Hello everyone and welcome to the second season of Emps-Competitive! Players will work day and night to overcome the obstacles that lie ahead of them and fight to claim the crown. Will you be able to prove to everyone that you're no pushover? We shall find out in the next couple months!
We will have 3 winners each season, there will be only 1 winner for each of the following categories:
Untouchable - The player with the highest total experience.
The rich only get richer - The player with the highest bank value.
Special Come Back - Rewarded to the first player that obtains the completionist cape ( or the person with the closest % to it if no one gets it ) **
Bonus Categories:
(Multiple players can win the rewards for these categories)
Over achiever – Rewarded to players who max-out at least one skill. (Any combat skills excluded, except prayer)
Sleep is exp waste – Rewarded to players that max their account.
-Rewarded to players that have at least 500 Nex / Yk'lagor / Har'lakk / Kal/ger kills each!!- Rewarded to players who completed the highest amount of clue scrolls! *see the system below*Rules:
- Players must create a new Ironman account to participate in this season (
see picture at the bottom of the page for details!).
- Account must be created at the kick off of the event, anything before that will be disqualified.
- Items from the EC shop will not count towards the total value for the Bank value category.
- Players that are part of the event
Won't be able to use scrolls of double xp!
- Please follow the in-game rules while participating in this event... if you break our rules you will be punished accordingly and can cost you the season.
- To CLAIM your reward in any category, make sure to reply to this topic with a FULLSCREEN SCREENSHOT of your client in where you show the achievement you made! The one who first posts the picture, will win the specific category.
NOTE: * Participants in the Clue Scroll competition can reply their screenshots till July 31st 23:59:59. Any screenshots submitted later, are not valid for the competition!
Kick-Off/End DateThis season will kick off on
May 1st, 2020 and will conclude on
August 1st, 2020. Please check the countdown timer below for exact time.
Season StartSeason EndRewards:
This year we will be working with a completely different and new Rewarding System:
The winners of the main categories "Untouchable" & "The Rich only Get Richer" have the ability to pick one of the swords they like, and the color they like out of 5 different kind of swords & 7 colors each !
The swords that are picked by the winners of the 2 main categories will be unique, therefore it can't be picked by any other category!
Regarding the third category ** (Special Comeback) : We decided to give you guys an opportunity to win a
Golden Hammer !!
Highest total experience – Winner of this category has the ability to pick the sword he likes, and the color he likes !
Highest bank value – Winner of this category has the ability to pick the sword he likes, and the color he likes !
When it comes to the rest of the categories we have this year, we will have a similar Rewarding system.
Top 2 of each category has the ability to pick the colors they like of a pre-defined sword!
Rewarding sytem for bonus categories:
First winner - has the ability to pick 1 color out of 7
Second winner - has the ability to pick 1 color out 6
Third winner - gets 100mil cash!
4th - 10th winners - get 100 EP!
Clue Scroll counting system (Reward can be given to any account of your choosing!)
Good Luck!

You must register a new account* before participating in the event! * You do NOT have to put "EC2" in front of your name. Your account will automatically be registered as EC2 account in our database by talking to Quest Guide at the last house of Tutorial Island as shown below.
You can only participate if you register your account as Competitive Season account!!!