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Messages - Eat My Ags

Pages: 1
"The hit system has majorly been reworked. Before the update, the hit on an entity (player or npc) was registered 0.5 secs before you could see it. This delay has been removed with this update. You're now able to heal yourself before the hit is actually registered on your character. This won't allow you to avoid death in every situation, it merely gives you a 0.5 second time span to react on an incoming hit."

was waiting for this, thanks
p.s. nice updates :)

Update Notes / Re: Updates - May 13th 2016 - I'm back :)
« on: May 13, 2016, 10:37:53 am »
Welcome back! Nice update doe :)

Update Notes / Re: Updates - February 21st 2016
« on: February 20, 2016, 11:23:39 pm »
Daily task's <3

Update Notes / Re: Updates - February 12th 2016 - PvP and PvE Balancing
« on: February 12, 2016, 09:57:31 am »

Pages: 1