right now

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Feedback / Re: feedback
« on: February 09, 2016, 08:53:06 pm »
here goes another pker raging about how he got killed in wilderness. everyone gets lucky sometimes, and someone doesn't. you're always able to perform nice combos, even in shit gear, you just need some luck. by the way, verac's is already nerfed.
Excuse me for giving feedback on this server, and on subjects that matter.
Maybe you should try and do the same instead of posting irrelevant replies.

You act like pking doesn't need changes, pkers are the ones who give feedback on new and old items that matter to them. Just because you can't pk or simply don't care doesn't mean we are not entitled to give feedback.
Pking is a big part of this server, and Thomy is not a fucking robot that codes everything to perfection. It's important to him to get feedback to tweak our bugs and overpowered/underpowered items.

If you consider yourself a somewhat decent player who actually cares about this server you would understand that feedback is to help out the server, not help me out.
By all means I can go:
Pk in ahrims, and barrage 57s.
Go camp npcs with guthans that constantly heals you.
Go pk with karil bow that hits 48s.
Verac that completely ignores the protection prayers.

If you honestly think that Thomys intentions were to make these items so powerful then that's your view on it, and I simply don't care because in the sake of this server some of the feedback I listed will actually be changed, if you can't appreciate it then don't reply.
The following users liked this post: Lars

Help me! / About Bandos godswords spec...
« on: February 09, 2016, 11:49:33 am »
Could i get to know much much it lowers with one hit or how it's calculated?

Thanks in advance!
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Goals & Achievements / Finally?
« on: February 06, 2016, 04:06:35 pm »
Bubblebeam2 Welcome to the crew!
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Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Bank pin
« on: February 05, 2016, 09:00:28 am »
Waiting 10 days to remove your bank pin is for your own safety, you never know what might happen. I strongly dissagree with this idea.
What i mean by that was like if you wanna change your bank pin instantly. So you can delete old one and add new one right as you want. :D
He knew what you mean. But, what if somebody knew your password and your bank pin?
Then there's no use of the pin anyways, genius
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Goals & Achievements / Re: Welcome welcome :)
« on: February 02, 2016, 04:11:28 pm »

last longer than a month now pls :kappa:

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