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Making Double xp scrolls tradeable.
« on: January 07, 2017, 02:14:47 pm »
As you all propably know 90% of the people (not accurate, don't start telling me about that) stopped using double xp scrolls after they were moved from the EP shop to the EC shop. Most of the people using them nowadays are ones that luckily happened to have tons of them banked before the update and even they are propably slowly starting to run out of them. Those who are willing to pay real money for them have a huge advantage xp efficiencywise, but can't change their scrolls to in-game wealth.
Currently the EC shop has 2 tradeable items that aren't related to clothes or armour (mystery box usually contains a clothing so it isn't included), so xp scrolls being tradeable would increase the variety nicely. As i already stated, there are those who have tons of them banked and would profit from this in the beginning in addition to keeping its price down, but after a while the price would beome stable. More people would have access to the scrolls and people who invest real money would get wealthy. With more demand for EC items their prices would rise which again would make investing real money to buy EC more profitable and compelling. I see this as a win-win, but i'd be happy to hear if you have good reasons why this shouldn't be added.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2017, 02:17:35 pm by Reporter007 »

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Re: Making Double xp scrolls tradeable.
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2017, 05:23:26 pm »
I think this would not be such a bad idea at all. If double exp scrolls were tradeable, a lot of players will demand them. If there is a lot of demand for double exp scrolls, players will buy double exp scrolls instead of rares with their Donator points. This will keep the prices of the rares stable because players buy double exp scrolls instead of rares. Double exp scrolls will have a stable price as well because they are gone after 20 minutes, so they can't be stacked like rares. Maybe this will eventually lead into more donations??
This is my opinion, though.

Offline Charr

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Re: Making Double xp scrolls tradeable.
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2017, 05:32:48 pm »
I'm not sure what stance I should take on this. On one hand, it will probably get more people to skill.

On the other, it will affect the prices of skilling items quite severely. I think the price of a scroll would become the maximum amount of money it would save you when doing a very expensive skill, and it would ultimately not be worth using them on skills that very bloody expensive to train, at least for people that aren't filthy rich.

I would rather see them given out in some way.

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Re: Making Double xp scrolls tradeable.
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2017, 05:41:10 pm »
Bring DXP weekends back or just get completely rid of the things. No point in having a pay wall there.
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Offline Magecrune

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Re: Making Double xp scrolls tradeable.
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2017, 05:53:31 pm »
There's one huge problem with this idea. We have way too many scrolls in game. Some players have stocked hundreds of them, which means they would easily get rich, which is not fair to the rest, who hadn't cashed in their EP.

There's an easy solution to this however.
First to get rid of these old scrolls, change their length back to 20 minutes (or even less, 10 minutes or so).
Secondly, assign a different item ID to the scrolls in EC store and make these tradable (their duration should stay at 1h per scroll).

This way, the players who have stocked them, can't abuse the change. Players would actually donate for the new scrolls, since they would be very viable for skillers (high in demand).
I wouldn't worry about the item prices, since double xp comes with the increase of skillers (both the number of players and materials used due to the skill being easier because of it), so actually more materials would be used. Due to the removal the amount dropped vastly, that's why you can see that skilling items have dropped in price.

Currently the scrolls are dead in EC store, this would change that. The best part is that no-one else benefits from it.

To all the people insisting on the return of DXP weekends and/or making them purchasable from EP store, it just won't happen. It has been made very clear.

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Re: Making Double xp scrolls tradeable.
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2017, 07:44:06 pm »
Aren't there always people who benefit more from updates than the others do? I don't see how that could be a problem, it's not like more money would get into the game because of that. Money will just change hands for a short period of time until it balances out and double exp scrolls will eventually become an item similar to member tickets.

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Re: Making Double xp scrolls tradeable.
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2017, 08:16:12 pm »
Some players have stocked hundreds of them, which means they would easily get rich, which is not fair to the rest, who hadn't cashed in their EP.

Like that will ever be a problem as long as duel arena exists.

Offline Magecrune

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Re: Making Double xp scrolls tradeable.
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2017, 08:57:22 pm »
Il Skill L, do I really have you remind you the last topic that was made:

Since the update tripled the duration and made them pretty much exclusive to the people, who had stacked the scrolls, why would we even reward them more? It already pissed of enough people last time, this would just make it worse.

If we made them tradable without applying my suggested changes, we'd just create tons of supply, which makes the EC shop option completely useless. Absolutely no-one would buy them if they had so large supply elsewhere. Thomy added them to EC store for a reason.

Now with my suggested changes, the EC store purchase would actually be viable, since the scrolls would be 3x (or even more if we nerf the old ones to <20 minutes) more potent and tradable. We wouldn't have huge supply on day 1 and the old scrolls would still stay on individual players. They'd still benefit for having them in the first place, but the benefit is non-existent compared to the cash they'd get for selling them all.

Offline Ameer

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Re: Making Double xp scrolls tradeable.
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2017, 11:43:50 pm »
Il Skill L, do I really have you remind you the last topic that was made:

Since the update tripled the duration and made them pretty much exclusive to the people, who had stacked the scrolls, why would we even reward them more? It already pissed of enough people last time, this would just make it worse.

If we made them tradable without applying my suggested changes, we'd just create tons of supply, which makes the EC shop option completely useless. Absolutely no-one would buy them if they had so large supply elsewhere. Thomy added them to EC store for a reason.

Now with my suggested changes, the EC store purchase would actually be viable, since the scrolls would be 3x (or even more if we nerf the old ones to <20 minutes) more potent and tradable. We wouldn't have huge supply on day 1 and the old scrolls would still stay on individual players. They'd still benefit for having them in the first place, but the benefit is non-existent compared to the cash they'd get for selling them all.

Its not like we have 40 mem tickets ing and people donate daily for them,
I wouldn't mind changing it to 30mins instead of 1 hour, however I don't see a reason why do you guys care so much about people who didn't buy enough of em,
People didn't know that GA price will change from 200 to 1k ec, so people who had a lot of it made a lot of money, yet no one complained.

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Offline Magecrune

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Re: Making Double xp scrolls tradeable.
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2017, 02:24:01 pm »
I care because I have an actual clue on how many are approximately in-game. This change would ruin their position in EC store.
No-one would buy them from there from EC store, if we had such an amount in game already.

I disagree on GA tickets. There was enough chatter about it in forum, so the change was quite predictable.

Why should we make them tradable your way, if there are so many negatives to it (Scrolls being dead content in EC store, yet another way to make those people benefit (they already did since the scrolls are pretty much exclusive and their duration got tripled).
Now my suggestion however makes them more popular in EC store, the other players don't benefit from their hoarding (also the duration of original scrolls would be reverted back to 20 minutes, so they get exactly what they initially bought; these people are already benefiting from their purchase, since they managed to buy so damn many from a very easy source).

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Re: Making Double xp scrolls tradeable.
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2017, 03:11:51 pm »
I care because I have an actual clue on how many are approximately in-game. This change would ruin their position in EC store.
No-one would buy them from there from EC store, if we had such an amount in game already.
No-one would buy them for maybe a month until all the double exp tickets have been used and/or get stuck in peoples banks who decide to collect them. After that they will become even more popular than member tickets are in the EC shop, because they last for way shorter period of time. That's exactly what i meant under it being balanced out eventually in my previous post.

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Offline Magecrune

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Re: Making Double xp scrolls tradeable.
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2017, 03:52:48 pm »
I like how you guys haven't discussed my idea at all. No negatives pointed out so far.
Also just like in the previous topic, most people talking about this do not play, do not skill and/or still have a lot of scrolls.

Let me give you some insight: we currently have 8183 DXP scrolls in game. Yes you can say that many of them are on accounts, which haven't been used in a while, but even if the word doesn't reach those people, we'd still have tons of them.
There's absolutely no way we can balance this out, which is why this will never happen.

Now with my idea, most of these scrolls will stay deserted like they are right now. Let's be realistic, people still have them since they haven't skilled and/or played in a long time, so these wouldn't affect anything. Also to make it more fair, they would be reverted to their original length (20 min). We could make a week-long announcement to people who donated for them, so they could use theirs in time, without having to deal with the duration decrease.
We would just have to make a duplicate out of the current scrolls (same model would be used, just different ItemID), but their length would stay at 1 hour and they would tradable. This way the purchase from EC store would actually be viable, especially to people like me. In this case, we wouldn't have to deal with the balancing, since we start from nought. The players with their current scrolls, would still have what they initially purchased, so it wouldn't be unfair in any way.

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Re: Making Double xp scrolls tradeable.
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2017, 05:28:24 pm »
I like how you guys haven't discussed my idea at all. No negatives pointed out so far.
Also just like in the previous topic, most people talking about this do not play, do not skill and/or still have a lot of scrolls.

Let me give you some insight: we currently have 8183 DXP scrolls in game. Yes you can say that many of them are on accounts, which haven't been used in a while, but even if the word doesn't reach those people, we'd still have tons of them.
There's absolutely no way we can balance this out, which is why this will never happen.

Now with my idea, most of these scrolls will stay deserted like they are right now. Let's be realistic, people still have them since they haven't skilled and/or played in a long time, so these wouldn't affect anything. Also to make it more fair, they would be reverted to their original length (20 min). We could make a week-long announcement to people who donated for them, so they could use theirs in time, without having to deal with the duration decrease.
We would just have to make a duplicate out of the current scrolls (same model would be used, just different ItemID), but their length would stay at 1 hour and they would tradable. This way the purchase from EC store would actually be viable, especially to people like me. In this case, we wouldn't have to deal with the balancing, since we start from nought. The players with their current scrolls, would still have what they initially purchased, so it wouldn't be unfair in any way.

DXP weekends back or get rid of them completely. ez. Stop over complicating things that are simple af to do, like the whole void set idea.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2017, 05:35:48 pm by Someone12116 »
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Re: Making Double xp scrolls tradeable.
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2017, 11:34:45 am »
Being completely honest,
Without DXP games was and will be better
Not sure why it was brought in first place. It's already easy enough to gain exp what more could possible need?
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Re: Making Double xp scrolls tradeable.
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2017, 11:39:42 am »
Being completely honest,
Without DXP games was and will be better
Not sure why it was brought in first place. It's already easy enough to gain exp what more could possible need?

Whether or not DXP exists, it doesn't have any effect on the actual difficulty of the game. Pressing a button on your mouse isn't any harder whether you get 5 xp or 10 xp on it. If you find it difficult, there is a high chance you might be mentally challenged. It will only affect the time you need to repeat the same thing over and over again. There are people who simply cannot play the game 10 hours a day because they have things to do IRL, unlike you. The same people may still also want to get access to the high-level content of the game.
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