Robe store owner

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Robe store owner is located in the eastern part of Falador just north of the east bank. He runs the Mystic robe store that sells Mystic sets and God capes.


Image Stock Item Coins
4089.png 5 Mystic hat (blue) 15,873
4091.png 5 Mystic robe top (blue) 116,350
4093.png 5 Mystic robe bottom (blue) 78,901
4095.png 5 Mystic gloves (blue) 10,763
4097.png 5 Mystic boots (blue) 10,763
4109.png 5 Mystic hat (white) 15,873
4111.png 5 Mystic robe top (white) 116,350
4113.png 5 Mystic robe bottom (white) 78,901
4115.png 5 Mystic gloves (white) 10,763
4117.png 5 Mystic boots (white) 10,763
4099.png 5 Mystic hat (black) 15,873
4101.png 5 Mystic robe top (black) 116,350
4103.png 5 Mystic robe bottom (black) 78,901
4105.png 5 Mystic gloves (black) 10,763
4107.png 5 Mystic boots (black) 10,763
2412.png 5 Saradomin cape 130
2413.png 5 Guthix cape 130
2414.png 5 Zamorak cape 130