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Messages - A Cows Dream

Pages: 1
General Discussion / Re: Need help finding "Ice Gigants"
« on: April 18, 2015, 08:56:14 pm »
Try to find some south-west of the agility wilderness course where the snow is located at. There should be ice warriors there. I'm not sure about ice giants. I havn't been there for a while but there were some.

Resolved Bug Reports / Castle Wars
« on: April 17, 2015, 10:28:24 pm »
If you're stealing the enemy's flag and it does the animation, while you mass click your weapon in the inventory, the flag will appear in your inventory. You're character isn't holding the flag but the weapon you mass clicked. You can un-equip and equip weapons when the flag is still showing in the inventory. It will also show that you're holding the flag.

My ancient staff disappeared when I went to put the enemy flag back to our base. But the enemy's flag was still in my inventory. When the game ended, my ancient staff didn't appear in my inventory but the enemy's flag was still there but i couldn't equip it. After re-logging, the flag disappeared.

Sorry I didn't take a screenshot before I posted this.

General Discussion / Re: Question
« on: February 16, 2015, 06:35:31 pm »
Okay, thanks ya'll

General Discussion / Question
« on: February 16, 2015, 06:26:05 pm »
If I die while pking with untradeables such as void, torso, fighter hat, etc, can I run and pick it back up?

EDIT: How long does it stay on the floor?

Pages: 1