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Offline Desno

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Door at Warriors' Guild
« on: December 05, 2015, 01:29:43 pm »
The front door to the Warrior's Guild gets stuck open, not only does it do this, but it also will not close, and there is an invisible barrier at the door which makes you unable to walk through it.

Edit: I just recieved a PM off a player by the name of saoledpede1 with more info regarding this bug and other bugs at the Warriors' Guild, here is his message:

"I'm unable to post in your report, but can you specify there that all the doors become like that after some time. Relogging fixes the issue.

And also mention that Harrallak Menarous (the guy you can buy rewards from) has somehow managed to get outside, so he's walking around the castle."
« Last Edit: December 05, 2015, 02:21:10 pm by Desno »
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Desno - Zerker
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