Update Notes / Re: Updates June 3rd 2019 - Tank Armours, Minigame Improvements and Name Change!
« on: June 03, 2019, 01:06:18 pm »The following users liked this post: Icedrags
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This guy is pretty good too https://emps-world.net/hiscores#player,mining_purez No idea who he isguess he is referring to the slayer level
Can’t take your skiller account seriously though because you didn’t accomplish anything as a cb 3 if you had to reset all your cb stats
Also minus points for not being cb3
For me, prayer is a part of a skiller stat, but I'm guessing that that's different for everyone.
And coz i don't have the main acc to help me with slayer, the only option was to train some cb stats in order to gain any slayer xp (50 att, 50 str, 60 hp, 82 def, 85 mage) and then resetting them back to 1.
-Let's not dig old threads.
You don't get publicly beaten for being gay in most other countries of the world, just sayingMarry me pleaseThought you were a man