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Offline Someone12116

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Ironmen can still acquire it by donating. That's a clear p2w advantage, and I personally wouldn't even play ironman if GA didn't exist. IMO everyone should have access to it despite their IRL financial situation, lack of Paypal account or credit card or w/e reasons people have to prevent them from donating.

For the sake of comparison, in OSRS players have 60 minutes to get their items back after death before anyone can see them, and in RS3 you can instantly pay a small sum of money or walk back to your gravestone to retrieve the lost items after death.

Simply showing my support for Rambo's suggestion here
« Last Edit: July 18, 2016, 06:58:13 pm by Someone12116 »
The following users liked this post: Sir Rambo


do ur support on OT then, i unlocked it.

Anyway, this would count for all donator items since a lot of them pose some form of combat advantage. How is GA any different. If you both voluntarily choose for no trading and you cannot donate by choice then that's two things you choose for, and I don't think deliberately choosing for such disadvantages should be 'fixed' in any way that would also affect regular players.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2016, 07:17:50 pm by Mary »
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