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Offline Cman 8 23 93

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Few Bugs (Game and Forum)(Opening Client)
« on: May 24, 2015, 02:24:10 am »
Here are a few bugs I have found:

Glitched npc faces: When talking, parts of the face are missing.

Glitched Spell Book: The Rune "faces" are missing. I don't know which runes I need for spells.

Bank Withdrawal Glitch: When withdrawing items, they are transparent as if I'm dragging them.

Anti-Aliasing Glitch: When disabling Anti-Aliasing and re-enabling it, plants and tree leaves are pure white.

PK Point System Glitch: I received 2 PK points for killing a Possessed Priest in the Safe Wildy.

FORUM GLITCH: When I am typing and click somewhere to fix a word, it deletes the words in front of it. Its quite a nuisance.

The only way I can play the game is by running it as Administrator. If I don't, I get the client error I have talked about in a different bug report. I don't know if its just my computer or what.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2015, 11:49:24 pm by Cman 8 23 93 »
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