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Casting spells when not in range
Whenever you're not in range of your target and you cast a spell on them, instead of running towards them untill you are in range AND cast the spell you run towards them and freeze when in range. It doesn't always happen but when it does it's very annoying, especially when chasing somebody.

Onyx bolts (e) vs dragon bolts (e)
Max bonus damage of onyx (e) effect is 20.
Max bonus damage of dragon (e) effect is 25.

Current pros of onyx (e):
-Heals 20% of the damage dealt when the special effect triggers.
-The special effect cannot be blocked
-The normal hits do the same amount of damage as dragon bolts and the special effect does only 5 less max damage.

Current cons of onyx (e):
-Special effect deals 5 less max damage than dragon (e)

Current pros of dragon (e):
-Special effect does 5 more max damage than onyx (e)

Current cons of dragon (e):
-Special effect can be blocked entirely

In my opinion the dragon bolts are far inferior to onyx bolts in both pvm and pvp situations. They obviously are inferior in pvm because they don't heal. They are inferior in pvp because of several reasons:
1) DFS is very common because it's one of the best shields and very cheap. I would say 50% of the mains in edgeville use a dfs, which means 50% of the time your dragon bolt effect is nullified.
2) The damage increase is very small.
3) Onyx bolts provide much more survivability, this isn't very important in edgeville but it is in deep wilderness. (also dfs is common in deep wilderness too)

Possible solutions:
1) Nerf the special effect damage of onyx (e) by a considerable amount (e.g. max damage bonus 10, min damage bonus 5)
2) Nerf the ability of the dfs and antifire potions to nullify the effect of dragon bolts (e) (e.g. a 50% chance to nullify when 1 is used, 100% when both are used)
3) A combination of 1 and 2

In my opinion solution 1 is undesirable because it would also heavily nerf the pvm aspect of the bolts. (I still want onyx (e) to be the best bolts for pvm). Solution 2 isn't enough of a buff. (would you rather have a guaranteed damage bonus of 10-20 that also heals you OR a 50% chance of a damage bonus of 10-25) Therfore I believe nerfing the maximum damage bonus of onyx bolts to 15 + nerfing the dfs and antifire potions as described above is the best solution. This would result into the dragon bolts (e) being the obvious choice when no dfs/antifire is being used and a pretty much even choice between the 2 when a dfs or antifire is being used. You have to choose between consistent bonus damage+heals versus KO potential.

The range of godbows
Currently their range is insane. I don't understand why it's needed because they're already very strong. IMO a max range (when using rapid/accurate) equal to the max range of spells would be sufficient.

Attacking someone who is already under attack freezes your character
It's hard to explain but try to image the following situation.

You're deep pking with your mate at spectrals. Your mate is the designated tber (which is pointless already but more on that later) and you are the barrager. You find yourselves a target. Your mate teleblocks him and gets off so you can take over. You start following the now running target. You can't attack him yet because he is still under the effect of the pj timer (cuz your friend attacked him a few seconds ago). Whenever you think you are able to attack him you try to barrage him. Unfortunately you can't attack him yet. This is where the problem arises. Instead of continuing to follow your target, trying to attack him (and failing) caused your character to stop moving. This can be very tricky because there is a very small window between you being able to attack him and them being able to log out. You don't want to risk them logging out so you probably attack the them too soon which causes this issue.

When moving (e.g. following a target or just running in general) failing to attack someone does not interrupt your initial movement. The message "this player is already under attack" will stil pop up but you will just continue moving.

Food drops in the wilderness
It's game breaking in deep wilderness. When 2 teams meet eachother they might as well not engage in combat at all because none of them will die. It's that simple. Every team I've ran into drops food for their dying teammates. Do I care about not getting the kill? I care a bit yes, losing potentially good footage to a stupid mechanic like this is kind of annoying. But the biggest issue I have with it is that it removes the risk of pking in deep wilderness. Together with the issues I'm going to mention below it completely removes the risk because you know you will be fine when you have a couple of friends you can call for food drops.

Freeze mechanics in the wilderness
When somehow you find yourself another solo pker in deep wilderness it's pretty much impossible to kill them. Why you may ask? Because they can simply freeze you and run away. It's that simple. They have about 5 tries after they have initially been frozen by you to cast a freeze, if they do they've escaped it's that simple. You will be standing there, frozen, whilst they run away. It has come to the point where people rely on stupid mechanics to escape instead of relying on their skill and the gear they decide to bring.

Remove any binds that apply to your character as soon as the caster of these binds is out of reach. It is like this in OSRS and has always been like that. No one whines about it because people know that they have to use their skill to escape (e.g. good prayer switches) Right now anyone who brings freezes with them automatically gets this free escape wildcard because no matter how shit their gear is compared to the guy who's trying to kill them, they will eventually get that freeze and escape.

Does this remove every escape method? No obviously not. You can still freeze somebody, walk underneath them and log out. However this requires more skill because you actually have to time your freeze now (since it takes like 10 seconds before you can log out), instead of just spamming it and hoping 1 of those 5 barrages hits. Zgs will still be very good because it has a 100% chance to freeze, which means guaranteed escape (as long as you don't mess up).

And before you tell me to stop being salty because you lose kills because of this; I would use this too if I ever have to escape from a single pker, because I know it's overpowered.

Wilderness shortcut
You didn't think I'd forget about this did you? It's still there, it's still gamebreaking and it's still being abused by both pvmers and pkers. I will not stop untill this stupid mechanic is erased from the game. It makes teleblock usless in the easter parts of the wilderness. What did I just say? Useless? It even puts you at a disadvantage! It's faster for people to run to this shortcut than it is for them to run to level 20 and teleport away. Spectrals were put in level 30 as a high risk high reward type of activity. HIGH RISK DOES NOT GO HAND IN HAND WITH A WILDERNESS EXIT THAT'S 8 LEVELS SOUTH OF THE AREA. People love going to spectrals. And I understand why, the rewards are pretty good. But people need to understand that they are in level 30 widlerness for a reason. They are there to attract pkers. Want to kill them with 0 risk? Sure go ahead but expect to be pked and expect your kills to be slow. Want to kill them faster and decrease the chance of being pked? Sure go ahead but you need to bring better gear.

Now this is just the pvm problem. The biggest problem I have with this thing is that pkers who pk at spectrals use this to escape. I have seen situations, and I shit you not, where people who are tbed and have pretty much all their food left would rather GO THROUGH MULTI WHEN THERE IS A 3 MAN TEAM ON THEM and use the shortcut than attempt to tank 25 levels. That's just terrible game design. Just remove it man. It's constantly being abused. People who pk in this area know they have a very small chance of actually dying because of a) this shortcut, b) food drops, c) freeze mechanics. If you let yourself get teleblocked in level 30 you should expect to have to tank 30 levels or 5 minutes and not tank for 7 levels...

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Re: PVP suggestions; coming from one of the most experienced pkers
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2016, 01:06:01 pm »
Casting spells when not in range
As you showed, applies to almost every situation both PvP and  PvM. Agreed.

Onyx bolts (e) vs dragon bolts (e)
Dragon bolts, either they get some rarity to be obtained or made, or nerf their special attack effected damage a bit.

For rest parts, I mostly agree as well, especially:
* Food Drops. Annoys pker who is probably going to win anyways.
* Shortcut, South of Spectrals. Too easy to get away, puts fight in less or no risk.

Offline Freestuffyay

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Re: PVP suggestions; coming from one of the most experienced pkers
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2016, 01:29:46 pm »
mhh posted by lars


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Offline Charr

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Re: PVP suggestions; coming from one of the most experienced pkers
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2016, 04:55:26 pm »
First off, I like seeing you write things. MOAR.

Casting spells when not in range
Whenever you're not in range of your target and you cast a spell on them, instead of running towards them untill you are in range AND cast the spell you run towards them and freeze when in range. It doesn't always happen but when it does it's very annoying, especially when chasing somebody.
This is a bug, it should be fixed.

Onyx bolts (e) vs dragon bolts (e)
Max bonus damage of onyx (e) effect is 20.
Max bonus damage of dragon (e) effect is 25.

Current pros of onyx (e):
-Heals 20% of the damage dealt when the special effect triggers.
-The special effect cannot be blocked
-The normal hits do the same amount of damage as dragon bolts and the special effect does only 5 less max damage.
Current cons of onyx (e):
-Special effect deals 5 less max damage than dragon (e)
Current pros of dragon (e):
-Special effect does 5 more max damage than onyx (e)
Current cons of dragon (e):
-Special effect can be blocked entirely

In my opinion the dragon bolts are far inferior to onyx bolts in both pvm and pvp situations. They obviously are inferior in pvm because they don't heal. They are inferior in pvp because of several reasons:
1) DFS is very common because it's one of the best shields and very cheap. I would say 50% of the mains in edgeville use a dfs, which means 50% of the time your dragon bolt effect is nullified.
2) The damage increase is very small.
3) Onyx bolts provide much more survivability, this isn't very important in edgeville but it is in deep wilderness. (also dfs is common in deep wilderness too)

Possible solutions:
1) Nerf the special effect damage of onyx (e) by a considerable amount (e.g. max damage bonus 10, min damage bonus 5)
2) Nerf the ability of the dfs and antifire potions to nullify the effect of dragon bolts (e) (e.g. a 50% chance to nullify when 1 is used, 100% when both are used)
3) A combination of 1 and 2

In my opinion solution 1 is undesirable because it would also heavily nerf the pvm aspect of the bolts. (I still want onyx (e) to be the best bolts for pvm). Solution 2 isn't enough of a buff. (would you rather have a guaranteed damage bonus of 10-20 that also heals you OR a 50% chance of a damage bonus of 10-25) Therfore I believe nerfing the maximum damage bonus of onyx bolts to 15 + nerfing the dfs and antifire potions as described above is the best solution. This would result into the dragon bolts (e) being the obvious choice when no dfs/antifire is being used and a pretty much even choice between the 2 when a dfs or antifire is being used. You have to choose between consistent bonus damage+heals versus KO potential.
I propose a different solution: Make dfs less commonly used. If it's used that much there needs to be more variety. Considering it's protection against dragonfire attacks and it's operate option, I don't think it would be destroyed by a stat nerf or two. Why not shift it to being a more defensive shield so that people may actually think of bringing a mage book or defender instead of just running dfs?

The range of godbows
Currently their range is insane. I don't understand why it's needed because they're already very strong. IMO a max range (when using rapid/accurate) equal to the max range of spells would be sufficient.
I actually think longbows having a longer range than say darts might actually give them some viability. Dulling that edge they have might be their downfall. If darts have the same range, I definitely wouldn't mind seeing that reduced, a longbow should have a longer effective range than a throwing weapon.

Attacking someone who is already under attack freezes your character
It's hard to explain but try to image the following situation.

You're deep pking with your mate at spectrals. Your mate is the designated tber (which is pointless already but more on that later) and you are the barrager. You find yourselves a target. Your mate teleblocks him and gets off so you can take over. You start following the now running target. You can't attack him yet because he is still under the effect of the pj timer (cuz your friend attacked him a few seconds ago). Whenever you think you are able to attack him you try to barrage him. Unfortunately you can't attack him yet. This is where the problem arises. Instead of continuing to follow your target, trying to attack him (and failing) caused your character to stop moving. This can be very tricky because there is a very small window between you being able to attack him and them being able to log out. You don't want to risk them logging out so you probably attack the them too soon which causes this issue.

When moving (e.g. following a target or just running in general) failing to attack someone does not interrupt your initial movement. The message "this player is already under attack" will stil pop up but you will just continue moving.
Dealing with these kind of interrupts was being referred to as skill when it was about switching armour. I don't know why that's different with chasing, but I still wouldn't mind seeing this.

Food drops in the wilderness
It's game breaking in deep wilderness. When 2 teams meet eachother they might as well not engage in combat at all because none of them will die. It's that simple. Every team I've ran into drops food for their dying teammates. Do I care about not getting the kill? I care a bit yes, losing potentially good footage to a stupid mechanic like this is kind of annoying. But the biggest issue I have with it is that it removes the risk of pking in deep wilderness. Together with the issues I'm going to mention below it completely removes the risk because you know you will be fine when you have a couple of friends you can call for food drops.
People should have some kind safety in numbers. What if dropping were an actual action when it's done in the wilderness? Like you couldn't attack and drop at the same time?

Freeze mechanics in the wilderness
When somehow you find yourself another solo pker in deep wilderness it's pretty much impossible to kill them. Why you may ask? Because they can simply freeze you and run away. It's that simple. They have about 5 tries after they have initially been frozen by you to cast a freeze, if they do they've escaped it's that simple. You will be standing there, frozen, whilst they run away. It has come to the point where people rely on stupid mechanics to escape instead of relying on their skill and the gear they decide to bring.

Remove any binds that apply to your character as soon as the caster of these binds is out of reach. It is like this in OSRS and has always been like that. No one whines about it because people know that they have to use their skill to escape (e.g. good prayer switches) Right now anyone who brings freezes with them automatically gets this free escape wildcard because no matter how shit their gear is compared to the guy who's trying to kill them, they will eventually get that freeze and escape.

Does this remove every escape method? No obviously not. You can still freeze somebody, walk underneath them and log out. However this requires more skill because you actually have to time your freeze now (since it takes like 10 seconds before you can log out), instead of just spamming it and hoping 1 of those 5 barrages hits. Zgs will still be very good because it has a 100% chance to freeze, which means guaranteed escape (as long as you don't mess up).

And before you tell me to stop being salty because you lose kills because of this; I would use this too if I ever have to escape from a single pker, because I know it's overpowered.
I would be happy to see something like this implemented. No more waiting out the wildy for your teleblock to run out. Would be a nice feature, though should only work once out of combat.

Wilderness shortcut
You didn't think I'd forget about this did you? It's still there, it's still gamebreaking and it's still being abused by both pvmers and pkers. I will not stop untill this stupid mechanic is erased from the game. It makes teleblock usless in the easter parts of the wilderness. What did I just say? Useless? It even puts you at a disadvantage! It's faster for people to run to this shortcut than it is for them to run to level 20 and teleport away. Spectrals were put in level 30 as a high risk high reward type of activity. HIGH RISK DOES NOT GO HAND IN HAND WITH A WILDERNESS EXIT THAT'S 8 LEVELS SOUTH OF THE AREA. People love going to spectrals. And I understand why, the rewards are pretty good. But people need to understand that they are in level 30 widlerness for a reason. They are there to attract pkers. Want to kill them with 0 risk? Sure go ahead but expect to be pked and expect your kills to be slow. Want to kill them faster and decrease the chance of being pked? Sure go ahead but you need to bring better gear.

Now this is just the pvm problem. The biggest problem I have with this thing is that pkers who pk at spectrals use this to escape. I have seen situations, and I shit you not, where people who are tbed and have pretty much all their food left would rather GO THROUGH MULTI WHEN THERE IS A 3 MAN TEAM ON THEM and use the shortcut than attempt to tank 25 levels. That's just terrible game design. Just remove it man. It's constantly being abused. People who pk in this area know they have a very small chance of actually dying because of a) this shortcut, b) food drops, c) freeze mechanics. If you let yourself get teleblocked in level 30 you should expect to have to tank 30 levels or 5 minutes and not tank for 7 levels...
Make the obstacles an actual risk to use instead of removing them and it would be fine.

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Re: PVP suggestions; coming from one of the most experienced pkers
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2016, 08:40:57 pm »
First off, I like seeing you write things. MOAR.

Casting spells when not in range
Whenever you're not in range of your target and you cast a spell on them, instead of running towards them untill you are in range AND cast the spell you run towards them and freeze when in range. It doesn't always happen but when it does it's very annoying, especially when chasing somebody.
This is a bug, it should be fixed.
I know, just thought I'd mention it here as well.

Onyx bolts (e) vs dragon bolts (e)
Max bonus damage of onyx (e) effect is 20.
Max bonus damage of dragon (e) effect is 25.

Current pros of onyx (e):
-Heals 20% of the damage dealt when the special effect triggers.
-The special effect cannot be blocked
-The normal hits do the same amount of damage as dragon bolts and the special effect does only 5 less max damage.
Current cons of onyx (e):
-Special effect deals 5 less max damage than dragon (e)
Current pros of dragon (e):
-Special effect does 5 more max damage than onyx (e)
Current cons of dragon (e):
-Special effect can be blocked entirely

In my opinion the dragon bolts are far inferior to onyx bolts in both pvm and pvp situations. They obviously are inferior in pvm because they don't heal. They are inferior in pvp because of several reasons:
1) DFS is very common because it's one of the best shields and very cheap. I would say 50% of the mains in edgeville use a dfs, which means 50% of the time your dragon bolt effect is nullified.
2) The damage increase is very small.
3) Onyx bolts provide much more survivability, this isn't very important in edgeville but it is in deep wilderness. (also dfs is common in deep wilderness too)

Possible solutions:
1) Nerf the special effect damage of onyx (e) by a considerable amount (e.g. max damage bonus 10, min damage bonus 5)
2) Nerf the ability of the dfs and antifire potions to nullify the effect of dragon bolts (e) (e.g. a 50% chance to nullify when 1 is used, 100% when both are used)
3) A combination of 1 and 2

In my opinion solution 1 is undesirable because it would also heavily nerf the pvm aspect of the bolts. (I still want onyx (e) to be the best bolts for pvm). Solution 2 isn't enough of a buff. (would you rather have a guaranteed damage bonus of 10-20 that also heals you OR a 50% chance of a damage bonus of 10-25) Therfore I believe nerfing the maximum damage bonus of onyx bolts to 15 + nerfing the dfs and antifire potions as described above is the best solution. This would result into the dragon bolts (e) being the obvious choice when no dfs/antifire is being used and a pretty much even choice between the 2 when a dfs or antifire is being used. You have to choose between consistent bonus damage+heals versus KO potential.
I propose a different solution: Make dfs less commonly used. If it's used that much there needs to be more variety. Considering it's protection against dragonfire attacks and it's operate option, I don't think it would be destroyed by a stat nerf or two. Why not shift it to being a more defensive shield so that people may actually think of bringing a mage book or defender instead of just running dfs?
That should work. I also don't like how it can be used in combination with every combat style.

The range of godbows
Currently their range is insane. I don't understand why it's needed because they're already very strong. IMO a max range (when using rapid/accurate) equal to the max range of spells would be sufficient.
I actually think longbows having a longer range than say darts might actually give them some viability. Dulling that edge they have might be their downfall. If darts have the same range, I definitely wouldn't mind seeing that reduced, a longbow should have a longer effective range than a throwing weapon.
Well yes they're longbows but they shoot just as fast as shortbows so I think they should be seen as shortbows. Also they will still outrange throwing weapons (not sure about javs). Nerfing their range is just a way to somewhat counter them by using freezes and running in/out of range.

Attacking someone who is already under attack freezes your character
It's hard to explain but try to image the following situation.

You're deep pking with your mate at spectrals. Your mate is the designated tber (which is pointless already but more on that later) and you are the barrager. You find yourselves a target. Your mate teleblocks him and gets off so you can take over. You start following the now running target. You can't attack him yet because he is still under the effect of the pj timer (cuz your friend attacked him a few seconds ago). Whenever you think you are able to attack him you try to barrage him. Unfortunately you can't attack him yet. This is where the problem arises. Instead of continuing to follow your target, trying to attack him (and failing) caused your character to stop moving. This can be very tricky because there is a very small window between you being able to attack him and them being able to log out. You don't want to risk them logging out so you probably attack the them too soon which causes this issue.

When moving (e.g. following a target or just running in general) failing to attack someone does not interrupt your initial movement. The message "this player is already under attack" will stil pop up but you will just continue moving.
Dealing with these kind of interrupts was being referred to as skill when it was about switching armour. I don't know why that's different with chasing, but I still wouldn't mind seeing this.

Food drops in the wilderness
It's game breaking in deep wilderness. When 2 teams meet eachother they might as well not engage in combat at all because none of them will die. It's that simple. Every team I've ran into drops food for their dying teammates. Do I care about not getting the kill? I care a bit yes, losing potentially good footage to a stupid mechanic like this is kind of annoying. But the biggest issue I have with it is that it removes the risk of pking in deep wilderness. Together with the issues I'm going to mention below it completely removes the risk because you know you will be fine when you have a couple of friends you can call for food drops.
People should have some kind safety in numbers. What if dropping were an actual action when it's done in the wilderness? Like you couldn't attack and drop at the same time?
People already have some kind of safety in numbers, it's called pjing. This however is about situations where pjing is no longer an option, because both teams have even ops. People also use low level alts to drop food...

Freeze mechanics in the wilderness
When somehow you find yourself another solo pker in deep wilderness it's pretty much impossible to kill them. Why you may ask? Because they can simply freeze you and run away. It's that simple. They have about 5 tries after they have initially been frozen by you to cast a freeze, if they do they've escaped it's that simple. You will be standing there, frozen, whilst they run away. It has come to the point where people rely on stupid mechanics to escape instead of relying on their skill and the gear they decide to bring.

Remove any binds that apply to your character as soon as the caster of these binds is out of reach. It is like this in OSRS and has always been like that. No one whines about it because people know that they have to use their skill to escape (e.g. good prayer switches) Right now anyone who brings freezes with them automatically gets this free escape wildcard because no matter how shit their gear is compared to the guy who's trying to kill them, they will eventually get that freeze and escape.

Does this remove every escape method? No obviously not. You can still freeze somebody, walk underneath them and log out. However this requires more skill because you actually have to time your freeze now (since it takes like 10 seconds before you can log out), instead of just spamming it and hoping 1 of those 5 barrages hits. Zgs will still be very good because it has a 100% chance to freeze, which means guaranteed escape (as long as you don't mess up).

And before you tell me to stop being salty because you lose kills because of this; I would use this too if I ever have to escape from a single pker, because I know it's overpowered.
I would be happy to see something like this implemented. No more waiting out the wildy for your teleblock to run out. Would be a nice feature, though should only work once out of combat.
I don't think you fully understand what I'm trying to explain. Try to imagine the following situation; 2 solo mage pkers run into eachother. One tries to escape, either immediately or after fighting for a bit. The 'hunter' freezes the 'hunted' > 15 second bind. After 5 second the hunted starts attempting to freeze the hunter. Since he is frozen for 10 more seconds he has about 5 tries before his bind expires. If 1 of those 5 freezes is succesfull > hunter 15 second bind, hunted 0-10 second bind. The hunted can now run away after his bind expires and there's nothing the hunter can do, he can't refreeze in time because of the immunity. My solution is to instantly lift the bind that's on the hunter as soon as the hunted is out of range (using the spell cast distance is probably the best range).

Wilderness shortcut
You didn't think I'd forget about this did you? It's still there, it's still gamebreaking and it's still being abused by both pvmers and pkers. I will not stop untill this stupid mechanic is erased from the game. It makes teleblock usless in the easter parts of the wilderness. What did I just say? Useless? It even puts you at a disadvantage! It's faster for people to run to this shortcut than it is for them to run to level 20 and teleport away. Spectrals were put in level 30 as a high risk high reward type of activity. HIGH RISK DOES NOT GO HAND IN HAND WITH A WILDERNESS EXIT THAT'S 8 LEVELS SOUTH OF THE AREA. People love going to spectrals. And I understand why, the rewards are pretty good. But people need to understand that they are in level 30 widlerness for a reason. They are there to attract pkers. Want to kill them with 0 risk? Sure go ahead but expect to be pked and expect your kills to be slow. Want to kill them faster and decrease the chance of being pked? Sure go ahead but you need to bring better gear.

Now this is just the pvm problem. The biggest problem I have with this thing is that pkers who pk at spectrals use this to escape. I have seen situations, and I shit you not, where people who are tbed and have pretty much all their food left would rather GO THROUGH MULTI WHEN THERE IS A 3 MAN TEAM ON THEM and use the shortcut than attempt to tank 25 levels. That's just terrible game design. Just remove it man. It's constantly being abused. People who pk in this area know they have a very small chance of actually dying because of a) this shortcut, b) food drops, c) freeze mechanics. If you let yourself get teleblocked in level 30 you should expect to have to tank 30 levels or 5 minutes and not tank for 7 levels...
Make the obstacles an actual risk to use instead of removing them and it would be fine.[/quote]
It already is a risk because of the multi zone but people still use it. There is no middle-of-the-road solution. People will abuse it as long as it's there. Doesn't matter if there's 0 risk or there are 5 general graardors blocking it's path, it will be used. The only solution is removing it.

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Re: PVP suggestions; coming from one of the most experienced pkers
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2016, 09:32:38 pm »
That should work. I also don't like how it can be used in combination with every combat style.
Mixed feelings about that. A shield should still be a shield, even for a ranger/mage.

Well yes they're longbows but they shoot just as fast as shortbows so I think they should be seen as shortbows. Also they will still outrange throwing weapons (not sure about javs). Nerfing their range is just a way to somewhat counter them by using freezes and running in/out of range.
Properly balancing range turns out to be an issue yet again. Properly forming them into long range more sniper-esque bows might be interesting.

People already have some kind of safety in numbers, it's called pjing. This however is about situations where pjing is no longer an option, because both teams have even ops. People also use low level alts to drop food...
Hmm, how about drops only showing for the person you're in fight with?

I don't think you fully understand what I'm trying to explain. Try to imagine the following situation; 2 solo mage pkers run into eachother. One tries to escape, either immediately or after fighting for a bit. The 'hunter' freezes the 'hunted' > 15 second bind. After 5 second the hunted starts attempting to freeze the hunter. Since he is frozen for 10 more seconds he has about 5 tries before his bind expires. If 1 of those 5 freezes is succesfull > hunter 15 second bind, hunted 0-10 second bind. The hunted can now run away after his bind expires and there's nothing the hunter can do, he can't refreeze in time because of the immunity. My solution is to instantly lift the bind that's on the hunter as soon as the hunted is out of range (using the spell cast distance is probably the best range).
I understood that much. I just saw teleblocks being lifted as a nice bonus.

It already is a risk because of the multi zone but people still use it. There is no middle-of-the-road solution. People will abuse it as long as it's there. Doesn't matter if there's 0 risk or there are 5 general graardors blocking it's path, it will be used. The only solution is removing it.
But what if the obstacle itself can kill the guy if he's in combat?

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Re: PVP suggestions; coming from one of the most experienced pkers
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2016, 10:07:45 pm »
People already have some kind of safety in numbers, it's called pjing. This however is about situations where pjing is no longer an option, because both teams have even ops. People also use low level alts to drop food...
Hmm, how about drops only showing for the person you're in fight with?
That's a very interesting idea. It would fix both the dropping food problem + the dropping items when dying problem. The only problem I see with this is what happens when you drop something when you're not fighting someone else. But again, very nice solution

I don't think you fully understand what I'm trying to explain. Try to imagine the following situation; 2 solo mage pkers run into eachother. One tries to escape, either immediately or after fighting for a bit. The 'hunter' freezes the 'hunted' > 15 second bind. After 5 second the hunted starts attempting to freeze the hunter. Since he is frozen for 10 more seconds he has about 5 tries before his bind expires. If 1 of those 5 freezes is succesfull > hunter 15 second bind, hunted 0-10 second bind. The hunted can now run away after his bind expires and there's nothing the hunter can do, he can't refreeze in time because of the immunity. My solution is to instantly lift the bind that's on the hunter as soon as the hunted is out of range (using the spell cast distance is probably the best range).
I understood that much. I just saw teleblocks being lifted as a nice bonus.
Just binds, not tb.

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Re: PVP suggestions; coming from one of the most experienced pkers
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2016, 06:51:19 am »
"coming from one of the most experienced pkers" Sir, fix your ego. Not going to read what you wrote at all.
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Re: PVP suggestions; coming from one of the most experienced pkers
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2016, 11:06:20 am »
"coming from one of the most experienced pkers" Sir, fix your ego. Not going to read what you wrote at all.
I have ~6 years of experience when it comes to pking on this server, both emps-scape and emps-world. I doubt anyone who's currently playing can top that. I didn't put it in the title because of my ego, I put it in because it's a fact and shows that I know what I'm talking about.

Hey but don't get me wrong though...

Offline Eddie1408

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Re: PVP suggestions; coming from one of the most experienced pkers
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2016, 11:56:40 am »
Casting spells when not in range:

This should definetely be fixed.

Onyx bolts (e) vs dragon bolts (e):

This is quite difficult topic. On the one hand you are right, but on the other hand these bolts are the most expensive ones. I still agree that dragon bolts should have the highest damage in pvp.

At first I would nerf the drop rates of spirit visage and uncut onyx by a sick amount. Getting an item harder means it becomes rares and not every1 likes to risk alot when the others dont risk alot. I wouldnt have a problem to buy 2k furies/stones/onyx and 500 dfs and drop them until they disappear just to fix this problem.
The next step I would do is change the effect of onyx bolts into heals 10% of the damage dealt vs players and 30-50% of the damage dealt vs monsters. These bolts could be made into something abosulety needed if bosses should get buffed.
Now let's talk about the dragon bolts effect. I think a dfs should work like anti praying. It should negate 30% of the dragon bolt special effect instead of making the bolts absolutely useless. Using an antifire pot could increase the rate to 60%.

The range of godbows

Godbows should never have the range of longbows or even the range of spells. Magic spells should have the highest range in the game. The only other weapons that have the same range as spells are longbows (+dragon bow) using the longbow style.

Attacking someone who is already under attack freezes your character


Food drops in the wilderness

Letting item drops appear seconds after dropping was added to stop 1 itemers from dropping items. But this is getting out of hand.
My solution to this is:
1. Dropping items or items lost upon death will appear after 1:30-2 minutes everywhere (go buy a ga ticket if you dont want to lose your bank in pvm).
2. You cannot drop any items when you are in combat (only in wilderness).

->> solves the problem with 1 itemers that they cant drop items and you cant ask your friends for food drops.

Freeze mechanics in the wilderness


Wilderness shortcut

agree + wilderness is a joke at the moment -> you can teleport from wilderness lvl 15.

Very nice suggestion :)
« Last Edit: May 04, 2016, 01:32:26 pm by Eddie1408 »
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Re: PVP suggestions; coming from one of the most experienced pkers
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2016, 01:15:18 pm »
Your solution for the food drops does not stop players from bringing (low level) alts to drop food. In my opinion the best solution is to not allow food to be dropped in the wilderness at all, or to never let it appear for anyone but yourself (so people can still drop food when their inventory is full and they need to switch to a 2h weapon).

Offline Try Again Fo

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Re: PVP suggestions; coming from one of the most experienced pkers
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2016, 06:46:06 pm »
"coming from one of the most experienced pkers" Sir, fix your ego. Not going to read what you wrote at all.
I have ~6 years of experience when it comes to pking on this server, both emps-scape and emps-world. I doubt anyone who's currently playing can top that. I didn't put it in the title because of my ego, I put it in because it's a fact and shows that I know what I'm talking about.

Hey but don't get me wrong though...
Please...haha. My stomach :DDDD

Offline Lars

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Re: PVP suggestions; coming from one of the most experienced pkers
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2016, 06:54:18 pm »
"coming from one of the most experienced pkers" Sir, fix your ego. Not going to read what you wrote at all.
I have ~6 years of experience when it comes to pking on this server, both emps-scape and emps-world. I doubt anyone who's currently playing can top that. I didn't put it in the title because of my ego, I put it in because it's a fact and shows that I know what I'm talking about.

Hey but don't get me wrong though...
Please...haha. My stomach :DDDD

Anyway enough with the banter, from now on let's stay on topic.
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Offline Try Again Fo

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Re: PVP suggestions; coming from one of the most experienced pkers
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2016, 04:21:03 pm »
"coming from one of the most experienced pkers" Sir, fix your ego. Not going to read what you wrote at all.
I have ~6 years of experience when it comes to pking on this server, both emps-scape and emps-world. I doubt anyone who's currently playing can top that. I didn't put it in the title because of my ego, I put it in because it's a fact and shows that I know what I'm talking about.

Hey but don't get me wrong though...
Please...haha. My stomach :DDDD

Anyway enough with the banter, from now on let's stay on topic.
Guy who shows me one video all the time wants stay on topic, in topic where he made him self a some kind of god. But you're just a cureless hemispherectomiy kiddo. I saw the video mate and it doesn't effect me at all.

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Re: PVP suggestions; coming from one of the most experienced pkers
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2016, 08:52:24 pm »
"coming from one of the most experienced pkers" Sir, fix your ego. Not going to read what you wrote at all.
I have ~6 years of experience when it comes to pking on this server, both emps-scape and emps-world. I doubt anyone who's currently playing can top that. I didn't put it in the title because of my ego, I put it in because it's a fact and shows that I know what I'm talking about.

Hey but don't get me wrong though...
Please...haha. My stomach :DDDD

Anyway enough with the banter, from now on let's stay on topic.
Guy who shows me one video all the time wants stay on topic, in topic where he made him self a some kind of god. But you're just a cureless hemispherectomiy kiddo. I saw the video mate and it doesn't effect me at all.
Rather difficult words for a Lithuanian.

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