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Topics - Zaros

Pages: 1 2
Suggestions & Ideas / Quick Rules suggestion
« on: February 10, 2016, 04:48:56 am »
Title may be misleading.

My suggestion is simple;

Add a ::rules command in game to open the Rules topic on the forum (In-Game rules one), so it may be easier for new players, or lazy ones to access them and perhaps it'll prevent some of them to argue with the mods all the time, and even avoid mutes (As in, using an other account) to do so.

Resolved Bug Reports / Woodcutting level up interfaces
« on: February 08, 2016, 06:44:52 pm »
The title might be misleading but I just wanted to let people know that some level up messages are wrong,
On level 6, I am pretty sure it makes mention that you can now use Steel & Black axes for woodcutting, but black axes require level 11 of woodcutting.
At level 40 it tells us that we can now use a Rune Axe and yet, it's only at level 41 that we can start using it.

Edit: Also when we level up it spells out Woodcutitng instead of Woodcutting.
That's all for now.

Introductions & Farewells / Greetings
« on: February 07, 2016, 02:23:23 am »
Hi there,

Some of you already know a bit about me, some others saw me in-game and some of you never even heard of me.
It's simple, I'm fairly new to this community. I joined on January 27th. Some of you may have seen me on other communities as "ShadowToon", I've used that username for years, really, but now I wanted to make some changes and I like Zaros, from the RuneScape religions. Pretty interesting things to read about.

Here's some things about me:
I'm mainly a PvM guy, that includes bossing and doing Slayer though, I also like to do some minigames from time to time. Not a big fan of PK nor staking though.
I like going for 99s in everything, therefore, one of my goals is Max Cape.
I'm also more of a Melee-type of guy, but I will also use Ranged & Magic from time to time.
Clans are interesting to me if players are active in it, if they talk so the Clan Chat isn't dead, and if they ever do activities together, may it be Bossing, Minigames, Drop Parties, Hide and Seeks, etc.
I also like to have a great partner in games, someone to Boss, and do events or whatsoever with.

Anything about my personal life? Else than the fact that I'm french Canadian, you do not really need to know anything about me.

What I can say about this community is, it seems great so far.
What caught my interest at first to join it was the Wings models, pretty unique and nice, although I got to know more about this server and it's really great so far. Interesting gameplay, bosses, minigames and such. Sadly the economy seems to be more-or-less good. There should be a higher need for lower level items, such as gears, skilling items, etc. But how well, perhaps are we training too fast, or simply not having enough new players... or too easy eco?

Anyway, I hope I'll get to meet some nice people during my stay,
See you in-game,

Suggestions & Ideas / Brimhaven Agility Arena
« on: February 07, 2016, 02:08:02 am »
My suggestion here would consist on making the Brimhaven Agility Arena more interesting.
As so far, Agility seems to be a pain to train and I doubt that people actually get to enjoy training it a lot.
The ideas are simple, they consists of:

-Adding XP rewards to the Brimhaven Agility Ticket Exchange
Perhaps having rewards such as 1 ticket for 500 xp, 10 for 5k, 100 for 50k, 1000 for 500k?

-Making Agility Arena Tickets more easy to obtain.
An idea to this would be to add "claiming streaks", as in, if you claim i.e. 10 tickets without failing your streak, you gain +1 ticket everytime until you fail again, thus, resulting in starting over at 1 ticket. So every streaks of i.e. 10, you'd get +1 ticket total, up to 10 tickets max perhaps?

Feel free to debate this,
But I believe that it could be an interesting idea. ::)

Suggestions & Ideas / Teletabs
« on: February 04, 2016, 05:52:54 pm »
My idea would be to make some changes about the teletabs;

-They are easy to get (5-10 per kills)
-Drops all variants of teletabs (or almost?)
-Wizards are easy to kill

To make it better, I think having some wizards around the concerned areas to drop the teletabs could be a nice idea (with lower drop rate), like having wizards in Lumbridge dropping Lumbridge Teletabs, etc.

And my second idea to this, would be to add a stronger wizard-like NPC that'd be hard to kill and would drop all variants of the teletabs, in a larger number. (Maybe 5-20)

Tell me what do you guys think of this?

Suggestions & Ideas / New equipment slot/Wings suggestion
« on: February 01, 2016, 06:10:52 pm »
I'd like to suggest a new equipment slot for cosmetic items, such as wings or tails, saving the amulet slot for usable and pratical items.

If not, my second suggestion would be to add a "Consume" option on wings,
allowing us to consume a different amulet to get its stats instead of the default glory's stats.
That'd mean we could keep our wings during bosses, higher-level monsters, PvP, etc.
An option to revert the process to get the amulet back could be considered as well.

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