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Online Thomy

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Hey guys,

This update consists of many small additions to the game. There's a new teleport that leads to Yanille, more Cooking recipes, additional Hiscores, PvP changes and many other smaller improvements. There might also be some small spoilers of what one of the next updates might contain. ;)

The city has received some life with new npc spawns and shops. The Wizard tower has opened its own shop and provides a teleport to the Rune essence mine. You might find some of the items in that shop quite useful. The Watchtower teleport has been renamed to Wizard tower teleport and puts you in front of the tower. You can visit Frenita to buy local products from her store for a (questionably) fair price. These ingredients can be used for new cooking recipes that have been added to the game. Guards among other spawns have been added inside the city and a pet shop is planning to open soon.

Cooking Recipes
It was a bit unclear how to create dough, pie or generally speaking anything that has multiple ingredients from the Cooking skill. I've created a separate tab in the skill interface that has a list of ingredients required for various dishes. Some level requirements and experience gains have also been reworked to better reflect their usefulness. The internal cooking system was also completely reworked to support more complicated recipes for higher level combination food. You can click on the "Recipes" tab to view dish creation:

Shop System Rework
The shop system was updated. It will show bought / sold item changes quicker and also more often. Shops also have individual buy and sell price modifiers. The restock timer for standard shop items was also reduced significantly. Most shops also restock their standard items a lot quicker now. It's rather difficult to buy out all items now.

Additional Hiscore Data
I've added more fields to the Hiscores. You can now see boss kill times (where available!) at activity scores. Some kills or data points from the past didn't include kill times and thus those cannot be displayed. However most entries have this data. The timers are rounded to 0.5 second intervals because of how the game operates - in 0.5s game ticks. There's also hiscores for Collections which is the progress of your in-game Collection Log.

PvP Protection Prayers
The amount of protected damage from protection prayers was increased from 40% to 60% for player damage. With stronger equipment over the years the damage dealt on players has become quite high. A flat damage reduction has already been introduced in previous patches but there are still scenarios that don't leave too much room for counters. The increase of protectable damage aims at creating counters for high incoming damage numbers from a single combat style. It also promotes having switches for more raw damage output.
With this change I have also updated the prayer interface descriptions. Most decriptions received distinct colors to immediately see what damage type is boosted. The names Chivalry and Piety have also been renamed for all combat styles.

Chart Overhaul & Player Statistics
The Grand Exchange Market tool has received an overhaul with a new chart library called apexcharts. It looks better and has more options to inspect item price data properly. Moreover, I've also created a tool to view player statistics. They are publicly available for the past month:,30
You can view up to one year when being logged in on the homepage. The online player count doesn't go back further than March last year because that's when our server burnt down. Sadly the online player count wasn't included in the backup. The unique online players and usernames goes back to 2014 though. I cannot let you view everything because querying a ~10 year chart takes a lot of time and would put too much pressure on the database.

Special Attacks
Clicking a special attack now attacks the last target you were fighting. You no longer need another click on your enemy. This change was done in order to make combo special attacks smoother. The granite maul was also adjusted. You can now also use it in the beginning of a combo instead of only at the end of a combo. Any current attack timer is left untouched when using a granite maul special attack. Should it be your initial attack the game will give you a delay of 2 ticks (1 second) before attacking the next time. This 2 second window can be used to swap weapons and use another special attack for follow up damage. OSRS videos with gmaul spec have been taken as inspiration for this change.

CTRL and SHIFT Buttons
Holding down the CTRL button works the same way as before by prioritizing various right-click options in the game. The SHIFT button no longer does this but has a different prioritization mechanism. It takes actions containing an "X" for left-clicking in menus. You can use this in any interface that allows you to buy, sell, withdraw, store, etc. items.

Installable Game Client
It's now possible to install the windows client as application on your computer. This allows you run the game without having to install and maintain Java. The game client installer comes with Java 17 packaged for you. The game registers as native Windows application meaning you can pin it to taskbar, assign a specific graphics processor to it and find it as Emps-World.exe on your task manager. You can download the newest game launcher here:

Rendering Engine
I have reworked and improved several parts of our rendering engine. There are now fade-in effects for npcs and players. The rendering distance for ground decoration, players and npcs has also been adjusted and is now synchronized with the server. Loading regions including cached areas has slightly been improved. The game will make more use of systems with many cores for loading The maximum render distance is now capped 200. You won't really feel this change unless you max out rendering distance and graphic settings. The rendering technique for drawing opaque objects has been improved. Resulting in more fps especially on lower-end devices.

Game fixes / changes:
  • Dragon claws special attack damage was changed from 110% to 100%.
  • Fletching arrows and headless arrows no longer requires intensive clicking. You can use the make interface and define how many sets you'd like to make. The game creates 45 items per 3 ticks. Before this update the maximum creation amount possible was 15 per tick.
  • All wilderness teleports have received a warning. The group ice plateau teleport has also been re-enabled.
  • Further restrictions have been put on the ability to use player emotes. This fixes a problem where spamming emotes could get you stuck on agility obstacles.
  • The taunting animation has been sped up. There is now also a projectile targeting the npc that is being taunted to make it easier to see what monster was taunted.
  • A problem was fixed where players would stay invisible after a duel. The issue was being stuck on the death animation without it resetting properly after reviving.
  • Item shop value for Amulet of ranging has been added. You will now protect it over other items upon death. The shop values of all (t) amulets were also increased.
  • More items have been added to the larder in POHs.
  • Players get +10% maximum hitpoints in PvP zones. This value is rounded meaning that all hitpoints levels above 95 result in 10 additional max health.

Engine fixes / changes:
  • Objects out of your frustum (the part of the map you can see) are now also loaded in background. This solves a problem where roofs would not cast any shadows while spawning beneath them.
  • An issue was fixed where typing long messages would display them out of your chat area.

I hope you're enjoying this expansion on the Cooking skill and Yanille receiving some life. In the coming patches I'd like to work on further area expansions a potentially a new skill - Summoning.

All the best,

Fixes of February 20th:
  • The minimum render distance for Vanstrom Klause dungeon has been increased.
  • Entity render distance has been increased by 5.
  • Using the share potion spell or healing other players is working again.
  • The rune essences in the Wizard tower store are no longer noted.
  • Group ice plateau teleport can only be used in the wilderness now.
  • An issue causing various problems to use the create item screen was fixed.
  • Removing a daily task no longer costs any Event Points and is free now. Due to how daily tasks are generated it is difficult to always have tasks that are balanced or completable in a reasonable amount of time.
  • Cooking tasks requiring you to create dishes from recipes require less dishes to be created.
  • A bug in the Collection Hiscores was fixed. It's now going to properly display your total completion status in-game and on the homepage. The progress percentage is calculated by the unique amount of items you've obtained.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2022, 10:45:05 am by Thomy »
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Offline Di Dot

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This update is one of the best updates from recent ones so far.
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