Emps-World > Update Notes

Updates 19/10/2014 - OpenGL Beta Client

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I'm proud to announce that our new client that I've been working on for almost a month now, is getting into beta phase! I've been testing it for a long time and tried to optimize it as much as I could. (We're still planning to optimize it even more!) It's finally ready! :D

Please bear in mind that this is a beta client, so bugs may occur!!
You can download the client here: http://emps-world.net/data/Emps-World-opengl-beta.jar

Let me know how well it performs. You can check your fps with ::fpson / ::fpsoff. Also, if you find any bugs on it, post them in this thread! (Only visual bugs please)

All the best,

EDIT: Known bugs:
* Noted items
* Weird textures on some trees
* Wrong item stack images (e.g. 10 coins displaying as one)
* Transparent items
* Minimap not updating when teleporting



W000T Good job Thomy! Help me get my account back now :D

Something new! :)

Stop Loss:
u did wat? pro  8)


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