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Offline F R E E

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Reduce pking hits by 20%
« on: November 16, 2020, 03:56:02 pm »
There's noway to be pking anymore. You can be standing at 86hp and be killed by a single hit. We eat at 70 we get called safer, you eat at 65 you're insta dead. Pking is actually so dead and with those maxhits there's noway someone new will give it a try. Glad Maul can hit up to 69 and dragon maul goes for 48. 68+48+48= 165hp within a second. How can someone be surviving that with mantas or fury sharks eating of 25 + a brews of 16 (41 max) while you got 2x 48 within 0.5 secs.

We need a way to make pking safer or idk. I'm suggesting that the moment your in wild you maxhits is getting reduced by 20% or so. At this moment agb will goes from around 95 to 77 which is good. Maul from around 45 to 38 which is perfect too. I know you dont give a single F**k about wildy but for some people wildy is actually the only reason they still play that game.

We need to change something it's not even pking anymore it's about rushing n telling until your RNG make a good combo.

Please some change at wildy maxhits.

« Last Edit: November 16, 2020, 09:24:51 pm by F R E E »
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Online Thomy

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Re: Reduce pking hits by 20%
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2020, 12:00:07 pm »
There's quite a few items and mechanics that boost your hitpoints as well as reduce or block incoming hits completely. In the latest patch notes I've also introduced a pvp block damage modifier. You can read about the details here:!/?~22131

Can you give concrete examples where you think it works well and where not? We can tune those modifiers but let's not overdo it in the beginning. ;) We're already sitting at roughly 10-15% damage reduction in PvP zones.

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Re: Reduce pking hits by 20%
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2020, 02:00:46 pm »
Add karambwans for higher combo eat, disable auras in wilderness or atleast II and III ones.

And this made me laugh "We eat at 70 we get called safer, you eat at 65 you're insta dead." Everyone knows how high agb/ags can hit. It's just nonsense to even use 'safer' in emps cos you literally can be dead in second with full hp.
lastly this "68+48+48= 165hp". You forgot to add veng aswell.

Ah yes.. almost forgot. Those "hp boosters" are trash aswell. Imo not worthy to use in pk. Only spectral spirit shield is somewhat usefull.

Online Thomy

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Re: Reduce pking hits by 20%
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2020, 06:01:27 pm »
That's why PvP damage reduction bonus is being tested at the moment. I would like to hear how much this 10-15% damage reduction impacts the current PvP fights. We can always increase it but PvP without any damage also is no fun.
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