Abyssal minion

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Abyssal minion
Tradeable unknown
Equipable unknown
Stackable unknown
Noteable unknown
Destroy unknown
General store unknown
Low alch unknown
High alch unknown
Weight unknown
You have a Abyssal minion.

The Abyssal minion is a member-exclusive pet that can be obtained from abyssal demons.

Anyone can speak to the pet, which will respond with the following dialogue:

Abyssal minion: "Eeek!"

Player: "What are you up to?

Abyssal minion: "Trying to teleport away..."

Player: "Looks like you haven't learnt that ability yet, have you?."

Abyssal minion: "Captain obvious striking once again..."

Player: "I better keep my teleblock spell ready."

Abyssal minion: "I can hear you."

Player: "What? Uh, nothing!"

Monsters that drop Abyssal minion

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
Abyssal demon 124 1 Very rare (1 in 1000 kills)