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Offline Ahrim Ghost

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Some Suggestions.
« on: November 26, 2014, 09:46:39 am »
Few things I would like to suggest.

-  Add the CRTL button for replying to the last person who messages you.

-  Drops on Frost dragons seem a bit bland to me, add a cute frost dragon pet. :)

- Add more monsters that drop Toadflax, or in greater amounts because there is a huge deficit of sara brews in game at the moment. Not saying there needs to be "A LOT" more, but just a bit more so more people can do Jad, Kree etc.

-  At the moment castle wars is just not anywhere near as fun as it used to be and just doesn't feel right so I suggest getting rid of the flag system and bringing back the old system where there was 2 bosses instead on either team. Since we cant use commander zylina and Kril , we could potentially use the bosses they use on runescape for soulwars? It just seems like it would make castle wars a bit more lively. 

-  I don't know if it's possible but we really do need a G.E, for players like me. The timezone I live in means that my average day consists of roughly 20 to 40 players on between around 11am to 11pm. If for example I don't have resources or items that I need, it is usually impractical for me to buy anything. This especially becomes a problem because if I hop on and I wanna pvm and have no resources I can't buy anything and means I can either go and make some myself which takes quite a bit of time or I normally have to wait the whole day till more players are online and I can buy some stuff.

Thoughts ?


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Re: Some Suggestions.
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2014, 11:29:53 am »
Few things I would like to suggest.

-  Add the CRTL button for replying to the last person who messages you.

-  Drops on Frost dragons seem a bit bland to me, add a cute frost dragon pet. :)

- Add more monsters that drop Toadflax, or in greater amounts because there is a huge deficit of sara brews in game at the moment. Not saying there needs to be "A LOT" more, but just a bit more so more people can do Jad, Kree etc.

-  At the moment castle wars is just not anywhere near as fun as it used to be and just doesn't feel right so I suggest getting rid of the flag system and bringing back the old system where there was 2 bosses instead on either team. Since we cant use commander zylina and Kril , we could potentially use the bosses they use on runescape for soulwars? It just seems like it would make castle wars a bit more lively. 

-  I don't know if it's possible but we really do need a G.E, for players like me. The timezone I live in means that my average day consists of roughly 20 to 40 players on between around 11am to 11pm. If for example I don't have resources or items that I need, it is usually impractical for me to buy anything. This especially becomes a problem because if I hop on and I wanna pvm and have no resources I can't buy anything and means I can either go and make some myself which takes quite a bit of time or I normally have to wait the whole day till more players are online and I can buy some stuff.

Thoughts ?
You can already press the TAB button to reply to PMs.

Frost dragon pet would be cool, but uneccessary.

There's not a shortage on s brews, everyone's just saving up their herbs and crushed nests for double exp (assumingly)

Castle-wars: The point of castle-wars is not to get lucky and get in a team with better armor and higher levels like it was when you killed bosses, but a strategic minigame.

A GE would be very nice, but the value of the items would have to be updated frequently.

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Offline Ahrim Ghost

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Re: Some Suggestions.
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2014, 11:42:11 am »
Few things I would like to suggest.

-  Add the CRTL button for replying to the last person who messages you.

-  Drops on Frost dragons seem a bit bland to me, add a cute frost dragon pet. :)

- Add more monsters that drop Toadflax, or in greater amounts because there is a huge deficit of sara brews in game at the moment. Not saying there needs to be "A LOT" more, but just a bit more so more people can do Jad, Kree etc.

-  At the moment castle wars is just not anywhere near as fun as it used to be and just doesn't feel right so I suggest getting rid of the flag system and bringing back the old system where there was 2 bosses instead on either team. Since we cant use commander zylina and Kril , we could potentially use the bosses they use on runescape for soulwars? It just seems like it would make castle wars a bit more lively. 

-  I don't know if it's possible but we really do need a G.E, for players like me. The timezone I live in means that my average day consists of roughly 20 to 40 players on between around 11am to 11pm. If for example I don't have resources or items that I need, it is usually impractical for me to buy anything. This especially becomes a problem because if I hop on and I wanna pvm and have no resources I can't buy anything and means I can either go and make some myself which takes quite a bit of time or I normally have to wait the whole day till more players are online and I can buy some stuff.

Thoughts ?
You can already press the TAB button to reply to PMs.

Frost dragon pet would be cool, but uneccessary.

There's not a shortage on s brews, everyone's just saving up their herbs and crushed nests for double exp (assumingly)

Castle-wars: The point of castle-wars is not to get lucky and get in a team with better armor and higher levels like it was when you killed bosses, but a strategic minigame.

A GE would be very nice, but the value of the items would have to be updated frequently.

Legit didn't even know about the TAB thing , so my bad.

Yeah I guess the other stuff makes since, however the castle wars thing. I know what you mean by it being a strategic minigame, but atm it's just not working out right. Yeah there were always problems regarding who got on the better team with the old system. But I'd rather have that and enjoy myself whilst getting tickets rather than "Strategically" planning my flag capture with my other 4 or so team mates who probably don't even know what their doing half the time.

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Re: Some Suggestions.
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2014, 11:52:25 am »
G.E yes plz :)

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Re: Some Suggestions.
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2014, 01:15:37 pm »
I agree with everything but the 1st point :P

Thanks Bubblebeam2 and Shadowkei <3

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Re: Some Suggestions.
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2014, 02:53:02 pm »
GE would be awesome:D

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Re: Some Suggestions.
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2014, 03:13:37 pm »
1. Is already explained.

2. I'm not sure if there's such a model of the frost dragon. ( )

3. Totaly agreed, this would be nice to regenerate some supplies while killing NPCs

4. Not sure if it's possible to bring back the old system, however if it's possible I'd be happy to see it back ingame.

5. Read the rules & ''what not to post'' threads first:

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Re: Some Suggestions.
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2014, 03:43:43 pm »
- GE might come in the future, but don't suggest it please.

- Castle Wars will sadly not be changed.

- I'm not too sure with the Toadflax one.

- I'd like a Frost Dragon pet. :)

- We have TAB for that purpose.

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Re: Some Suggestions.
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2014, 08:41:22 pm »
You can press tab.
Agree with more frost drops, even though bones are pretty powerful right now.
Old castle wars pls.

IGN: Rican soul15
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