Emps-World Forum

Emps-World => Bug Reports => Resolved Bug Reports => Topic started by: Koomahiiri on July 13, 2016, 07:10:29 am

Title: Hey, reporting duelarena bug!!
Post by: Koomahiiri on July 13, 2016, 07:10:29 am
I lost my AGS for this FUCKING bug -.-,
Bug = We had dds fight, then we both died with 0hp, and i lost MY AGS, he didnt, this no make sense, i saw when he died too..
Title: Re: Hey, reporting duelarena bug!!
Post by: Mary on July 13, 2016, 03:52:23 pm
did you spawn in your home area or the lobby, and what was mentioned after the duel, did you win tie or lose? This is not enough information.
A poison tick might seem like you die at the same time, but it could have been half a second later or earlier.
Title: Re: Hey, reporting duelarena bug!!
Post by: Koomahiiri on July 14, 2016, 08:17:54 am
No it was draw i saw it, but only i lost my AGS, he didnt lost anything. >:( :'(
Title: Re: Hey, reporting duelarena bug!!
Post by: Mary on July 14, 2016, 03:09:19 pm
According to the logs you simply lost the stake:

[2016-07-13 08:43:46]: From koomahiiri to jouda12: Armadyl godsword[11694], 1

[2016-07-13 08:43:46]: From koomahiiri to jouda12: Armadyl godsword[11694], 1

unless you have proof that it was indeed a tie, I cannot verify your story and the bug report will be closed.