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Revision as of 14:29, 13 March 2021 by Thomy (Talk | contribs)

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/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */

// TODO: Check whether noted icon is in the same file as unnoted icon.

// mapping slot id to a file
var slotToImg = [

$(document).ready(function() {
    function format(x) {
        return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
    function capitalize(x) {
        return x.replace(/\b\w/g, function(l){return l.toUpperCase()});

    $(".item-image").each(function() {
        console.log("image: "+$(this).find("img").attr("src")+", "+$(this).attr("class"));
        $(this).find("img").attr("alt", $(this).attr("class").split("'")[1]);

    $(".item-bonus-table, .item-info-table").each(function() {
        var table = $(this);
        var itemId = $(this).data("item-id");
        $.get( "../scripts/fetch_item.php", { id: itemId }).done(function(data) {
            var json = JSON.parse(data);
            var hc = 0, dc = 0;

            //console.log("data1: "+JSON.stringify(data));
            //console.log("data2: "+data);
            //console.log("data3: "+json);
            //console.log("data4: ";
            // item info table
            if (".item-info-table")) {
                //console.log("loading item: ";
                table.find("th").each(function() {
                    if (dc % 2 === 1) {
                        var idx = parseInt(dc / 2);
                        var note = "No";
                        if (!isNaN(json.note)) {
                            note = parseInt(json.note) === parseInt(itemId);
                            if (note)
                                note = "Noted";
                                note = "Yes";
                        var halch = format(Math.round(json.price * 0.9375));
                        var lalch = format(Math.round(json.price * 0.9375 * 0.85));
                        var shop = format(Math.round(json.price * 0.6));
                        if (idx > 0) {
                            if (idx == 1) // tradeable
                            else if (idx == 2) // equippable
                                $(this).text(json.slot === "6" ? "No" : "Yes");
                            else if (idx == 3) // stackable
                            else if (idx == 4) { // noteable
                                if (note === "Yes") { // add noted icon
                                    var iconEl = document.querySelector("table[data-item-id='" + + "'] tbody tr:nth-child(2) th");
                                    var notedEl = iconEl.cloneNode(true);
                                    notedEl = notedEl.firstElementChild;
                                    notedEl.innerHTML = notedEl.innerHTML.replace("bottom:" +*32 + "px", "bottom:" + json.note%1000*32 + "px");
                                    notedEl.innerHTML = notedEl.innerHTML.replace(/src=\".*\"/, "src=\"../img/itemicons/"+parseInt(json.note/1000)+".png\"");
                            else if (idx == 5) // destroy
                                $(this).text(json.destroy === "yes" ? "Destroy" : "Drop");
                            else if (idx == 6) // general store
                                $(this).text(shop+" gp");
                            else if (idx == 7) // low alch
                                $(this).text(lalch+" gp");
                            else if (idx == 8) // high alch
                                $(this).text(halch+" gp");
                            else if (idx == 9) // weight
                                $(this).text(json.weight+" kg");
                            else if (idx == 10) // examine
                                $(this).text("You have a "".");
            // bonuses table
            } else {
                // iterate over headers
                table.find("th").each(function() {
                    if (hc === 0)
                // iterate over table data
                table.find("td").each(function() {
                    if (dc === 0)
                    else if (dc === 1)
                    else if (dc === 2)
                    else if (dc === 3)
                    else if (dc === 4)
                    else if (dc === 5)
                    else if (dc == 6)
                    else if (dc == 7)
                    else if (dc == 8) {
                        var bonusBlock = Math.max(json.mlDef, json.rnDef, json.mgDef) * 0.01;
                        var bonusText = (+bonusBlock + +json.blk).toFixed(1) + (+json.pblk > 0 ? " ("+json.pblk+"% PvP)" : "");
                    } else if (dc === 9)
                    else if (dc === 10)
                    else if (dc === 11)
                    else if (dc === 12)
                        $(this).text(json.degrade === "1" ? "Yes" : "No");
                    else if (dc === 13)
                        $(this).text( === "1" ? "Yes" : "No");
                    else if (dc == 14) { // equipment slot icon
                        this.innerHTML = "";
                        var slotFile = slotToImg[json.slot];
                        var slotName = slotFile.substring(5, slotFile.length-8);
                        var iconLink = document.createElement("a");
                        var iconImg = document.createElement("img");
                        $(iconLink).attr("href", "/wiki/File:"+slotName+"slot.png");
                        $(iconLink).attr("class", "image");
                        $(iconImg).attr("alt", slotName+"slot.png");
                        $(iconImg).attr("src", "/wiki/images/thumb/"+slotFile+"/30px-"+slotName+"slot.png");
                        $(iconImg).attr("width", "30");
                        $(iconImg).attr("height", "30");
                        $(iconImg).attr("srcset", "/wiki/images/"+slotFile+" 1.5x, /wiki/images/"+slotFile+" 2x");
                    } else if (dc === 15) {
                        if (json.req === "")
                    } else if (dc === 16) {
                        if (json.slot === "3")
                    } else
                        $(this).text(dc+" data column");