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What is going on...
« on: December 13, 2017, 09:20:27 pm »
Hello everone!
I've had a talk with couple people, and got some of their opinions, I was trying to figure out reasons and results... so this is what I've got:
1. There is no pkers left to fight with right now.
2. New items burns old ones.
3. Items hard to buy/sell.
4. With every month emps lags much more than before.

Well, let's start searching problems... So, there is no pkers left these days, that's actually true, nowdays you'll rarely find someone who would like to go fight you in wild. According to the answers I've got, main problem is that there is not enough people these days. If we look back in days, there was much more people, who was fighting in wilderness. So what is the reason of why people leaving?
As you saw before, new items pushes old items in to the side, people rather buys item that has better stats, even if difference in prices are very funny.. How do we solve this problem? Simple! We need more players. If there would be more players, there would be more people wearing different items, than keeping multiple amounts of them in bank. Prices would also find their right places. What is wrong with prices right now? Let's just take for example armadyl or bandos boots, they are same hardly obtainable as a bandos chestplate, bandos tasset, armadyl hilt or any other piece of it.. But the prices, just check it.. bandos boots is 1m-3m and the bandos tasset is 25-30m, thats just ridiculous since they are both can be obtained in a same hard way...
At the moment, since there is alot people quitting, we have problem with buying/selling our stuff we got while bossing or any other way we got that. Why is it hard to sell or buy stuff these days? I was thinking about it, and came to answer. There is a lot people quitted with items we would like to buy, there is a alot people quitted who could buy items we sell. Once again, if there would be more people, there  would be more listening to one or another item.
Imagine: Let's say right now there is around 70 players online, there is like 2 dragon boots in each account that is online right now, so it is 70 pair of boots that we would like to sell, and who would buy em? Once again, if there would be more people, the items we have multiple amounts in our banks, would be equalize to more accounts which will cause in better marketing in-game. This may also bring more people, who was hoping to sell their stuff but couldn't do it because of shortage of people.
With every month, emps lags more and more with each update, I'm not expert in this, this is something Thomy have to do with it, but because of lags, some of people quitted aswell.. Lost in wilderness battle 1v1, lost while bossing, lost while walking through dangerous monsters and got lagged. I've nothing to say about lags since I don't really understand how everything works at this point. But the main problem we have just saw, it is shortage of people.. I know this is something we all was talked about many times, but I think we actually need voting system. This may look very stupid option, but just listen... One of the most active administrators got quited few days ago (Ravioli). He still has his 15b+ bank that is in oldies, but where do he have to put them in? Who will buy his items, if there is not enough people to buy them.. Same situation happened with our crazy staker Iwonu5xbetr (Jake), he wants to quit, cause there is no players who would afford his items. And, yes! What for would people buy something that they already have? This is also brings us back to a problem solving by voting system, more people=more items bought, marketing would be better than it is right now. How do we used to make money? Ofcourse it is bossing, skilling, but to who will we be selling all this? To a staker that has 50+ of each of those items? Not trying to be rude against everyone of you guys, I've been playing this game over 3 years, and I still enjoy it, I've also been quitted for 13 times if not more, but I still back here. Because this is that game, we all like, but we are loosing inspiration in playing it. Why?
I think we all know the answer what would help to bring old players back, to bring new players in, and keep our game insane as it always used to be!
Let me know your opinions, share with me the thoughts, let's analyze what could we make, to bring bigger online.

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« Last Edit: December 13, 2017, 09:30:19 pm by For Freedom »
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Re: What is going on...
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2017, 09:22:53 pm »
can u make it not italics can't read it at all
Also for the millionth time, voting won't help, we've tried it before.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2017, 09:25:15 pm by Bubblebeam2 »

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Re: What is going on...
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2017, 09:32:08 pm »
can u make it not italics can't read it at all

Also for the millionth time, voting won't help, we've tried it before.
If that not helps, we should find any other solution, we are having actually a great community, but after all, we are missing of newbies.
I've met a lot of newbie players, and that's always nice to see them coming to us.

Offline Saligta

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Re: What is going on...
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2017, 09:59:19 pm »
We are doing fine with our player count, RS Private Servers are already dead, and this one is doing fine compared to others.

1. We get 100 players and nobody's pking. Maybe it's because nobody wants to? Even with 1000 people there's a chance that nobody would PK aswell. Plus, the PVMing is the one that gets updated, not PVP aspects (Well, PVM gets more updates).

2. It's not the people that make those problems, it's the fact that to kill most bosses you need to have expensive stuff like t75 armour and at least t70 weapons. Barrows pieces are not viable anymore. Plus, nobody would go to PK if every rare drop from bossing would be 15m+ since that's better money.

3. There are too many items in the game, so basically if you try and sell something, nobody would buy it off of you (except a few people that actually don't have that item).  Same with buying, most of the people only have 1 of each item which means most of them want to hold onto them if they're not short on money. Here's a tip: Stop jewing out and sell your items for lower/buy for higher and be patient.

4. You didn't even said what kind of lag. Is it performance or network lag? If it's network, make sure your IP isn't leaked and play through a VPN since it might be DDOSing if you conveniently disconnected during PVP, but I'm sure nobody would do that for Emps-World's money and it's the problem of your network. If it's performance problems, that most likely means your PC is breaking down.

Why are you even a mod by the way?
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Re: What is going on...
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2017, 10:12:50 pm »

When soldiers have nowhere to run to - if their bridges have been burned - they fight much harder than they otherwise would have. When you find something that you care about enough, be prepared to burn your bridges.-Chait

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Re: What is going on...
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2017, 10:55:15 pm »
I wish you said voting system without wasting 5 mins of my time reading the whole story you wrote,

anyway I agree on having voting system back, been said over a million time yet still no changes.
we've suggested million ideas on how to improve the market a lil bit and how to be a main part of it for a limited time.

Thomy believes that not changing anything to the economy is the best way instead of risking on ruining it all, however the majority of the online players add to that whoever left cus of this reason as well believes that he is wasting his time on trying to kill bandos boss and end with bandos boots that he sells later as you mentioned for 1mil, or he might get lucky and do 2 stakes and win 1mil and save his ass few hours of pvming.

Just listen to what the players want, if they fucking want a high prices then give it to them by being the main part of the economy by your self, yes that includes few possible ways if he ever change his mind about this situation I might discuss it with him.

anyway as I've said over a 1000 times already, his server he does what he wants.

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Re: What is going on...
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2017, 06:58:06 am »
Afaik only items that are hard to buy that affect pking are dharok sets, no pker would sell their sets because it would just end up on some mercher bank that would hoard them even more for some profit.

I don't get the lag thing I got a prebuilt HP from 2010 with ancient gpu and I don't lag for shit unless the server actually lags for everyone. If you have worse computer than mine then you shouldn't really expect a lag-free experience in 2017 anyways.
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Re: What is going on...
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2017, 01:10:01 pm »
we are trying to make this game absolutely perfect right? ???

because if its not perfect, don't expect people to stay for long :)

i think there should be like an official group of people who work to make the game perfect,
this * discussing in-game problems and sharing our opinions on how to make the game "better"* thing wont help.
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Re: What is going on...
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2017, 01:32:27 pm »
i think there should be like an official group of people who work to make the game perfect
You mean something like.. uhm.. the freaking staff team?

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Re: What is going on...
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2017, 01:40:23 pm »
I like this game just as it is right now, and even my PC with 1 GB ram don't changes my mind, yes I have lags, but this is last thing I think about. You also can ask Skillz Purez, how long it takes when I'm trying to turn on my google chrome haha. Anyways, I agree that this is Thomy's game, this is his sandbox, and he can do anything he wants. I've received couple messages that I've named before, and decided to share them with community and administration.
Anyways as I've said before, I like this game, and all I've said here, was just to make this game even more better.

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Re: What is going on...
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2017, 05:25:40 pm »
ok, we get it, you like this game.
you haven't said anything that hasn't been said a million times already.
try to think of something original and please fix your god damn grammar. i had to cipher most of what you have written.

voting could be re-added, it didn't do any harm while it was in the game. I have no idea why it even got removed.

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Re: What is going on...
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2017, 06:18:58 pm »
voting could be re-added, it didn't do any harm while it was in the game. I have no idea why it even got removed.

There's no interest in RSPS top lists, we would be trading players with other RSPS and we would very likely lose more players to other servers than we would gain. Getting a sponsored spot on a top list might help us a bit as that wouldn't require us to advertise those top lists to our players but that's probably not worth the money.

We need a better strategy for non-paid advertisements, I personally think that a referral system would be a nice start.
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Re: What is going on...
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2017, 07:03:47 pm »
voting could be re-added, it didn't do any harm while it was in the game. I have no idea why it even got removed.

There's no interest in RSPS top lists, we would be trading players with other RSPS and we would very likely lose more players to other servers than we would gain. Getting a sponsored spot on a top list might help us a bit as that wouldn't require us to advertise those top lists to our players but that's probably not worth the money.

We need a better strategy for non-paid advertisements, I personally think that a referral system would be a nice start.

I beg you just stop, its not like players are fucking dumb
we all know about these websites, every goddamn player already knows about it
if I ever feel bored of the game, I am not waiting for a  vote command to check such websites for other rsps.

Yes we need voting system, Yes the rewards should be something worth it
Yes we need to buy the votes.

we might not get any players from voting, but I can assure you we won't lose any as well.
we are trying to gain players for 2 years already without letting others knows about us

Facebook, instagram and so on, such advertising won't get us any players.

No I don't know any numbers about the unique logins we daily have, plus its not something very important to me tbh

ok, we get it, you like this game.
you haven't said anything that hasn't been said a million times already.
try to think of something original and please fix your god damn grammar. i had to cipher most of what you have written.

voting could be re-added, it didn't do any harm while it was in the game. I have no idea why it even got removed.

Can you for the love of whoever you believe in stop hating on him and give him a chance ?
His English might not be perfect however no one said you need a perfect English to play a damn game or tell someone how to tele to falador.
Btw, your English is not much better than his, nor your grammar .
^ not hating on you so don't reply to this, however try to show some love for once .
« Last Edit: December 14, 2017, 07:08:33 pm by Ameer »

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Re: What is going on...
« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2017, 07:28:11 pm »
ok, we get it, you like this game.
you haven't said anything that hasn't been said a million times already.
try to think of something original and please fix your god damn grammar. i had to cipher most of what you have written.

voting could be re-added, it didn't do any harm while it was in the game. I have no idea why it even got removed.

Can you for the love of whoever you believe in stop hating on him and give him a chance ?
His English might not be perfect however no one said you need a perfect English to play a damn game or tell someone how to tele to falador.
Btw, your English is not much better than his, nor your grammar .
^ not hating on you so don't reply to this, however try to show some love for once .
Thank you, I just cannot understand, in the topic where we should suggest our ideas, instead of writing a response, your opinion about an idea, or giving another one to raise the online, he hating my writing skills? If you want to hate me, create a new topic on off-topic section, and say everything you want... Anyways, I'm not waiting any smart reply from him, since I know all he will reply is going to be next hating sentences...
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Re: What is going on...
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2017, 06:31:15 pm »
In my opinion we should help moderators and admins on helping new players,or then just simply promote more ppl to mods.
We cant really affect on getting more players,but we sure as hell can affect on keeping our new players.
ive done alot mining and smithing lately at barabrian village and ive noticed that theres alot new players that are absolutely fucking lost out there and they dont even know how to use clan chat or wiki so they could get help.
id imagine thats a big reason on new players to quit the game when they cant get help.

Sup Fools?
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