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Messages - Il Skil1z Il

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Videos / Re: [NEW] Random RSMV #2!! Emps world version by Il Skil1z Il
« on: November 23, 2015, 06:40:45 pm »
ok, nice job.

Wait so you really enjoyed it or what ? :D

Videos / Re: [NEW] Random RSMV #2!! Emps world version by Il Skil1z Il
« on: November 23, 2015, 06:40:13 pm »
I wanted to ask a question to see who would know the answer...
What was the green place at around 0:16 , 0:17? :D
I believe the picture was from Terraria?

Thanks for the awesome video! Good luck on making more RSMV's! ;D

Nope :D
and thank you mate

Videos / Re: [NEW] Random RSMV #2!! Emps world version by Il Skil1z Il
« on: November 23, 2015, 06:40:00 pm »
This was amazing.
Never have i enjoyed a rsps vid as i just did now.
Keep up

keep it mate, i enjoy watching ur vids
Good Job!

Thanks bros <3

Videos / Re: [NEW] Random RSMV #2!! Emps world version by Il Skil1z Il
« on: November 23, 2015, 03:29:04 pm »
I wanted to ask a question to see who would know the answer...
What was the green place at around 0:16 , 0:17? :D

Videos / [NEW] Random RSMV #2!! Emps world version by Il Skil1z Il
« on: November 23, 2015, 03:17:57 pm »
As you may know about 2 weeks ago I did a video called Random RSMV Which was couple of songs edited together into one epic video...
If you haven't watched it btw :
(I also wanted to say there's a 2 secs clip that I took from another video at the intro "I'm the shadow" I decided to take it cause I was going to do the same thing and it would've gave me a lot of time by skipping it cause it's only 2 secs long)...

I managed to sit non stop for a week and finally finished a second Random RSMV,
With new songs, new concepts and longer video :)
Please like, subscribe and share, because it took me a lot of effort to finish this, it just comes out of passion to this game  (Yes I'm an idiot :D)

TARGET = 20 LIKES For my next video which will be something new I guess :)

What was your favorite scene / song ? :D


Current Affairs / Re: 13.11.2015 Terrorist attacks in Paris
« on: November 23, 2015, 02:44:07 pm »
there isn't any mistake of that information, i assure you it's the media that doesn't want to show you what is really happening there.
d0nt rang it, yaz,and a lot of other players live near Syria know alot more than you do, im sorry to tell you they didn't do enough research about that, there were massacres everywhere in Syria, have you ever  thought of why did refugees go to france and other places, well that's the reason.
and instead of being sad for them you went on and went against them for the disagreement of "multiculturalism" sake .

Is your definition of "multiculturalism" raping the children and bombing buildings and people? Because that is exactly what the refugees are doing here. A lot of concerts and sports events have been cancelled because of the potential further explosions.  If they were really running away from massacares and war, you'd imagine they would be happy about what they are given here: free shelter, food and safety. Instead they complain about everything. I wish the -20C winter in Finland will shoo every single refugee away from here. They aren't wanted here, nor they are needed here. Deal with your own problems and religion.

Thank you sir.

Screenshots / Re: Don't know what to think..
« on: November 23, 2015, 11:07:43 am »
You come here and give me some woman!

Screenshots / Re: Some images of my next Random RSMV :)
« on: November 23, 2015, 10:12:05 am »
Haha thank you everyone, I just have to edit the last song... It may be out tonight / tomorrow

Wow that's so rude, you didn't even inform me regarding to the video!
Duud I wanna be in, message me tomorrow :D :D

How is that rude exactly? I told you i'd pm you If I needed help with the video and quite frankly I didn't lol
Cause most of the clips are only individual work and when I needed some help my friends were there to help me :)
So no hard feelings mate, I would've told you today but I've done with all the songs... Time to edit

Screenshots / Re: Some images of my next Random RSMV :)
« on: November 22, 2015, 07:18:37 pm »
Thank you friends, hope the video won't disappoint anyone  :)

Current Affairs / Re: 13.11.2015 Terrorist attacks in Paris
« on: November 22, 2015, 07:17:53 pm »
there isn't any mistake of that information, i assure you it's the media that doesn't want to show you what is really happening there.
d0nt rang it, yaz,and a lot of other players live near Syria know alot more than you do, im sorry to tell you they didn't do enough research about that, there were massacres everywhere in Syria, have you ever  thought of why did refugees go to france and other places, well that's the reason.
and instead of being sad for them you went on and went against them for the disagreement of "multiculturalism" sake .

I didn't even say anything about Syria, like I didnt even mention it...
All I said that "France was against the Islam" or whatever was wrong well, because it was wrong
You're just saying stuff I didn't even say,

Current Affairs / Re: 13.11.2015 Terrorist attacks in Paris
« on: November 22, 2015, 12:15:42 pm »
You guys shouldn't talk if you know nothing. France in general was very against the Islam. They werent allowed to wear hijab etc. So if you are going to do that, be prepared for something back: action > reaction.

Funny how these things happen daily in Syria, Gaza, Afghanistan etc. But do we see it on the news? No we do not.
Once it happens in Paris, and the whole world goes mad. This world is fucked.

Where did you get this falso Information from?
Especially Paris, emphasize on the word Paris...
They respected Muslims there, they gave them the freedom they wanted
I even remember this because My friend once showed me an interview about a guy that warned France about them, about if they continue to give them the freedom excessively they're giving, they'll riot soon and well... Yes here you go that's exactly what happened

Of course not all Muslims are like that only those Isis crap

Current Affairs / Re: 13.11.2015 Terrorist attacks in Paris
« on: November 22, 2015, 11:11:13 am »
On a serious note...

Nah I'm just joking...

Screenshots / Some images of my next Random RSMV :)
« on: November 22, 2015, 10:54:45 am »
The video will be out in a week MAX I think, anyways stay tuned it'll be even better than the first one, in my opinion at least
If you haven't seen the first one yet, I strongly recommend you do and show some support :)

These are only a few... Can anyone name them all? you probably won't get the last one cause it's not an actual song It's a scene from an anime...

Current Affairs / Re: 13.11.2015 Terrorist attacks in Paris
« on: November 14, 2015, 08:49:00 pm »
Can anyone tell me in a simple word who in the blue hell the piece of monkey shit that did that?!
A group of what?!

Wow mannn, that sucks! I was actually planning on going there with my friends on Christmas eve
Hope the Situation wouldn't be this intense by then

Current Affairs / Re: 13.11.2015 Terrorist attacks in Paris
« on: November 14, 2015, 08:44:33 pm »
Can anyone tell me in a simple word who in the blue hell the piece of monkey shit that did that?!
A group of what?!
Like Imagine if they went far and blow up the Eiffel tower...

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