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Re: k wut
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2016, 03:16:55 pm »
what's the difference then between afk thieving then? guess nothing
I could be using auto clicker and going afk, seems like it's legal
I'm sorry but that doesn't make sense to me, imo being afk is afk... he's not just standing there, he's standing there in a minigame which you can gain money in a non direct way and it's 6x conisdering he has other accounts too
Here is the issue though; 3rd party programs, like autoclickers are against the rules. You can not afk thieving without one, thus you would be breaking the rules. As far as why afking cw is allowed vs afking thieving, it doesn't use any programs. It's in the same boat as afk training using auto retaliate. You gain something, at a probably slow rate by putting yourself in a location and standing there. You only have to do something (pick up items or put yourself back in the minigame) every few minutes.

As for why 3rd party programs aren't allowed; they give an unfair advantage. You could do a load of things that aren't possible for humans to do, like playing 24/7. People that play the game normally would have no chance at competing with people using programs. You would be required to get one too if you wished to play the game efficiently. These program users would slowly break the economy due to the speed at which they put things into the game.

Now back to CW, this guy barely puts 5 nezzies into the game on a day, how is that gamebreaking at all? How is that compared to someone putting 5m worth of zammy wines into the game by afking monks of zamorak?
You would all literally be biting yourself in the foot if this were to be made illegal for some strange reason. This guy single handedly has made CW more active than any other player, y'all should be rewarding him.
Since when is standing in the spawn doing jack shit being active?
Pretty sure I wrote "made CW more active" not "was more active in CW"

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Re: k wut
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2016, 03:43:15 pm »

You would all literally be biting yourself in the foot if this were to be made illegal for some strange reason. This guy single handedly has made CW more active than any other player, y'all should be rewarding him.
Since when is standing in the spawn doing jack shit being active?
Pretty sure I wrote "made CW more active" not "was more active in CW"
CW active = 90% of the players afking in base?

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Re: k wut
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2016, 03:57:02 pm »

You would all literally be biting yourself in the foot if this were to be made illegal for some strange reason. This guy single handedly has made CW more active than any other player, y'all should be rewarding him.
Since when is standing in the spawn doing jack shit being active?
Pretty sure I wrote "made CW more active" not "was more active in CW"
CW active = 90% of the players afking in base?

The point is that people can at least get tickets.

edit: Thanks for ruining the quote

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Re: k wut
« Reply #18 on: February 08, 2016, 08:34:11 pm »
Big deal guys. Random arab will get more tickets then you, woh, omfg?! Let's perma him!
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