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Messages - Martin

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Goals & Achievements / Re: Maxed again
« on: January 10, 2020, 02:13:51 pm »
Congratulations man, good luck with your future goals! :)
Congratz on mod!

Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: August 19, 2019, 09:38:40 am »

Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: August 19, 2019, 09:38:12 am »

Showcase / Re: IRL pictures thread
« on: August 18, 2019, 08:34:08 pm »
It felt great being inside your car crusher  :-*

Introductions & Farewells / Re: Hi greetings ikben1/hi lol gf
« on: April 25, 2019, 03:42:33 pm »
Yea i remember u well we used to fight a lot back in the day :)

Events / Re: Baby Dragons Event
« on: April 02, 2019, 03:36:48 am »
Ah another event that you have to take a screenshot in, these events feel so forced and cringe, no offense.

Screenshots / Re: A Year Into The Ironman
« on: March 31, 2019, 01:36:39 pm »
I wanna see that ironman's bank who has those dyed nex armours :P

EDIT: you asked me for a member ticket when you have 188? wtf?

General Discussion / Re: All or nothing @Thomy
« on: March 26, 2019, 05:15:23 pm »
What are you talking about ralphe? your comment proves how oblivious you are to our discussion.

General Discussion / Re: All or nothing @Thomy
« on: March 26, 2019, 04:47:51 pm »
@wg you can remove my name from the list lol he does not listen to me. And i agree that the change he did to rev cave was rushed and a very bad one, he ruined our whole competetive scene and revs aren't worth killing anymore. The only way we can bring the community together is to promote activities that make us interact with eachother but majority of the active players are ironmen so it's going to be difficult. I don't know why I'm still talking in the form of 'we' i guess it's an old habit but clearly there's no point in me pointing out any flaws anymore as there are like 1-2 people who actually discuss and care. I'm rather disappointed in the staff team for not doing anything significant to make things better, they mostly sit like trophies in a museum, waiting for someone to do something or for something to happen out of the air.

General Discussion / Re: All or nothing @Thomy
« on: March 26, 2019, 04:48:13 am »
Despite that, i remember everything associated with this server.

I saw you trying to play Emps-Wars raging those portals while you're wearing a cape, you remember nothin mate.

Well... you comment is absolutely irrelevant and pointless.
Firstly never judge someone or something by its cover, we all make mistakes. Our brain is developed to make mistakes.
Secondly if you are trying to rise your total posts, then this is not the time nor the place. I think I proved my point enough.

Side server is an idea, but we do not have enough active players for that.
Thomy has said many times he will never reset the current game nor will he go back in time with it so kill that dream of yours asap and the disappointment will be easier. He won't do such thing because he has no guarantee players will like it and that they wont just straight out leave for good. Eco reset/ new game will never be a 'miracle solution' that brings back the former days of glory. I'm afraid time has done its work and all we can hope for is to swing between 50-100 at peak times.

General Discussion / Re: All or nothing @Thomy
« on: March 24, 2019, 03:26:32 pm »
I get where you're coming from, all nostalgia has been sucked out from this game, there's no going back to the 2010/2011 era with the current game. If anything a side server could be tried out, Emps-world old-school where everyone has to make a new account from scratch. The source is from 2010/2011 era where we had old graphics, ags was enhanced by arma set, Zammy godsword dropped by kolodion, bandos dropped by banshees and all the things that made emps as we knew it back then.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: List of suggestions
« on: March 16, 2019, 06:50:20 am »
  • Buff ring of vigour, add +2 to both all accuracy and strength bonuses, back when stone was the best ring they were made equal but this ring is dead content currently due to imbued rings, imbued rings will still be superior in their respective class after the buff.
First time I think I've ever heard anyone complain about vigour tbh.

IMO I think it's fine as it is still, there's enough reason to take it over the imbued rings in certain PvM scenarios where constantly having specs is much more helpful. PvP might be a different story but I wouldn't know. Dunno where you got this thing being dead content from?
I think with the direction we're heading a small buff to the ring would be nice, i like the idea of promoting untradables from minigames.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: List of suggestions
« on: March 10, 2019, 07:42:44 pm »
List of suggestions

  • New best in slot capes from jad minigame, you can offer players to take fire cape after killing jad or the option to continue further into waves and add more waves which increase in difficulty just like previous waves. Could start off the next wave like jad plus the first wave npc and so on with the last wave being two jads to defeat
I think Thomy mentioned already in the latest update note that he will be developing 3 new capes as part of a new single minigame, klin.

Besides that I think some more activity in the wilderness could be interesting and I agree with the idea of the roaming npcs.
Speaking of wildy activity, maybe add a new boss with minions that appear in the wilderness every now and then, stronger than kolodion with better drops?
yeah i know i just gave an idea to expand the current minigame which would save time if
He was to create an entirely new one.

Suggestions & Ideas / List of suggestions
« on: March 10, 2019, 05:49:36 pm »
List of suggestions

  • Make zamorak, bandos godsword special attack damages equal to saradomin godsword's.
  • Add new tier 65 hybrid power armour to unholy cursebearer. The commander set seems like a fit for the parts, a nice set between dragon and barrows with good damage and defences for mid level players. And it would actually make it worthwhile to kill it.
  • Add new 'roaming' npcs to the wilderness with best in slot ring as their drop or something similar to vyrewatch neck making. 5% life steal passive healing for the ring so you can have some lifesteal with every weapon. This seems like a nice npc for it, roaming monsters in wilderness makes both pvmers and pvpers walk around and actively hunt for drops.
  • Add a special attack to hand and abyssal cannons. Some options are - copy vesta spear spec, or granite maul spec with the spec dealing 50% damage of the max hit.
  • Add +1 str bonus to each pvp armour helm so they're equal to nex parts.
  • Change the defensive aura from 10% more defence to 10% reduced damage on you
  • New best in slot capes from jad minigame, you can offer players to take fire cape after killing jad or the option to continue further into waves and add more waves which increase in difficulty just like previous waves. Could start off the next wave like jad plus the first wave npc and so on with the last wave being two jads to defeat
  • Make veng other spell castable in single zones
  • Make combination runecrafting give more runes and experience.
  • Add manta fishing spots to deep wilderness that have 50% chance to fish a raw fury shark.
  • Buff ring of vigour, add +2 to both all accuracy and strength bonuses, back when stone was the best ring they were made equal but this ring is dead content currently due to imbued rings, imbued rings will still be superior in their respective class after the buff.

General Discussion / Re: What sort of event do you like?
« on: March 09, 2019, 09:24:44 am »
I'd like to see an Emps wars event combat edition. Team vs team winning team gets 250 emps-wars tickets and losing one 100. Due to bad terms in the actual minigame (not being able to wear capes and other variables) it should be hosted in safe wildy.

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