Dragon abyssal staff

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Dragon abyssal staff
Tradeable unknown
Equipable unknown
Stackable unknown
Noteable unknown
Destroy unknown
General store unknown
Low alch unknown
High alch unknown
Weight unknown
You have a Dragon abyssal staff.

The Dragon abyssal staff can be made by using Dragon abyssal dye on Abyssal staff. Dragon abyssal dye can be purchased at the Emps credits exchange for 550 Emps credits. It doesn't have a level requirement to wear. This staff can be upgraded into four different elemental variants by using an elemental crystal on it, improving its stats but increasing its magic level requirement to 80. The upgraded version is degradable and has 5,000 charges. Upon running out of charges it will be turned into the original staff or the elemental crystal.

Dragon abyssal staff
Skill-0.gif Attack Bonus
Skill-2.gif Melee Skill-4.gif Range Skill-6.gif Magic
0 0 0
Skill-1.gif Defence Bonus
Skill-2.gif Melee Skill-4.gif Range Skill-6.gif Magic Skill-5.gif Prayer Skill-3.gif Hitpoints Block
0 0 0 0 0 0
Skill-2.gif Strength bonus Maintenance
Skill-2.gif Melee Skill-4.gif Range Skill-6.gif Magic Degradable Repair Item slot
0 0 0 No No 0
Requirements Attack speed
None Unknown