Burning claws

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Burning claws
Tradeable unknown
Equipable unknown
Stackable unknown
Noteable unknown
Destroy unknown
General store unknown
Low alch unknown
High alch unknown
Weight unknown
You have a Burning claws.

Burning claws have a similar special attack to the Dragon claws that can deal 4 hitsplashs but doing magic fire type of damage similar to the Obsidian claws. Its special attack requires 50%. The only way to get this weapon is through the invention skill by combining a pair of Dragon claws, a pair of Obsidian claws, a pair of Flame gloves and 500 Restless energy. This action will grant the players with a 60,009 invention experience and a pair of Burning claws.

A player performing dragon claws' special attack.

Burning claws
Skill-0.gif Attack Bonus Burning claws detail.png
Skill-2.gif Melee Skill-4.gif Range Skill-6.gif Magic
0 0 0
Skill-1.gif Defence Bonus
Skill-2.gif Melee Skill-4.gif Range Skill-6.gif Magic Skill-5.gif Prayer Skill-3.gif Hitpoints Block
0 0 0 0 0 0
Skill-2.gif Strength bonus Maintenance
Skill-2.gif Melee Skill-4.gif Range Skill-6.gif Magic Degradable Repair Item slot
0 0 0 No No 0
Requirements Attack speed
None Unknown
Burning claws special attack
Energy Effect
50% Deals additional damage.