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Topics - Rosannn

Pages: 1
Suggestions & Ideas / Forum language
« on: November 12, 2014, 06:35:29 pm »
Hey guys,

I had this idea after I met someone ingame who was looking for the price list, but didn't understand well enough English to find it on the forum. What if we made it possible to have different forum languages? It shouldn't be any extra work for the staff team, we could make these translation teams (even Twitter makes use of it: to translate the forum into several languages if the forum theme allows this too. Just like with a website, a little flag or EN/NL/DE/etc.. to change the language.

One of the problems might be that people will start commenting in their own language, but this could be prevented easily by making rules in their own language. This might actually prevent a lot of shoutbox/forum rule-breaking, because people are more aware of which rules they are breaking.

Resolved Bug Reports / Text
« on: November 12, 2014, 12:54:13 pm »
Using the OpenGL client

I found a lot of these blue item descriptions (left top corner) are kind of blurry. Most of the time it's only the first letter of the word, like Herbs > Zerbs. It does not only happen with my 'Zerbs', it happens with other interactable items too. I'll post more examples in case I run across them.

Introductions & Farewells / Hi
« on: November 07, 2014, 10:47:02 am »
So... I just found out about 2 days ago that Emps was back online, so I'm playing again. Not that much though due to school.

Cya ingame!   ;D

Pages: 1