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Offline Kevin Kaspar

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Blue dragon Abuse
« on: March 28, 2016, 07:59:15 pm »
So to introduce myself i usto play this back when it was emps-scape, i just recently started playing again yesterday.

so the bug abuse i have ran across was when i was killing blue dragon's, i saw someone attacking one dragon (with meele) and he just spammed clicked the dragon next to him instantly he gets the hit on the dragon, so he was basically just camping the area killing 2 dragon's at a time.

personally i feel it wouldn't be fair for a new person who just started this game and wants to make some money and he isn't able to because their's someone abusing this. Personally i don't know if anyone else has experienced this in the past i just want to make this game great again how it was when i played 3 years ago.

Offline Charr

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Re: Blue dragon Abuse
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2016, 08:16:29 pm »
It's not a bug or abuse in any way shape or form. This does not break the rules in any way and does not deserve a bug report.

He's just clicking it before you do, you could just spam click as well, it doesn't take that much effort. There are also 2 locations at which you can kill blue dragons, rimmington dungeon and barbarian dungeon. Being new does not entitle you to anything, if someone else is killing more dragons than you are this is completely fair.

If you have any questions about making money then you are free to contact me ingame.

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