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Online Thomy

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Hey guys,

I hope you've all had a great Christmas and a happy New Year! I've also taken a little break and spent some time with my family and friends. The update of today contains the Completionist cape, a rework of the Kill Logs, adds counters for various activities and releases 7 new pets that are rewards from the Pest Control minigame. Santa has also finally decided to leave the Grand Exchange and will be back next year!

Completionist Cape
You can now obtain the Completionist Cape by visiting the top floor of Varrock's museum. Requirements to wear this cape can be found in the museum when clicking on the cape and may be changed at every update! Wearing the Completionist cape requires having completed most of our content many times.

Colours can be changed dynamically through the colour picker or by providing RGB values. I've decided that it's easier to select and use colours in RGB space rather than HSL (RS comp cape) for those interested. The colour picker is in HSL space, because imho that is a more natural selection of colours. You are also able to load and save up to 10 presets, the first preset is the cape's default colours and cannot be overwritten.

Monster Kill Log
I've decided to completely rework the Kill Log interface to increase its usability. You are now given your kills as a table, which can be sorted alphabetically, by total kills or by your streak. The third column called streak allows you to set a unique counter for every monster that you kill. You can reset it at any given time. The interface also allows you to search for a given monster. The bottom row has a selection or pre-defined filters:
  • All monsters
  • Boss monsters
  • Slayer monsters
Please let me know what you think of it and how it could be improved in the future. Below's a screenshot showing off the Monster Kill Log interface:

Activity Completion Log
With a rework of monster kill logs I've decided to also create an interface where you can see counters for numerous activities. I'm sorry to say that I cannot travel back in time and collect data of previously completed activities... so most of the counters will start from 0.

I've added a few activities that I find interesting to be counted. Do you have any ideas for other activities that could be counted and put into this interface? Please let me know!

Pest Control Pets
You can now buy 7 different and iconic pets from the Pest Control minigame. Each pet costs 15k pest tokens and cannot be traded with other players.

Additional Map Spawns
I've found that some objects weren't properly spawned. They simply were missing their configs and turned invisible. Barbarian village will now contain several new objects. This also counts for several other areas around the map.

Game fixes / changes:
  • Rest in Pieces quest fixed. You can now properly continue the initial dialogue and finish the quest.
  • Desert War quest finetuning. The fights show now properly start with proper aggression and timings. Before the updates some bandits could get stuck or not fight correctly. Slash Bash is now also able to clip through npcs.
  • Tormented demon block animation fixed and head prayers are now properly shown again.
  • Projectile hits can no longer be queued up when a monster dies.
  • Items can no longer be unequipped while doing the max cape animation.
  • Iron up to rune bolts can now properly be poisoned. The poisoned ammo wouldn't register properly prior to this update.
  • The passive lifesteal bonus of onyx bolts (e) has been removed. The healing proc was fixed and now shows properly.
  • Cannonballs are now properly deleted again when used by hand cannons.
  • High and Low level alchemy can now be used on every item. A warning will pop up for valuable and untradeable items though.
  • High level alchemy spell cast delay lowered from 3 seconds to 2. Meaning that you can now cast the spell once every 2 seconds instead of 3. This will make the overall alching process much smoother and also faster.
  • A bug in Duel Arena was fixed where doing a skillcape emote wouldn't unequip items set by rules.
  • Emps-Wars minigame npcs now respawn when a new round starts. That will fix position issues and ensure all stuck npcs are properly reset. Interactions with the barriers that leave your lobby are now also smoother.
  • Clan chat now supports temporary bans of 15 minutes, 1 hour and 24 hours. Upon banning a player you are presented a selection of options.
  • New wings now grant protection in the GWD.
  • A restoration pool requiring level 92 Construction can now be built inside your house. It removes all negative effects and also restores Special attack energy.
  • Santa and the Christmas tree have left the Grand Exchange. I hope you've had fun delivering presents!
  • A bug was fixed where non-members could use placeholders in bank tabs reserved for members only.
  • The max hit button within the quest tab has been replaced with a button to view your activity log. Your hit details can be viewed on the Equipment Screen so the max hit button has become somewhat obsolete and thus was replaced.
  • A bug was found that made issuing random events extremely rare. You should now be seeing the mime event as well as combat events during skilling more frequently. With this fix the drunken dwarf event has also completely been overhauled.
  • Beer stations inside POHs can now be built with any beer item that matches. You no longer need special beers out of other houses for this to work.
  • Smoke demon champion now requires level 90 Slayer to be assigned and killed.
  • Dragon claws special attack was completely overhauled. It was a little bit buggy and dealt less damage than it actually should have done.
  • Fully degraded items are now unequipped. If there's no space in your inventory they'll be dropped to the ground.

Engine fixes / changes:
  • Special attack hover now tells you the special attack's effect. It's the same description as hovering the weapon.
  • Image and text scaling has been improved. You will experience better quality on smaller laptop screens and UHD or 4K monitors.
  • Normal and ancient magic hover boxes inside the spell book interface have had their positions fixed.
  • Animations of gargoyle statues in front of Slayer Tower have visually been updated.
  • The software renderer has received various visual fixes. It hasn't been updated in a while and a lot graphical issues could successfully be resolved.
  • Player and NPC attack option priority can now be set separately.
  • The performance of rendering images and text of sub interfaces containing scrollbars has been optimized. The GPU is now cutting out the scrollbar area properly and the game no longer needs to do that manually. This removes fps drops when opening or scrolling in interfaces.
  • The particle system has been updated. Quality of multiple particles stacking on top of each other is now improved. Particles with higher transparency values are rendered first.
  • The way map objects are spawned has been improved. Map overlay objects (magic trees, additional rocks in barbarian, etc.) are now spawned from within the actual map loading code rather than placed as overlay later on. That will fix flickering issues and could also solve problems where the wrong object is displayed after a resource has depleted.
  • Pet actions are no longer the default left click option. You now always need to right-click pets in order to talk or pick them up.
  • The positioning for female Bronze - Rune claws has been fixed.

This update is one of the largest I've ever done at once. I hope there aren't too many bugs throughout all the new content. Please don't hesitate to report issues on Discord or in the Bug Reports section:
Good luck on your Completionist cape grind! :D

All the best,

Fixes of 26th:
  • Various rendering issues within interfaces have been fixed: Bank, kill logs, chat, etc.
  • Kolodion kills now properly count towards the Completionist cape requirement.
  • A bug with the counter of obtained blood coins was fixed. I had to reset all existing values, because they were completely random. Sorry!
  • Doors inside the Barrows minigame are working again.
  • Random event spawns are now more random and limited to once per hour. This immunity resets when you relog!
  • An issue was found that was the reason for many npc despawns in random scenarios.
  • Clan chat bans from the Emps-World channel are now logged in punishment history.
  • Completionist cape requirements and progress can now also be shown by right-clicking the Max cape.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2019, 09:26:08 am by Thomy »

Offline Skillz Purez

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Finally gets max xp, can't even enjoy being the only one with the cape for too long.  ;D

Nicely done, Thomy!
(Thanks Bluestorm for the sexy siggy)
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Offline Ravioli

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bump very nice  ;) ;)

Offline Kaksex50

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Looking good! You have been busy ;). I love the new killlogs and lpok forward to use the other content ingame. WP!

Online Bluestorm

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Love it.

Offline Cahit

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Day by day, the updates get more crazy and insanely good! Keep it up  ;)
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Offline Helpmeplease

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Nice update,

@Thomy, Do you planning to do anything to re active the wild? its kinda boring for pkers, i hope to see the wildy activity again as sooon as possible!


Main account: I Once I
Pure account: Helpmeplease

Offline Emps Loover

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Nice update,

@Thomy, Do you planning to do anything to re active the wild? its kinda boring for pkers, i hope to see the wildy activity again as sooon as possible!

Wilderness activity is growing each day. Most of the time, there are 3-5 PvP’ers at the same time in wilderness. This is a huge difference with 1 month ago when you were hoping there would just be someone. Unfortunately for you, only main accounts fight in wilderness at the moment. So I don’t think pure PvP’ing will grow soon.

Anyways, thanks for the updates Thomy!
The following users liked this post: Thomy, S Clegane

Offline Helpmeplease

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Nice update,

@Thomy, Do you planning to do anything to re active the wild? its kinda boring for pkers, i hope to see the wildy activity again as sooon as possible!

Wilderness activity is growing each day. Most of the time, there are 3-5 PvP’ers at the same time in wilderness. This is a huge difference with 1 month ago when you were hoping there would just be someone. Unfortunately for you, only main accounts fight in wilderness at the moment. So I don’t think pure PvP’ing will grow soon.

Anyways, thanks for the updates Thomy!
Well, i hope to see the wilderness grow up soon,
Anyways i'm ready for main,


Main account: I Once I
Pure account: Helpmeplease

Offline Sam

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Well-done Thomy :)
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~Veteran Israeli

Offline Nante

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Nice update,

@Thomy, Do you planning to do anything to re active the wild? its kinda boring for pkers, i hope to see the wildy activity again as sooon as possible!
u should visit revenants some day

Offline Drugs

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This comp cape update with customizable colors is seriously cool :-[

Offline Helpmeplease

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Nice update,

@Thomy, Do you planning to do anything to re active the wild? its kinda boring for pkers, i hope to see the wildy activity again as sooon as possible!
u should visit revenants some day
I'm talking about Edge wildy


Main account: I Once I
Pure account: Helpmeplease

Offline Namnori

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Lovin these updates! Got yet another goal for my ironman to complete which helps me to keep actively playing ;)

Offline Skelon

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great updates thomy :D
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