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This server has undoubtedly one of the best coders a private server could ever have. But what can someone in Thomy's position do when most of the ideas he worked on (even his own) are garbage.

Emps-World went into the wrong direction for quite a long time now. More and more RS3 stuff is getting into the game while the player count is shrinking. I know many players try to help with their suggestions, but let's be serious. Most of these ideas aren't helpful. Why? Because too many players act for their personal benefits ingame (e.g. construction and all the useless cosmetic items you can donate for).

It is impossible for me to list all changes that need to be done because I did not play this game for quite a long time. I also know that many players won't agree with this suggestion either because of what they have achieved so far. But this is my attempt at "fixing" this server.

1. Complete Reset: Accounts and Items

This is the biggest step that needs to be done. In order to fix all the issues at once, a full reset is the only solution.

2. Rework Drops:

I do not know the corrunt drop rates and amounts of dropped items at the moment, but the drop rates as well as drop tables were horrible when
I left. Dragon claws used to be the strongest special attack weapon at some time with a drop rate of 2% I think. Just to make this clear. You were able to kill 20+ wildy wyrms with one inventory of food/potions and there were multiple locations of the same NPC as well.
Same goes for GWD and many other items.

-> "Very strong items" (strong items and Emps-World? IKR) need to be rare AF (0,5-1% drop rate depending on the difficulty).

3. XP Changes:

The XP rates of some skills need to be changed. Herblore, farming and prayer needs to be harder to max for sure while some other skills are debatable.

4. One Mini-Game:

Pest Control and "Emps-Wars" should get removed and Soul Wars needs to get added instead (ignore the rewards for now)

5. Removal of "useless" items:

Emps-World has way too many useless items which were added for no reason e.g. mjolnirs dropped by t95 slayer monsters and much more. Most items obtained by donating need to get removed as well (Do not worry Thomy. You will get your money, but not with this crap). Giving a full list now is not needed since it is unclear whether a full reset will happen or not.[/s]

6. Shop Reworks:

The biggest issue I see are the amounts of runes you can buy from store. As an ironman, getting 99 magic was the easiest skill to achieve.

Since there will be only one mini-game there will be also one reward shop and no, there will be no option to buy XP (I wonder if you still can buy 99 prayer with 10k PC points).

Soul Wars will have mainly rechargable strong and very usefull items. Void armour (gloves getting removed) will be the best armour in the game, but it getting it will take a long time (1% chance to get a random void piece you do not own for winning the mini-game and 0,5% for losing it). The other items are unclear yet.

Slayer shop also needs a huge rework (no, the latest update is not what I meant).

7. Rework of JAD:

The only way to obtain fire cape will be killing jad. However it will be the way it used to be in Emps-Scape.

8. Removal of unhealthy items:

- PvP armours
- GWD gloves and boots

9. Special Weapons:

Dragon claws, Obsidian claws and korasi's are some of the items I remember that were complete trash. There is no point in adding items that meant to be bad in the first place. The way of obtaining them as well as their strength needs a rework. Of course there are many more items like this, which I will not list now.

10. Grand Exchange:

I am not quite sure about it yet, but removing GE is something I thought about some weeks after it got released.

11. Advertising

All of the changes mentioned  above won't be that useful if nobody knows about them. The hype we had when ironman mode was introduced needs to be replicated with a full reset as well. Adding a timer to FB, wiki and all other medias/forums where Emps is represented could help alot. The timer depends on amount of time our coder has to work on the changes. 1 month should be time enough assuming Emps is getting changed every day.

This list seems quite harsh already and as I mentioned in the beginning, it is not the full list yet. But I do not see any other way to fix the issues this server has, especially not with the direction this server went for such a long time.

This is the kind of feedback I kinda expected.

7. Rework of JAD:
The only way to obtain fire cape will be killing jad. However it will be the way it used to be in Emps-Scape.
Not necessary and will completely flop if you don't remove all existing fire capes from the game. Ironmen would generally stay away from getting a fire cape because they're at a severe disadvantage due to them not being able to buy gear. Fight caves could be made somewhat more difficult by adding the healers, I wouldn't mind that but I don't think it's necessary either.

Just to make this clear all the changes I suggested are a package. You cannot take one single change and expect that everything is getting fixed. Therefore I will ignore comments like this for the moment.

Let's get back to the topic where most of the worries are coming from.

I will explain all the changes I suggested and add a priority number from 1-5 (5 being the highest) to make clear how important these changes are.

1. Server Reset (5)

Nothing is gonna change without a full reset. I see some players are open minded about that while many other players are not. I also agree that a full reset was needed when Emps-World was launched. The ironman mode showed how balanced the server was when you started from scratch without being able to trade. The problem was that all the normal players had the stats to farm all the items with the overpowered drop rates in the first couple months (this was the time when Thomy left the server for 3 months I think while drop rates were increased 1-2 weeks before).

I am surprised that JP is willing to give up all the things he has achieved for the sake of the server. Quite nice that I am not the only one who cares more about the server than the personal achievements ingame and this is why he has my biggest respect (JP = Emps-World). For those who do not know me, JP and I competed for the ironman rank #1 while my main account was probably the richest player ingame when I quit Emps-World. I also doubt that anyone has more unique accounts than I do.

2. Rework Drops (4)

As I mentioned before, I do not know the exact drop rates and amounts but as far as I know most ironmen used to make money from jelly tasks because of their low slayer requirement vs the valuable drops (alchables). I am sure I will find many flaws up till now when I take a look at the drop tables. Drops should be adjusted according to the difficulty or made very rare instead.

3. XP Changes (3)

Reducing the XP for all the combat stats was a very good move by Thomy. But it does not affect most of the players anymore. Why did I suggest making herblore harder? Because you get tons of seeds from thieving and PvM while farming is one of the easiest skills. You can easily collect white berries or eye of newts and power train herblore to 99 if you go for XP. What I am trying to say is that many ingredients are obtained way too easy/fast for this xp rates. Either change the xp rates or change the way + amount of the ingredients you get.

4. One Mini-Game (2)

This one has a low priority. Why? Because not many people will focus on mini-games when Emps-World gets a reset. Having one mini-game with 250 players max in ucoz times was more than enough. Back then the rewards were also more appealing. The mini-game I am suggesting does not have to be Soul Wars, but Pest Control is a mini-game we do not need for sure and never needed. I guess Emps-Wars can be made even more interesting than the classical version, but the rewards need to be different as well.

5. Removal of useless items (1)

At first we would need to discuss which items are useless and which are not. I think we all can agree that mjolnirs are one of these. There are many more items like this and most of them were added by Mary, a creature that is problably the most iconic player when it comes to having a personal benefit of updating the server.

Since this list has a low priority, it does not have to be changed immediately. I know that many players like fashion-scape. I guess moving all these items to a single shop with a decent price (-> money sink in exchange for cosmetics LUL) could solve the problem.

6. Shop Reworks (4)

As I mentioned before, some items and the amount you can obtain from shops are way too overpowered. Runes are the best example. Combine the low requirements for jellies vs their alchables, add them to rune costs + the amount of runes you can buy at once and there you got 99 magic by spending 20m only. Runes should be mainly obtained by doing runecrafting only making magic a valuable and effective time consuming skill. I do not know how often magic is used nowadays, but back then it was the best way to do any PvM activities.

This would mean that the skill runecrafting would also need a rework to make it more enjoyable and profitable.

The other shops that need a rework are all mini game shops, slayer, donation store and general store.

7. Rework of JAD (1)

This is also a mini game that has low priority. Why? Because it takes quite a while to get the fire cape when you start from scratch. The very first version of obtaining a fire cape was a mini game that made people come together. Competing with other players over an item or a win is way more fun/interesting than the Pest Control type of mini-games.

The shop would need a full rework as well.

8. Removal of unhealthy items (4)

This one has a high priority. Items such as bandos helm, and all the other boots and gloves pieces were never needed. GWD drops way too many valuable items. I still believe that the only person benefiting from this update was Mary.

PvP armors were also very unhealthy for the server. I admit that it was also my fault that these items got into the game the way they did. They dominated the server for quite a long time and led to alot frustration across the server even though a much stronger version of them was planned before they got released.

9. Special weapons (4)

This is something that Thomy has his own problem with. He never liked the idea of having strong items. You can see that the first releases of specific items were complete garbage e.g. korasi's, abyssal cannon, obsidian claws and the nerfed versions of the melee pvp items. He was so focused on his formula based on level requirements that he made every item look like trash that got into the game for the first time.

There should be weapons like korasi's and claws that are only good for one thing - their special attack. But having an excuse like "look how easy you can get it" is what made him stop making these items strong back then. These items should have never been obtained that easily in the first place.

Emps-World needs more items that benefit players in certain situations e.g. vs slayer tasks (good job on that), weaknesses, health and defense based special attacks and much more.

10. Grand exchange (1)

This is an idea that barely made it to the list and that I am not quite sure about it yet. The only reason I suggest to remove it is to force players to interact more with each other. But I guess the grand exchange has way too many positive benefits to offer.

11. Advertising (5)

For those who did not understand my idea behind that. We should advertise that Emps-World is having a full reset e.g. on FB while linking the page to forums for more information. It would have a similar effect like the Deadman Tournament on OSRS where everyone is hyped for the whole week. It is proven that streamers get way more viewers during this time or any other huge update (e.g. release of raids and inferno on osrs).

While other people see the timer when Emps-World is getting a reset (e.g. 1 month), Thomy has this time to work on the things that need to be changed to not replicate a launch from 2014. All of the changes made during this 1 month would be made public to hype the "Comeback" even more. I know that this will be stressful for Thomy, but it is not getting any better the way it is now either...

12. Auras (4)

They should have never entered the game.

« Last Edit: June 17, 2017, 07:00:03 pm by Junkz »
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Re: Wanna fix this server? Believe it or not, this is the only way...
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2017, 07:17:08 pm »
I'm not going to agree nor disagree with the points you've mentioned but I'll give my personal insight/opnion on some of them.

1. Complete Reset: Accounts and Items
Reset is something that feels very meh to me personally, usually people will just disagree on it. Fresh start might be interesting though. I'm actually quite open for it after spending 75 days of playing.
I'm a really open person when it comes to new stuff and updates that happen. Would be a very risky move even though a lot of players seem to have suggested it.
If there was to be a reset we would be at the same point again later, it's just how the economy works on these kind of games.

2. Rework Drops:
Not really an opinion but literally overpowered boss (goblin on steroids, high defense and high hits with no counterplay) is quite un-fun game mechanic. Godwars bosses received some more mechanics at the start of this year with a goal of making them slightly harder I assume but it was actually quite the opposite what the update did. This game version is just not meant for 'complex' boss mechanics.

4. One Mini-Game:
Soul wars - Just, no. It's a complete AFK-fest. Your suggestion is what Emps-Wars basically is currently.
Collecting those fragments would just make the game longer which will make it really not that fun to play.

5. Removal of "useless" items:
Don't think any donator items should be removed. It's nice to have lots of them and a lof of room to choose. Players really like to collect these items as well. Some even have full sets of these.

Might be slightly off topic but how about reducing the price of member tickets and making them grant 2 weeks (14 days) of membership instead.
You would be able to active just 1 member ticket if you wish, however you can also activate 2 for 1 month, 6 for 3 months, 12 for 6 months and 24 for a full year of member.
Each one except for 2 week and 1 month membership 'packages' would have different bonus' you get.

7. Rework of JAD:
Should probably leave the fight caves minigame alone to be honest.
Maybe this old minigame would replace fight pits we currently have but let the reward be TokHaar Kal Ket? (Fight Kiln cape from Runescape)

8. Removal of unhealthy items:
Probably meant to include bandos helmet instead of bandos boots here, no?
Spectrals seem to be a very popular place due to PvP armors having a demand and their rather high prices attracts a lot of people there.
Idk how they're unhealthy though, someone help me out here?

10. Grand Exchange:
Never used grand exchange here but I assume it's really handy when you can just throw in an offer to buy lots of stuff while you do other stuff in-game or off game.
Not having GE really encourages player to player interaction though. Might be an interesting change but I wouldn't really disable GE without a reset.

Left out not giving an opinion on the rest of the points you made because I don't really know what to say about them.
I really doubt there is a magical update that would just simply fix the 'problem' we have. I don't even see the problem myself what it is. Might just like the game the way it is.

Really liked the points you made but leave the minigames alone :P They're really not worth playing at all unless the rewards are completely overpowered. >See OSRS and RS3.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2017, 07:51:41 pm by Jp »
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Re: Wanna fix this server? Believe it or not, this is the only way...
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2017, 07:20:37 pm »

1. Complete Reset: Accounts and Items

This is the biggest step that needs to be done. In order to fix all the issues at once, a full reset is the only solution.

No, imo this would only make more people quit because some of them may have spend atleast 6 years on progress. why would that all have to be deleted within a few seconds?

2. Rework Drops:

I do not know the corrunt drop rates and amounts of dropped items at the moment, but the drop rates as well as drop tables were horrible when
I left. Dragon claws used to be the strongest special attack weapon at some time with a drop rate of 2% I think. Just to make this clear. You were able to kill 20+ wildy wyrms with one inventory of food/potions and there were multiple locations of the same NPC as well.
Same goes for GWD and many other items.

-> "Very strong items" (strong items and Emps-World? IKR) need to be rare AF (0,5-1% drop rate depending on the difficulty).

The current droprates on things like GWD items are fine imo.

3. XP Changes:

The XP rates of some skills need to be changed. Herblore, farming and prayer needs to be harder to max for sure while some other skills are debatable.

Prayer: easily fixable, remove the tokens exchange for xp from pest controle
Herblore: Currently fine imo.
farming: Currently fine imo.

How ever runecrafting forsure needs some fix. currently its absolute trash to train it compared to every single other skill.

4. One Mini-Game:

Pest Control and "Emps-Wars" should get removed and Soul Wars needs to get added instead (ignore the rewards for now)

All that has to be changed from these minigames are the XP exchange from Pest Controle.

5. Removal of "useless" items:

Emps-World has way too many useless items which were added for no reason e.g. mjolnirs dropped by t95 slayer monsters and much more. Most items obtained by donating need to get removed as well (Do not worry Thomy. You will get your money, but not with this crap). Giving a full list now is not needed since it is unclear whether a full reset will happen or not.

I feel like this isn't a big problem at all purely so you just dont get a drop thats actually worth something all the time.

6. Shop Reworks:

The biggest issue I see are the amounts of runes you can buy from store. As an ironman, getting 99 magic was the easiest skill to achieve.

Since there will be only one mini-game there will be also one reward shop and no, there will be no option to buy XP (I wonder if you still can buy 99 prayer with 10k PC points).

Soul Wars will have mainly rechargable strong and very usefull items. Void armour (gloves getting removed) will be the best armour in the game, but it getting it will take a long time (1% chance to get a random void piece you do not own for winning the mini-game and 0,5% for losing it). The other items are unclear yet.

Slayer shop also needs a huge rework (no, the latest update is not what I meant).

Atleast explain what has to be changed at slayer. its currently fine imo. if you get your full slayer helm/any anger item/salve amulet i'd say your atleast around 80 slayer when you have these 3 things. thats not a big issue at all i think

7. Rework of JAD:

The only way to obtain fire cape will be killing jad. However it will be the way it used to be in Emps-Scape.

Yeah i think Fire cape should be made untradeable again.

8. Removal of unhealthy items:

- PvP armours
- GWD gloves and boots

i have no idea if PvP armours are actually worth using, never owed these items simply cus i coulnd't afford them anyway.
About GWD, i think the boots and gloves drops arent that big of problem at all.

9. Special Weapons:

Dragon claws, Obsidian claws and korasi's are some of the items I remember that were complete trash. There is no point in adding items that meant to be bad in the first place. The way of obtaining them as well as their strength needs a rework. Of course there are many more items like this, which I will not list now.
Dragon claws are only good on pures. they suck on mains (pkwise), idk how the situation is on PVM related things, i just always use the SGS for this
The droprate for obsidian claws are way to high for their actual price. they aren't trash tho, you can actually easily combo someone out with a claw-gmaul spec since the delay on the clawspec is about half a second.

10. Grand Exchange:

I am not quite sure about it yet, but removing GE is something I thought about some weeks after it got released.
No, The GE allows you to not spend a shit ton of hours to sell your items.

11. Advertising

All of the changes mentioned  above won't be that useful if nobody knows about them. The hype we had when ironman mode was introduced needs to be replicated with a full reset as well. Adding a timer to FB, wiki and all other medias/forums where Emps is represented could help alot. The timer depends on amount of time our coder has to work on the changes. 1 month should be time enough assuming Emps is getting changed every day.
Why would you want to bring our coder in a hurry by adding a freakin timer on everything.

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Re: Wanna fix this server? Believe it or not, this is the only way...
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2017, 07:50:33 pm »
Why do people keep suggesting soul wars? Nobody but bots played it in RS
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Re: Wanna fix this server? Believe it or not, this is the only way...
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2017, 08:12:26 pm »
1. Complete Reset: Accounts and Items
This is the biggest step that needs to be done. In order to fix all the issues at once, a full reset is the only solution.
Because fuck everyone that's remained loyal to the server by playing. It just takes away everything everyone has worked for without actually solving the problem. I get that it would make stuff cleaner overall, but that benefit is far outweighed by the sheer amount of demotivation the current playerbase would actually get. It's not necessary and it's generally frustrating for loyal players, it would be a bad move.

Loyal players should never ever be screwed over to benefit players that left or new players. That'd be a dick move.

2. Rework Drops:
I do not know the corrunt drop rates and amounts of dropped items at the moment, but the drop rates as well as drop tables were horrible when
I left. Dragon claws used to be the strongest special attack weapon at some time with a drop rate of 2% I think. Just to make this clear. You were able to kill 20+ wildy wyrms with one inventory of food/potions and there were multiple locations of the same NPC as well. Same goes for GWD and many other items.
This part isn't all that well constructed and I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to point out. If it's about the value of rare items that's mostly because there are no sinks or pkers. Lower demand means lower prices, regardless of what the supply actually is. This is something that can actually be fixed by the playerbase itself, but I don't think anyone is really willing to sink their valuables for the sake of the economy. What I will say is that people are generally glorifying how good of a moneymaking method it is to go after rare drops and that the relatively high amount of people hunting for them has caused them to drop.

-> "Very strong items" (strong items and Emps-World? IKR) need to be rare AF (0,5-1% drop rate depending on the difficulty).
The rate itself is irrelevant, if you lack sinks the supply will eventually be too much and you'll end up in the same place. You're not actually fixing the problem you'd be postponing it.

3. XP Changes:

The XP rates of some skills need to be changed. Herblore, farming and prayer needs to be harder to max for sure while some other skills are debatable.
I completely disagree, having 99s be less out of reach actually makes people think of maxing out more often. Herblore is actually quite slow and given the amount of time it takes to buy ingredients it takes plenty of time to max. Farming I don't necessarily think is too fast. It does get pretty fast if you're using all patches but that requires an adequate amount of effort to do, which is fine in my opinion. I wouldn't mind lower farming exp rates if it's made more passive of a skill.

We aren't going to be able to get back the 'omfg he has 99 in a skill' feeling, regardless of what we do to exp rates. This is because we've all collectively gotten smarter and we're no longer absolutely clueless to training.

4. One Mini-Game:

Pest Control and "Emps-Wars" should get removed and Soul Wars needs to get added instead (ignore the rewards for now)
Wouldn't mind, don't think it's necessary.

5. Removal of "useless" items:
Emps-World has way too many useless items which were added for no reason e.g. mjolnirs dropped by t95 slayer monsters and much more. Most items obtained by donating need to get removed as well (Do not worry Thomy. You will get your money, but not with this crap). Giving a full list now is not needed since it is unclear whether a full reset will happen or not.
It won't. Cosmetics don't hurt anyone. If you don't like them don't wear them. No wieldable item in the donor shop completely outclasses items that are similar to it. Those mjolnirs were actually removed. Cosmetics aren't necessarily bad. Rather give stuff purpose that removing it.

6. Shop Reworks:
The biggest issue I see are the amounts of runes you can buy from store. As an ironman, getting 99 magic was the easiest skill to achieve.
You can buy multitudes more in rs, it really isn't an issue. Magic has always been easy so long as you can afford runes.

Since there will be only one mini-game there will be also one reward shop and no, there will be no option to buy XP (I wonder if you still can buy 99 prayer with 10k PC points).
I think you're exaggerating about the amount of points, but yes, it is still possible to get exp for your minigame tokens. Frankly I think it's one of the better rewards pest control has to offer to newer players. Combat isn't and shouldn't be a difficult thing to get up. The fact that the exp you get for your tokens depends on your level means that training prayer with bones isn't irrelevant, training with bones is also far more exp/h than pest control can possibly be. For other combat skills it's not really a problem, you can get every combat skill to 99 really damn easily without pest control.

Soul Wars will have mainly rechargable strong and very usefull items. Void armour (gloves getting removed) will be the best armour in the game, but it getting it will take a long time (1% chance to get a random void piece you do not own for winning the mini-game and 0,5% for losing it). The other items are unclear yet.
Let's make it the best in slot armour because fuck variety. Let's remove the gloves because the set wasn't already strong enough. Let's make getting it involve ritualistically sacrificing your arm, leg and brother to RNGsus in order to get all the pieces. This song accurately describes how I feel about that.

Void is already flat out the best armour for offensive stats if you aren't on a slayer task. Stats should not be balanced completely around how difficult it is to get something. Something being untradable does not justify an insane amount of power.

Slayer shop also needs a huge rework (no, the latest update is not what I meant).
The points shop could use additional rewards however the latest update to it was quite good. Feel free to not completely skip over the most important part next time.

7. Rework of JAD:
The only way to obtain fire cape will be killing jad. However it will be the way it used to be in Emps-Scape.
Not necessary and will completely flop if you don't remove all existing fire capes from the game. Ironmen would generally stay away from getting a fire cape because they're at a severe disadvantage due to them not being able to buy gear. Fight caves could be made somewhat more difficult by adding the healers, I wouldn't mind that but I don't think it's necessary either.

8. Removal of unhealthy items:
- PvP armours
- GWD gloves and boots
And these are unhealthy because? Because they've got better stats than existing items? Void is better than PvP armours in terms of offensive stats by a huge amount. Gwd boots are the only item you've listed that are in a bad spot, but for a completely different reason. They're outclassed by the boots dropped from ice strykewyrms. To solve that it wouldn't be too bad of an idea to make the strykewyrms drop an upgrading material for gwd boots instead. It's really not a major problem though.

9. Special Weapons:
Dragon claws, Obsidian claws and korasi's are some of the items I remember that were complete trash. There is no point in adding items that meant to be bad in the first place. The way of obtaining them as well as their strength needs a rework. Of course there are many more items like this, which I will not list now.
D claws have either been completely OP or trash, after the amount of changes to them I don't see them being touched anytime soon. Obsidian claws should've been upgraded from dclaws with an item dropped by obsidian dragons. The main problem with this is people don't take the time to properly test and write topics on the subject. If something is broken there is outrage and the general reaction is a nerfhammer. If people take the time to properly adress the issue something has then it will result in a better fix.

10. Grand Exchange:
I am not quite sure about it yet, but removing GE is something I thought about some weeks after it got released.
Because let's remove the thing that killed trade scamming, made you able to trade without physically being present at a location and generally made trading a lot easier for people that can't or don't want to spend a lot of their time trading rather than playing the actual game.

11. Advertising
All of the changes mentioned  above won't be that useful if nobody knows about them. The hype we had when ironman mode was introduced needs to be replicated with a full reset as well. Adding a timer to FB, wiki and all other medias/forums where Emps is represented could help alot. The timer depends on amount of time our coder has to work on the changes. 1 month should be time enough assuming Emps is getting changed every day.
I'm not sure if you're saying you want shit reset every update or you want things to be announced more clearly. I'm gonna go with the latter. I generally think that reading the update notes every time they're posted isn't a very difficult thing to do. There has actually already been a change to the client, whenever you start it up there are pictures of somewhat recent updates with a direct link to the update notes. If people are too lazy to read them that's their problem. I wouldn't be against putting them out there more, but the main reason people are uninformed is because they're too lazy to read shit.

I wouldn't want more pressure on Thomy though. Updates should be released when they're done. Rushing isn't good for anything. Showing development process every now and then like when construction was being developed is plenty.
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Re: Wanna fix this server? Believe it or not, this is the only way...
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2017, 08:53:19 pm »
@Charr I'd rather see a total reset and see people competing for ranks from scratch than see people abusing shit for ez XP #marbles

It's not a dick move, the reset should have been done when Emps-World launched. People had nothing to do since the game came back online, so of course there's nobody playing.
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Re: Wanna fix this server? Believe it or not, this is the only way...
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2017, 07:57:08 am »
After seeing the complete reset idea i knew it wasn't worth reading more of this garbage lol

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Re: Wanna fix this server? Believe it or not, this is the only way...
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2017, 08:17:52 am »
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Re: Wanna fix this server? Believe it or not, this is the only way...
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2017, 08:21:26 am »
Server reset would make more sense even though it would hurt the people that already bragged all the time about their own stuff. For me, server reset seems the idea out of the all. I don't care what others think. Server reset would place things in place. :)

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Re: Wanna fix this server? Believe it or not, this is the only way...
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2017, 09:21:12 am »
It's not a dick move, the reset should have been done when Emps-World launched. People had nothing to do since the game came back online, so of course there's nobody playing.
It is most definitely a dick move if it happens now. I do agree that it would've actually been alright if it happened when world was launched. Nothing is an exaggeration, but I see your point.
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Re: Wanna fix this server? Believe it or not, this is the only way...
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2017, 09:59:11 am »
After seeing the complete reset idea i knew it wasn't worth reading more of this garbage lol
well he has some good points in the rest of his post so maybe don't judge immediately

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Re: Wanna fix this server? Believe it or not, this is the only way...
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2017, 10:23:50 am »
This is the kind of feedback I kinda expected.

7. Rework of JAD:
The only way to obtain fire cape will be killing jad. However it will be the way it used to be in Emps-Scape.
Not necessary and will completely flop if you don't remove all existing fire capes from the game. Ironmen would generally stay away from getting a fire cape because they're at a severe disadvantage due to them not being able to buy gear. Fight caves could be made somewhat more difficult by adding the healers, I wouldn't mind that but I don't think it's necessary either.

Just to make this clear all the changes I suggested are a package. You cannot take one single change and expect that everything is getting fixed. Therefore I will ignore comments like this for the moment.

Let's get back to the topic where most of the worries are coming from.

I will explain all the changes I suggested and add a priority number from 1-5 (5 being the highest) to make clear how important these changes are.

1. Server Reset (5)

Nothing is gonna change without a full reset. I see some players are open minded about that while many other players are not. I also agree that a full reset was needed when Emps-World was launched. The ironman mode showed how balanced the server was when you started from scratch without being able to trade. The problem was that all the normal players had the stats to farm all the items with the overpowered drop rates in the first couple months (this was the time when Thomy left the server for 3 months I think while drop rates were increased 1-2 weeks before).

I am surprised that JP is willing to give up all the things he has achieved for the sake of the server. Quite nice that I am not the only one who cares more about the server than the personal achievements ingame and this is why he has my biggest respect (JP = Emps-World). For those who do not know me, JP and I competed for the ironman rank #1 while my main account was probably the richest player ingame when I quit Emps-World. I also doubt that anyone has more unique accounts than I do.

2. Rework Drops (4)

As I mentioned before, I do not know the exact drop rates and amounts but as far as I know most ironmen used to make money from jelly tasks because of their low slayer requirement vs the valuable drops (alchables). I am sure I will find many flaws up till now when I take a look at the drop tables. Drops should be adjusted according to the difficulty or made very rare instead.

3. XP Changes (3)

Reducing the XP for all the combat stats was a very good move by Thomy. But it does not affect most of the players anymore. Why did I suggest making herblore harder? Because you get tons of seeds from thieving and PvM while farming is one of the easiest skills. You can easily collect white berries or eye of newts and power train herblore to 99 if you go for XP. What I am trying to say is that many ingredients are obtained way too easy/fast for this xp rates. Either change the xp rates or change the way + amount of the ingredients you get.

4. One Mini-Game (2)

This one has a low priority. Why? Because not many people will focus on mini-games when Emps-World gets a reset. Having one mini-game with 250 players max in ucoz times was more than enough. Back then the rewards were also more appealing. The mini-game I am suggesting does not have to be Soul Wars, but Pest Control is a mini-game we do not need for sure and never needed. I guess Emps-Wars can be made even more interesting than the classical version, but the rewards need to be different as well.

5. Removal of useless items (1)

At first we would need to discuss which items are useless and which are not. I think we all can agree that mjolnirs are one of these. There are many more items like this and most of them were added by Mary, a creature that is problably the most iconic player when it comes to having a personal benefit of updating the server.

Since this list has a low priority, it does not have to be changed immediately. I know that many players like fashion-scape. I guess moving all these items to a single shop with a decent price (-> money sink in exchange for cosmetics LUL) could solve the problem.

6. Shop Reworks (4)

As I mentioned before, some items and the amount you can obtain from shops are way too overpowered. Runes are the best example. Combine the low requirements for jellies vs their alchables, add them to rune costs + the amount of runes you can buy at once and there you got 99 magic by spending 20m only. Runes should be mainly obtained by doing runecrafting only making magic a valuable and effective time consuming skill. I do not know how often magic is used nowadays, but back then it was the best way to do any PvM activities.

This would mean that the skill runecrafting would also need a rework to make it more enjoyable and profitable.

The other shops that need a rework are all mini game shops, slayer, donation store and general store.

7. Rework of JAD (1)

This is also a mini game that has low priority. Why? Because it takes quite a while to get the fire cape when you start from scratch. The very first version of obtaining a fire cape was a mini game that made people come together. Competing with other players over an item or a win is way more fun/interesting than the Pest Control type of mini-games.

The shop would need a full rework as well.

8. Removal of unhealthy items (4)

This one has a high priority. Items such as bandos helm, and all the other boots and gloves pieces were never needed. GWD drops way too many valuable items. I still believe that the only person benefiting from this update was Mary.

PvP armors were also very unhealthy for the server. I admit that it was also my fault that these items got into the game the way they did. They dominated the server for quite a long time and led to alot frustration across the server even though a much stronger version of them was planned before they got released.

9. Special weapons (4)

This is something that Thomy has his own problem with. He never liked the idea of having strong items. You can see that the first releases of specific items were complete garbage e.g. korasi's, abyssal cannon, obsidian claws and the nerfed versions of the melee pvp items. He was so focused on his formula based on level requirements that he made every item look like trash that got into the game for the first time.

There should be weapons like korasi's and claws that are only good for one thing - their special attack. But having an excuse like "look how easy you can get it" is what made him stop making these items strong back then. These items should have never been obtained that easily in the first place.

Emps-World needs more items that benefit players in certain situations e.g. vs slayer tasks (good job on that), weaknesses, health and defense based special attacks and much more.

10. Grand exchange (1)

This is an idea that barely made it to the list and that I am not quite sure about it yet. The only reason I suggest to remove it is to force players to interact more with each other. But I guess the grand exchange has way too many positive benefits to offer.

11. Advertising (5)

For those who did not understand my idea behind that. We should advertise that Emps-World is having a full reset e.g. on FB while linking the page to forums for more information. It would have a similar effect like the Deadman Tournament on OSRS where everyone is hyped for the whole week. It is proven that streamers get way more viewers during this time or any other huge update (e.g. release of raids and inferno on osrs).

While other people see the timer when Emps-World is getting a reset (e.g. 1 month), Thomy has this time to work on the things that need to be changed to not replicate a launch from 2014. All of the changes made during this 1 month would be made public to hype the "Comeback" even more. I know that this will be stressful for Thomy, but it is not getting any better the way it is now either...

12. Auras (4)

They should have never entered the game.

« Last Edit: June 15, 2017, 08:02:49 pm by Junkz »
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Re: Wanna fix this server? Believe it or not, this is the only way...
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2017, 11:02:47 am »
*sigh* Nevermind.

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Re: Wanna fix this server? Believe it or not, this is the only way...
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2017, 03:42:05 pm »
*sigh* Nevermind.

Soz for wanting content to play through. I'd still probably be playing on the ironman of mine if the dxp scrolls didnt get removed from the EP shop. I used to have a reason to log in. Now I have a reason to go to work so I can donate for the tickets :LUL: And those hours, along with the bunch of daily shit in RS, are away from emps. I liked the fresh start because playing on a main account nowadays is no different from ironman.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2017, 03:46:59 pm by Someone12116 »
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Re: Wanna fix this server? Believe it or not, this is the only way...
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2017, 05:57:57 pm »

1. Complete Reset: Accounts and Items

I'll leave this for later, as I am not into doing such things without creating a poll on forums where people agree / disagree on it with explanation ofc,
taking a look at Highscores makes me think about it again, it could be healthy for the game overall however people who has billions of xp, you can't simply remove hours and hours of their life within 15 seconds.

2. Rework Drops:

3. XP Changes:

4. One Mini-Game:

Maybe doing what thomy suggested a month or 2 ago, keeping each mini-game open for 1 week, then switch to another one
so you gather everyone in one place.

5. Removal of "useless" items:

This should be a thing imo, We have a lot of items that I don't think should be in game from the first place, such as obsidian claws, the new corrupt items, can't think of over things atm.

6. Shop Reworks:


7. Rework of JAD:
Yes, this has been suggested by a lot of players and yet its not a thing ing, again such thing can be done the same way as mini-games ( switching between obsidian-caves ( current mini game ) and the old jad comes like once a week or 2 times a week )

8. Removal of unhealthy items:

9. Special Weapons:

10. Grand Exchange:
I don't think that thomy will agree on doing such thing even if everyone agreed on it, he spent so much hours on doin it

11. Advertising
This is the most important part of the whole damn list, yet you managed to put it on the bottom.
We are not advertising at all, I don't know how are we supposed to get some new players if we are the only people who know about the server.

IMO we should enable voting system back, with big ass rewards this time to force people into using VPN and start voting so damn

if we can't reach the top 10 on the list or at least the first page, then someone should be done so we can do that, instead of removing the whole voting system which doesn't help at all and it has been proved so damn much already

I am not a very active player, like I login like 10 mins - 20mins every few days to check what has changed, tbh the only thing i see everytime i login that has been changed is our online players

few mins ago, 24 online players and 2 at world 2 ( Yet i can't understand why do we need 2 online worlds for the love of whoever thomy believes in )

Something has to be done, Advertising, bringing everyone together ( even if he has to remove G.E for some time to make this happen ), removal of the useless items with their NPC that drops it, stop spreading the players all over the map, we can't even make a circle around G.E fountain :/

I'll leave a better reply in few days after I finish my exam and get my brain to work again.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2017, 06:05:38 pm by Ameer »

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