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Messages - Ameer

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Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Armadyl Crossbow
« on: July 21, 2018, 04:59:51 pm »
There might be something I didn't understand.

You're suggesting adding Arma c bow as a tier 80 c'Bow to replace another c bow that is already tier 80
so we will end up with 2 c bows, chaotic and hunter as tier 72 that both has the same stats ( and people who are doing slayer will prefer to use chaotic ofc )

why not suggesting improving hunter c bow ( which i have no idea how people can get it ) instead of adding a new c bow ?

Hunter's crossbow requires level 80, yes, but it has the stats of a level 72 crossbow. They have ideal stats and the way of acquiring them is the exact same: slayer points. There is indeed a cap in the gear.

IMO Hunters crossbow should be totally scrapped, it was great when it was the only crossbow available from the slayer shop, but now it is totally useless because of the chaotic crossbow. Bunch of suggestions have been made to improve the kebbit bolts + hunters' c bow combo, but nothing was really done to them because of how great onyx bolts are.

The same model of the hunters' crossbow could be used for the Armadyl crossbow. Demon crossbow would still be BiS, Armadyl crossbow would be the cheaper alternative outside of slayer and chaotic crossbow would be BiS on slayer tasks. Now all the 3 crossbows have a use.

There might be something I didn't understand.

You're suggesting adding Arma c bow as a tier 80 c'Bow to replace another c bow that is already tier 80
so we will end up with 2 c bows, chaotic and hunter as tier 72 that both has the same stats ( and people who are doing slayer will prefer to use chaotic ofc )

why not suggesting improving hunter c bow ( which i have no idea how people can get it ) instead of adding a new c bow ?

hunter cbow is easily obtainable, easier than chaotic, and has higher lvl requirement. should be dropped to lower tier. you get the cbow for free, you just do slayer for slayer points to buy one. i want to have some other cbow in that tier, that should be obtainable via pvm drops

Why not changing hunter c bow from tier 80 to 72
and changing chaotic to tier 80 with a bit of improving.

If you change chaotic to t80, it would make the hunters' crossbow even worse than it currently is.

I Don't mind removing one of the current c bows from the game and replace it with something else.
However my point is having a lot of items ing that serve the same purpose makes a lot of them useless.
I would like to see something like an item dropped from kree arra that upgrade the current hunter c 'bow to upgraded version
then both c bows can still survive .

Its kinda more like abby whips and dyed whips, back when we could've bought the ' Whole ' whip from the shop we ended with a lot of people not doing abby, however when it gets changed to dye it kinda brought some attention to whips.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Armadyl Crossbow
« on: July 21, 2018, 12:09:40 pm »
There might be something I didn't understand.

You're suggesting adding Arma c bow as a tier 80 c'Bow to replace another c bow that is already tier 80
so we will end up with 2 c bows, chaotic and hunter as tier 72 that both has the same stats ( and people who are doing slayer will prefer to use chaotic ofc )

why not suggesting improving hunter c bow ( which i have no idea how people can get it ) instead of adding a new c bow ?

hunter cbow is easily obtainable, easier than chaotic, and has higher lvl requirement. should be dropped to lower tier. you get the cbow for free, you just do slayer for slayer points to buy one. i want to have some other cbow in that tier, that should be obtainable via pvm drops

Why not changing hunter c bow from tier 80 to 72
and changing chaotic to tier 80 with a bit of improving.

So people has to buy hunter c bow for a limited time and by the time they are done with they can upgrade to chaotic which they can use while training slayer ( which takes around 1 week or so Idk ).
however my whole point was that I am against adding a lot of new items
its driving people crazy every time they see their ' Expensive / most used " weapons turn into nothing
the more items we gets added the more items will end up with no use at all.
If the changes you mentioned actually becomes a thing, I don't understand why someone would spend 15k slayer points on hunter c bow while he can save another 5k to get a better c bow that can be used while doing slayer ( until he is 80 so he can use the one you mentioned )

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Armadyl Crossbow
« on: July 21, 2018, 10:53:07 am »
There might be something I didn't understand.

You're suggesting adding Arma c bow as a tier 80 c'Bow to replace another c bow that is already tier 80
so we will end up with 2 c bows, chaotic and hunter as tier 72 that both has the same stats ( and people who are doing slayer will prefer to use chaotic ofc )

why not suggesting improving hunter c bow ( which i have no idea how people can get it ) instead of adding a new c bow ?

No I say if you read carefully, that Im not a game maker. I said this because the guy who said bring more details in your idea's.
Bringing out details has nothing to do with you having to implement them ingame as code tho
^ This
And I think we did have some PvP point system in old scape? If you had more than say 20 points then you could teleport from wilderness that was up to level 30 (not 20 as default). I don't remember the other bonuses though.

It just kept improving, the more points you had, the higher level at wilderness you can teleport from.

I agree with that Ott said, asking Thomy to improve pking without going into details what to improve won't change anything.
You are the one who pk so you should know what's missing and whats not ( i believe Thomy last time he pked was with graham and Tonto to troll at wildy 8 years ago )

I believe some kind of rewards should be added to pvp system however I am not one of that ' Community ' so I don't really know what items or what features that ' Pkers ' Would actually enjoy having or at least work to have.

So please, go into details a lil bit.

PVP community should start suggesting things to improve pking, I believe Ty 4 u ' Something ' suggested many ideas that were actually taken into account however since he left people stopped to suggest anything ( They did however none tried to explain a bit more about his idea which resulted on nothing being changed )

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: i have some suggestions & ideas.
« on: July 11, 2018, 07:00:23 am »
You guys always miss the point that whenever he makes things ' Easier ' to reach 250mil xp it also makes things super easy to reach 99 ( which 99% of the players goal is )

so its like ruining everyone else game so few people can achieve 250mil.
950k ess might sound a lot , however the fact that only 3 or 4 people are going atm to 250mil runecrafting xp that means we will have a market for ess ( apart from Iron man ofc which is also something he decided to do/be )  however we if add another source that can get you 3/4k per hour that means there is almost no point on doing it the normal / old way.

Making att,str,def,range and magic a bit harder is something I am fine with since last year I trained my range to 80s in few hours using double xp ( maybe 90 idk ) .

However making things " Easier " just for the sake of achieving 250mil xp is a no from me.

Showcase / Re: Graphics
« on: July 11, 2018, 06:36:56 am »
I'd like to take one please, hm are you selling these things for btw ?

Screenshots / Re: so sad :(
« on: July 10, 2018, 05:35:17 am »
The last few updates ( maybe 3 I don't remember ) we had during the last 45 days got a lot of people mad so they started to leave.
They'll come back later tho.

Computers and Technology / Re: Flashy RGB Gaming Pc.
« on: June 30, 2018, 07:10:32 pm »
I still can't decide whether to buy a Headphone($399) or a speaker set($748)
If you guys prefer headphone over speaker or vise versa please let me know by voting up top. I will definitely go with you guys and buy the one that have the most voted on.

I'd suggest buying a headphone for$ 399 and send me the other 349$.

Nice pc.
a bit expensive ( well so damn expensive )

Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: June 28, 2018, 12:45:15 pm »

Screenshots / Re: finnnaallyyyyy def 99 and hp 10
« on: June 27, 2018, 02:14:43 pm »

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: PVP Game Mode
« on: June 24, 2018, 07:08:25 pm »
Mixing these type of accounts with normal accounts in pvp is a no-no. It won't work no matter how much you try to figure out a way around it. The only way to make this possible is by making it a separate world (similar to w3, new accounts), but then it will separate the player base.

This is true, the problem is the player base we have now is low enough for 1 server.

can we just try it for a limited time ? like a month or so to see how things go ?
Like opening w2 to be a pking server only with thomy focusing on what the ' Expert pkers ' suggests
However it should be mentioned every time a player login that this project is limited and it might close within a month / 60 days or so.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: PVP Game Mode
« on: June 24, 2018, 07:23:51 am »
I have some questions for ya before I give my opinion on this,
whats the point on killing them at wildy if we can't pickup their items ?
How is it fair for normal players that still want to use their main account to pk with, however they're still forced to use bandos against torva ?
whats the point of pking for them if they can't sell the items ?
I might have few more questions however I don't have enough time now to ask all at once.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: ironmans and dks
« on: June 23, 2018, 04:31:01 pm »
I don't see this being a bug? When an ironman dies the items can be picked up for 2 minutes until the drop becomes global?
Well that's contradicting to what you said then :/

"Thomy : "Ironman accounts don't have the ability to trade items with anyone. That includes trying to drop-trade items. "

That means they cannot loot shit other people has dropped. Regular accounts can still loot items dropped by ironmen, once they appear globally. Trading is still impossible.

Trading is still possible by paying them one of the items they can trade, Member tickets, double xp scrolls
so if Ironman meant to not being able to trade, it also means people shouldn't be able to see the items dropped by them.
however as I said above ( I think I did, no idea ) this also means that there is no point on killing an Ironman account in wildy since its just a risk with no benefit at all for both players, which gives them an advantage while doing skills at wildy,
a possible way to avoid this is by making killing an iron man gives an X amount of pvp points depends on what that dude is using. ----> then we get to another problem that pvp points has no use at all so this system should be fixed.

Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: June 21, 2018, 04:44:14 pm »

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: ironmans and dks
« on: June 20, 2018, 12:01:37 pm »
Yes, I was talking about pvm'ing. I already lost few items due to this, had like one minute to pick my items but someone else was already picking my stuff. Either we need to extend the time, that items wouldn't shown to others or make that they wouldn't see 'em at all. If you die for example at Yk'lagor, you instantly need to run back, if you don't want that others would pick your stuff. After 2 minutes items will be visible to others. So basically you have 2minutes to pick your stuff, not 3.

Changing the timer only for iron man accounts from 2 mins to 3 mins will make it unfair for normal players
if you guys wanna make it fair, then the items should disappear after 2 mins so in this case people won't be able to ' Trade ' using an iron man to main account, and they'll have the same timer as others
Maybe disappear item after item at random every 5 seconds after the first 2 mins.

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