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Offline Avenus

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Implement bots
« on: April 29, 2017, 04:56:24 pm »
Since we got rid of staking, we probably got rid of a bunch of players.

Add 150 bots that walk around and do whatever and make it count on the playercount.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2017, 09:00:32 pm by Avenus »

Offline Charr

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Re: Implement bots
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2017, 05:05:59 pm »
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Offline Dutch Pkerzs

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Re: Implement bots
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2017, 06:19:00 pm »
You can make a bot

Offline Avenus

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Re: Implement bots
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2017, 09:00:44 pm »
You can make a bot

I am a bot, Thomy made me.

Offline S Clegane

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Re: Implement bots
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2017, 09:42:36 am »
You can make a bot

I am a bot, Thomy made me.

Dude, get over it.

To be honest, I was a bit jealous of how you were before, now I'm just sad about you if you think this way.

Just because staking is no fun anymore with 1M stakes, doesn't mean there is nothing to do in game. Be creative more on actual replies because right now they how much of a bot you really are. Game doesn't evolve around staking only. Much less its economy.

Wanna do Emps-World great? Start getting used to updates nowadays, do risk fight in wilderness, hone your skills as player in both PvM/PvP. If you're that desperate, do daily tasks for amazing variety of rewards or go merchant items around. Make yourself great enough to tell others that you play amazing game server. If you want more playing, then try out by doing Guide/Pk videos, there is a lack of them in Emps, as of today. Support community in any way you can. Make General Discussion Topic where people could express their opinion and you carefully take it into consideration while thinking answer to it. Player count doesn't count if people are botting around the Emps. They will be banned in few days at least...

Sorry, for going a bit off-topic here. In short terms, if you're gonna be a bot around then don't complain about ban every now and then.

Offline Avenus

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Re: Implement bots
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2017, 10:34:10 am »
You can make a bot

I am a bot, Thomy made me.

Dude, get over it.

To be honest, I was a bit jealous of how you were before, now I'm just sad about you if you think this way.

Just because staking is no fun anymore with 1M stakes, doesn't mean there is nothing to do in game. Be creative more on actual replies because right now they how much of a bot you really are. Game doesn't evolve around staking only. Much less its economy.

Wanna do Emps-World great? Start getting used to updates nowadays, do risk fight in wilderness, hone your skills as player in both PvM/PvP. If you're that desperate, do daily tasks for amazing variety of rewards or go merchant items around. Make yourself great enough to tell others that you play amazing game server. If you want more playing, then try out by doing Guide/Pk videos, there is a lack of them in Emps, as of today. Support community in any way you can. Make General Discussion Topic where people could express their opinion and you carefully take it into consideration while thinking answer to it. Player count doesn't count if people are botting around the Emps. They will be banned in few days at least...

Sorry, for going a bit off-topic here. In short terms, if you're gonna be a bot around then don't complain about ban every now and then.

I am not talking about bot, as in the term botting.

I am talking about bot, as in the term having afk npc's(players) just all over the map in the game walking back and forth to keep the player count up :P

One can always argue for thing both ways even if you like it or not. This is not a really serious suggestion.
The game is great, content is great, community is small. The "older" player base we used to have, has mostly grown up.
Probably not playing any games at all. That is just the circle of life. At those times it is really, really important to think updates trough.

Emps player base is circling around the players that played here in scape.
I will and can not believe that Emps-World's player base comes from newer players.
When you take away the "joy" that the old player base used to have. Then you set yourself in an awkward position.
An awkward position that leaves you with a even smaller player base over the next period of time. Personally i would not gamble on
them coming back even if changes were reverted. But we all need to fail at some points in life in exchange to evolve.

RSPS Era was over long time ago. We have past 2 years just lost more and more of our old player base. And we haven't been able
to find/recruit new ones.

My tip for Thomy; Go relate Emps-World to a buisness.
What does bigger or smaller buisnesses do when they keep losing their customers?
Declare themselves bankrupt? Or put together a team that works imensly on increasing the players base.
We have staff members, but they just do all in-game related. We need marketers that can take the real world, and put it into the
online world to look for associations on strategies to proceed to make emps grow again. We need a new segment.

Offline Tulrak

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Re: Implement bots
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2017, 12:14:01 pm »
I vote to create staking bots that beg for money in GE and when players trade with them and give them money or items then they sell the items immediately and if they have 1m or more then they go to duel arena.
They open all duel requests that they get, always stake 1m and don't accept unless the other person puts 1m as well.
If the other player doesn't add 1m to the duel in 15 seconds then they decline the duel request and insult the player.
If they don't get any duel requests but there are other players in duel arena then after a minute of being idle they send a duel request to someone at random, if it's another bot then that bot will accept the duel based on the rules mentioned earlier and they will duel each other.
If a bot loses its money and has less than 1m then it goes back to GE and starts begging again.

Can add the bots without telling players, because there would be no way to tell the difference between bots and people who are stakers.
Potential money sink if a bot wins more duels than it loses.
Potential to always have someone to stake in duel arena.
Can be interesting to watch if there are a lot of them.
Increased staker count.
Doesn't generate any wealth by itself so doesn't ruin economy.
Allows a possibility to make the bots monitor other players to gather information about different dueling strategies, as in what to spam click or what text to spam or how or where their friends need to stand and what they need to do to win stakes. Thomy can then use said information to be able to create the ultimate staker account and clean everyone, who hacks in stakes, to teach them a lesson.
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Offline Avenus

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Re: Implement bots
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2017, 12:26:22 pm »
I vote to create staking bots that beg for money in GE and when players trade with them and give them money or items then they sell the items immediately and if they have 1m or more then they go to duel arena.
They open all duel requests that they get, always stake 1m and don't accept unless the other person puts 1m as well.
If the other player doesn't add 1m to the duel in 15 seconds then they decline the duel request and insult the player.
If they don't get any duel requests but there are other players in duel arena then after a minute of being idle they send a duel request to someone at random, if it's another bot then that bot will accept the duel based on the rules mentioned earlier and they will duel each other.
If a bot loses its money and has less than 1m then it goes back to GE and starts begging again.

Can add the bots without telling players, because there would be no way to tell the difference between bots and people who are stakers.
Potential money sink if a bot wins more duels than it loses.
Potential to always have someone to stake in duel arena.
Can be interesting to watch if there are a lot of them.
Increased staker count.
Doesn't generate any wealth by itself so doesn't ruin economy.
Allows a possibility to make the bots monitor other players to gather information about different dueling strategies, as in what to spam click or what text to spam or how or where their friends need to stand and what they need to do to win stakes. Thomy can then use said information to be able to create the ultimate staker account and clean everyone, who hacks in stakes, to teach them a lesson.

Sounds great, i am for it! Thanks for putting out my real suggestion out there. Had a hard time finding the words  ::)

Offline H3lix

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Re: Implement bots
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2017, 11:15:48 am »
Get a new hobby other than staking.

Offline Zudikas95187

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Re: Implement bots
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2017, 06:51:05 pm »
>ban all players
>create an absolute bot community
>install communism in emps world

Offline Someone12116

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Re: Implement bots
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2017, 07:02:40 pm »
Or we could just add a couple of NPC's to the duel arena so Avenus can have a few friends.
It's not like players who actually played the game for its content ever saw those stakers. And if stakers ever left the duel arena, for example to ask ppl at GE to come stake, they got insulted, became mad af and logged out.
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