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Messages - Deandam7

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General Discussion / Re: Thomy
« on: August 05, 2015, 09:24:37 pm »

Jokes aside, I can't promise updates on a scheduled cycle as a single person. Emps is already a pretty big game with plenty of things to do. I try my best to roll in at least one update a week and so far I haven't missed that goal often.

I hope you do understand, that I can't just hold a casting for new developers and expect them to deliver quality game content within their first week? Emps has grown big and so has its code. It's not a project you'll immediately understand and be able to work with. Besides...  who trusts random people on the Internet? It's not easy to find people developing good content. To be totally honest, I'm also not looking for any, because imho it brings more complications than benefits in the current situation. Besides... you know what hiring a programmer costs!? Maybe things change when our community grows even bigger. We're already on a pretty good way, steady player increases every week this summer! :)

As a single person maintaining an entire infrastructure by yourself isn't easy, I believe you're on the right track and direction for growth, keep strong m8.

I really wish i could develop :(

pls no
The following users liked this post: Deandam7

Suggestions & Ideas / Slayer overhaul
« on: July 29, 2015, 04:39:07 pm »

If you have any constructive feedback, please post it below. If you simply agree with the suggestion you can thank the post, no need to spam.

Slayer is one of the biggest reasons people get membership. It's one of if not the best member feature. However I feel it could be so much better, there are a lot of things and frustrations to improve upon. Please, get something to drink and buckle up, this is gonna be a long one.

Anything marked with a * is something I'll get to later in the suggestion.

Slayer points

They currently feel kind of worthless. After you have your slayer helm, salve and anger weapon you're pretty much done with the entire currency. Considering these items are untradable, you're very unlikely to ever lose them. There are a lot of changes I have in mind for this, these changes are to make people want to get more slayer points or at the very least spend the ones they have.

Task resetting/blocking

Don't we all hate it when we get a task we don't want to? Chaos elementals? The concept is very simple, you pay an amount of slayer points in order to cancel a task. People would spend less time doing tasks they don't want and they would have something to spend their points on. It won't get to the point where they can choose their tasks, because it has a certain cost to it.

Blocking tasks permanently is also another good option to spend slayer points on, this would block out a task permanently at a high cost. You should only be able to block a limited number of tasks per account. These blocks could also be removed for a coin fee. Blocks would only be for their respective slayer master.

New rewards in the slayer shop

The slayer points shop is a bit lackluster in rewards, there are plenty of things that could be added to it. There need to be more rewards people are willing to work for and spend their points on. Upgrades to existing items wouldn't hurt, more untradables wouldn't hurt either. Here's a list of a few things I've thought of.
  • Hexcrest and focus sight*
  • Upgrade kits for slayer gloves/boots to give them better stats
  • Broad arrows and bolts, have bonus damage and accuracy against slayer monsters
  • An upgrade to salve amulet which would make it (e) and add another +5% bonus
  • Rock hammer*
  • Slayer staff
  • Full slayer helmet (requires black mask, hexcrest and focus sight)
There should also be new things you could do or make, sort of 'abilities' you can buy with points as well. These are mostly for convenience but should cost a large chunk of points.
  • Crafting rings of slaying(which give more teleports to slayer masters and still function like a slayer gem)(crafted with a gold bar & slayer gem)
  • The ability to attack ice strykewyrms without a fire cape*
  • The ability to smash gargoyle's defences with a rock hammer*
Upgrading the slayer helmet

You will need a black mask, focus sight, hexcrest and a slayer helm to upgrade to the full slayer helm. This helmet will have 12.5% extra damage and accuracy to your active task.  It will also have the ability to check your active task like a slayer gem when operated. The black mask should remove black mask from it's trash status and give it a use.

Specific monster changes

Some monsters need to be made a bit harder. They might need a slight buff, or a certain set of conditions to kill. There aren't too many monsters that need this but I do think the following are necessary.
  • Ice strykewyrms
    Currently drop the best boots ingame for each style, are relatively weak and easy to kill. This shouldn't be that way. Require a fire cape or an ability purchased with slayer points to even fight. Should get slightly buffed in offense as well as defence. You can currently pray and take no damage whatsoever. They should get a slight weakness to fire/smoke spells as well, to encourage more magic usage in PvM.
  • Gargoyles
    Currently quite an easy slayer monster, tasks are fully afkable if you have the prayer pots. They drop top-tier rings, which are quite easily obtained thanks to the gargoyles being so weak. Give them a defensive shell that can only be broken by smashing them with a rock hammer. If they have this shell up they should take 50% less damage. The granite mace should be added to their droptable as well. (Basically a one handed, lower strength but higher accuracy gmaul.) This would make them a better task overall.
  • Nechraels
    One of the tasks I really like, they drop noted skilling materials and plenty of em. The drops stack up quite fast. For something with such a well-rounded droptable I feel they're a bit weak. Make killing the deathspawn before killing the nechraels a requirement to actually killing the nechrael. You would have to remove the extra ones spawning after one is killed otherwise this is impossible.
Slayer masters

We could improve slayer by rearranging the tasks the various slayer masters have. Some tasks feel out of place, other masters could use a few extra tasks, and lastly I'd like to talk about boss tasks.

Tasks that are out of place
  • Goblins - Chaeldar - Hundig already assigns these, there is no need for them
  • Moss giants - Chaeldar - Mazchna already assigns these, they feel out of place for an easy task
  • Hill giants - Mazchna - Chaeldar already assigns these, they feel out of place for a normal task
  • Kurask - Mazchna - Vannaka should assign these, their combat level feels a bit too high
  • Monk of zamorak - Vannaka - Way too easy for a hard task, should be moved to Mazchna
  • Nechraels, mutant tarns, dark beasts, frost dragons, ice strykewyrms - Vannaka - Duradel already assigns these
New tasks

I feel slayer should get a few new tasks, there are plenty of monsters out there suited for this. It's also not too bad to get a new dungeon or two out there so we have more room for monsters in general.
  • Kalphite workers lvl 28(Chaeldar), Kalphite soldiers lvl 85 (Mazchna), Kalphite guardians lvl 141(Vannaka) - Kalphite lair
    No slayer requirement, should all be decent slayer tasks.
  • Bronze & Iron dragons (Vannaka) Steel dragons (duradel)
    I'm suprised these dragons aren't a slayer task while mithril and most other kinds of dragons are.
  • Greater demons, lvl 118 (duradel)
    Basically between lesser and black demons. Located at demonic ruins and kuradal's dungeon.*
  • Waterfiends, lvl 146 (duradel)
    Icefiends older brother, these actually do damage. Located at kuradal's dungeon.*
  • Jadinkos, lvl134/138/144
    I've suggested these before(link), they are within our revision and offer a new drop; the vine whip. This could be a combination of what whip and hasta have to offer, both strenght and shared training options. They should make a very good new slayer task
New dungeons

In order to make more space for monsters, I think we should get a few new locations for some. There are two dungeons I had in mind. Kuradal's dungeon(or ancient cavern) and the Jadinko lair. Kuradal's dungeon/ancient cavern could have more of some existing monsters we don't have too many of. Dark beasts, nechraels and metal dragons for example. Jadinko lair would only have jadinkos.

Boss tasks

Currently boss tasks are flat out not worth doing. They're short, don't give anything over normal tasks. I suggest adding in a slayer master specifically for bosses. His name is Kuradal and he'll be found in his own dungeon. Duradel will no longer assign bosses/spectrals/revenants, kuradal will. Kuradal's boss tasks should also be significantly longer, 10-20 instead of duradel's 2-7. He will also assign the bosses previously unavailable as a task, for example the GWD bosses and chronozon.

Along with this new slayer master, I propose we change the way slayer exp is calculated as well, depending on your slayer master. Currently the slayer exp from a monster is 7 x monsterHP, I think this '7' should be a variable which depends on which slayer master you use. The list should go as follows:
  • Hundig - 4
  • Chaeldar - 5
  • Mazchna - 6
  • Jossik - 6
  • Vannaka - 7
  • Duradel - 9
  • Kuradal(bosses) - 12
This should make slayer a bit harder early on, but a bit easier in the later stages.

No tl;dr, read the topic.

This has been my suggestion for a slayer overhaul. Exact numbers are always subject to change. If you have any constructive feedback or criticism, please post it below. If you simply agree with the suggestion you can thank the post, no need to spam.

The following users liked this post: Deandam7

Off-Topic / Re: The land of the long white cloud! My 6 day adventure.
« on: February 28, 2015, 05:29:27 am »
Butchering and eating a Canadian goose, eh?

Yeah, I just went there.
The following users liked this post: Deandam7

Screenshots / Re: Finally...
« on: February 27, 2015, 10:26:23 pm »
congratz, next time you pvm, don't brag about loots, brings bad karma, enjoy and good luck on your pvm, btw i got a blue hatchling dragon from 1st kill at blues :)

says don't brag about loots, goes onto brag about dragon hatchling drop.
The following users liked this post: Deandam7

Games / Re: [OSRS] 1000 Wyverns killed
« on: February 22, 2015, 08:29:36 pm »

Games / Re: [OSRS] 1000 Wyverns killed
« on: February 22, 2015, 08:14:35 pm »
The following users liked this post: Deandam7

Introductions & Farewells / Re: The problem(s)
« on: February 12, 2015, 04:35:43 pm »
Goodbye and goodluck IRL.
There's already a few mods on around that timezone, for what; 35 players online in world 1? You have to understand people aren't just made mod for the sake of playing a while or working hard. There are more European moderators due to there being 300-400 people during that timezone. I always play late, there's 40 people max online at 12 AM GMT+0 and there's at least 3-5 moderators in that timezone.

Good luck to you anyway, take care.
Wise words Adam!
The following users liked this post: Deandam7

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