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Offline 66destroyer3

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star sprites and minor bugs
« on: February 14, 2015, 01:36:09 am »
#1: i noticed that at every star landing location, a star sprite always keep staying there. At some locations there are even 3 of them at the same spot. I was just mining a star where 3 of them were still inside of the star (did not save a screenshot sorry).

#2: also, if you let your ferret loose and bank it (without picking it up) it still follows you without it being in your inventory. not getting duped when you pick it out of your bank though.

#3: when growing a willow into its final stage (fully grown) you can still give it water or rake it (gives xp) as if its not grown yet. it shows 3 things when you right click on it: 'chop down' 'inspect tree' and 'guide tree'.

18/4/2015 26/5/2015 21/7/2015
20/12/2015 :'(

Fun Stuff:
66destroyer3 [27|Jan 07:38 pm]:     The unseen staff bans the deadliest :kappa:
Mod Mary [09|Feb 11:19 pm]:   why did i google bdsm
Simonyoda3 [22|Feb 04:26 pm]:   it's not past 2 am, it's not sexbox yet, still shoutbox
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