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Offline Fireblast12

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« on: January 17, 2015, 10:31:42 pm »
Pls take a look at it.
It's hard to explain why it's broken but it is broken.
Some of the  following situations have made me pissed off.
-bind animation goes off but guy just walks through it(he even gets a hitmarker).
-you cast entangle and your player keeps following your target like a newb, sometimes he even stops for no particular reason--> Target gets away.
My suggestion to fix the last issue is, buff the entangle range.
I pk with the highest magic stats I can get, get one entangle off, autocast some spells, then when the target can walk again I re-entangle, but if the targets gets away too far this character just keeps running behind the target without casting the entangle.

When soldiers have nowhere to run to - if their bridges have been burned - they fight much harder than they otherwise would have. When you find something that you care about enough, be prepared to burn your bridges.-Chait

Online Thomy

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Re: Entangle
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2015, 10:44:08 am »
#1: That's intentional. After a person was frozen there is an immunity timer of 3 seconds before they can be frozen/entangled again.

#2: There is a bug that stops your character from moving when your target is more than 18 spaces away. The next update will fix that issue. Though I haven't ever experienced following my tarket 'like a noob'. Is there a way you can reproduce the problem and show me it?

Offline Fireblast12

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Re: Entangle
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2015, 12:05:37 pm »
#1: That's intentional. After a person was frozen there is an immunity timer of 3 seconds before they can be frozen/entangled again.

#2: There is a bug that stops your character from moving when your target is more than 18 spaces away. The next update will fix that issue. Though I haven't ever experienced following my tarket 'like a noob'. Is there a way you can reproduce the problem and show me it?
I do think I can do that, if you keep autocasting until the target starts running again you will be just following him without casting any spells

When soldiers have nowhere to run to - if their bridges have been burned - they fight much harder than they otherwise would have. When you find something that you care about enough, be prepared to burn your bridges.-Chait

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