Resetting this server is pointless because it has nothing to keep players in the first place. I'm also sure that the majority of the current players only play the game because they still have their items or rank. Once their status is gone (e.g. from a server reset), they would quit as well. Stakers are an exception because even if they have nothing, they still think that they will get rich someday.
The same goes for voting or advertising in general. Why bother when you cannot make people stay? Yes, the playercount might go up in the next few weeks/months just because of the curiosity of the newcomers. But they will leave just as fast as they have joined.
Adding new mid game content such as demon bones is just another waste of time, especially when the majority (~90%) of the online players are level 120+.
Just out of curiosity, how would you describe or advertise world to your friends?
- Challenging RSPS?
- Unique custom items?
- HD water?
- Auras?
Does anything of that (except HD water :kappa:) sound interesting to you?
Why join a RSPS for a challenge when you can play RS? All the other features World is known for are just a cheap version of RS3.
If you check out the succesful servers you will see they all have many similarities.
- OSRS or 474 source
- easy xp rates
- gambling (RNG)
- "pay2win"
- all types of ranks
- many pkers
I am not a fan of all of their features, but world does not have any of them. Also, simply copying some of their features would be the end for world as well, because of the state this server is currently at.
Thomy, you should have worked on an OSRS based version last year already and used your money to promote the launch of OSES instead of asking Mary for new custom designs or the new guy to advertise a dead game. But we all know that you cannot live with the fact, that these ideas are coming from me, one of the few members who cared for the server the most.
Isn't it funny that the guy who was against opening OSES the most does not play world either anymore. Also funny how the majority of the players who suggested things to be changed in the previous "Future of Emps" discussions do not play the game as well anymore and guess what, it will be the same in a half year.
It is not to late to work on OSES. But I am also certain that you will mess it up by making a server that you or the current community will like (Emps-World LUL) and asking me or some other players for their ideas is a no-go because of your ego.
Have a nice day
p.s. banning me from shoutbox for saying that world is dead indirectly was the best thing you have done. Now the leftover shoutbox users who do not play the game either can freely chat about whatever they want except for emps. :pogchamp: