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Messages - Simas

Pages: 1
General Discussion / Pk Points Shop
« on: April 30, 2016, 09:25:34 pm »
I think that this server deserves a proper pkp shop that includes unusual items and useful items for pkers .
I'm not a pker and I'm thinking to start learning on how to be one.
My thoughts of some ways to use pkp:
1.Using pkp to repair items for free(barrow items, rods, ... )
2.Another item protection ( if you use prayer you protect 2 items) - [ this one should cost a lot ]

I'm opening this topic here, so you guys can give also ideas and solve this problem, and take advantage of the pk points.
More reason I'm opening this topic :
The problem of boosters is not solved by banning them. Not everyone would get caught, we would need some kind of new logs or eyes literally everywhere in the wilderness. It causes a lot of unnecessary work to the entire staff team while having very little effect on actually preventing boosting.

Furthermore, what should be in this pkp shop? How would we go about earning the currency for that pkp shop? You barely included any details about the thing you're suggesting. A pkp shop wouldn't be a bad idea, it might encourage a lot more people to go pk. However, nobody has managed to spend a bit of their time and actually write out a proper suggestion for one, instead of just plopping down a 1 sentence suggestion that everyone has already seen. Quite a shame.

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Pages: 1