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Pages: 1
Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Greater Hellhound (Semi-Boss)
« on: December 25, 2016, 10:45:23 pm »
great idea!

Off-Topic / Screen froze at ancient gladiators...
« on: December 19, 2016, 03:13:04 am »
Sebi here..
I hope you are reading this Thomy. I remember i recently told you about the client, which keeps freezing my screen. It didn't do it for a while, and i was doing slayer. I thought, since it didnt occur for a while i'd try to do some hard slayer tasks, which i was not doing earlier since i was afraid it would freeze... Then it happended. I lost some quite valuable stuff, and i quickly opened a new client to re-log and run to get my items. My home teleport is in remmington anyway so i spawned there, ran to ancient gladiators , but my items was not on the ground... I kept waiting and waiting and they didnt show...

I have recently decided to play the game, and not only stake as i use to.. i had maybe around 150m and i decided not to stake ever again and level up my skills on this new account, pvm and mostly slayer i thought about maxing. I spend all day getting a slayer helm, and i finally got it this night, and got my crafting to 55 only to make a full slayer helm, which i made, so i am really upset about this..
I just cant seem to figure out why my items didn't spawn where i died?
What am i to do...
Sincerly Sebi

Pages: 1