Best words I heard today, in regards of having more players around:
"Back in the day, players didn't know a thing about staking or even Duel Arena existing in game. Now it's filled with junkyard dumb people who tend to get easy cash and lose it easy as well."
I don't have a proof of who said it, but people from old days I know agree, there has to be something done to lower player rates at staking, and double the Pkers/PvMers. Look around, Wilderness is almost empty besides Spectrals or Revenants. Even multi-zone near Ghost Captain is turning into Ghost town... Fun Pk is empty as well. I stopped talking about PvM in "Let's talk about the economy" made by Charr.
Maybe, we should introduce some kind of PvM / PvP Tournament? So, there should be competition going on, where you actually grind for items required to maintain your training balance?
*Quick disclaimer - Supplies and Gear is your own, you must prepare yourself. You won't lose your items in PvM tournament, but there will be mode in PvP tournament where it will be free for all war(anything goes, loot appears to everybody). Ironman can also participate in tournaments, but in PvP they can't loot any items.
PvM tournament with up to 5 players in it(can start with at least two) and you both choose monsters inside, they respawn till you players all are dead, It would give you points with which you can buy skilling ingredients(herblore secondaries, bowstrings, feathers, raw food, planks, logs, any kind of seeds and etc.)
PvP tournament would take in up to 5 versus 5 teams(at least 2 players in each team) where they battle for team capes. Capes will be untradeable as trophy for winning in competition.
Map for tournament and reward shop design you can post in replies of topic, I couldn't think of any at the moment, so any feedback is accepted.
For those who lost, there is small reward as well as they equally participated in matches against monsters or other players.
In the end result:
PvM/PvP tournament place rewards:
1st - 2500 Tournament Points
2nd - 2000 Tournament Points
3rd - 1500 Tournament Points
4th - 1000 Tournament Points
5th - 500 Tournament Points
Unique items for both tournaments:
Herbicide(50000 PvM Tournament Points) - Burns away useless herbs you select (up to 4 kinds) and has ability to store any grimy herbs you use on it, up to 50 of each kind.
Team Cape X(melee), O(ranged), Z(magic) (25000 PvP Tournament Points) - Each Cape costs 25000 Points, combined would give Team Cape XOZ, making it work as Any magic cape (Saradomin, Guthix or Zamorak), Ava and Fire Cape all together. Individually has stats equal to those of skill shown after the letters.
Bonecrusher (35000 PvM Tournament Points) - Crushes bones instantly when you recieve it as drop and gives 75% of full experience it would give when buried.
Ring of Integrity(45000 PvP Tournament Points) - Lets you teleport to any Wilderness Obelisk. Works Up to 20 level Wilderness.
Pack of Skilling(10000 PvM/PvP Tournament Points) - Gives you random amount of skilling supplies mentioned before.