Join the Screenshot Hunt Challenge: Hunt, Solve, and Win Big Prizes!Welcome to the Screenshot Hunt Challenge, where observation meets rewards! Get ready for an exhilarating adventure as we present 10 unique screenshot hunts, each offering a chance to claim victory and a share of our incredible 800 million prize pool. Here’s how it works:
Screenshot Hunts: We have curated 10 intriguing screenshot hunts, each presenting a visual picture in game to solve.
Winning Opportunities: Every screenshot hunt will crown one winner. Don't hesitate to participate in multiple hunts—you can win more than once!
Generous Prize Pool: Our total prize pool stands at an impressive 800 million, ensuring substantial rewards for each triumph.
Prepare to Uncover Clues and Win: Whether you’re a keen observer or a newcomer to the hunt, this challenge promises excitement and substantial rewards. Mark your calendars at
Thursday, 01.08.2024, 14:00 (Server time) and gear up for an unforgettable screenshot hunt experience!

- Screenshot Hunt 1: 50m, Third-age Melee Set + Steadfast Boots -
Found by Miuzu
- Screenshot Hunt 2: 50m, Third-age Range & Mage Sets + Glaiven & Ragefire Boots -
Found by Miuzu
- Screenshot Hunt 3: 50m, Bandos Set -
Found by Iron Cancer
- Screenshot Hunt 4: 50m, Armadyl & Battle Sets -
Found by Xdrozex
- Screenshot Hunt 5: 50m, Dragon Pickaxe -
Found by Hrky
- Screenshot Hunt 6: 50m, Dragon Maul, Elemental Staff, Rod of Ivandis, Bandos Godsword -
Found by Hrky
- Screenshot Hunt 7: 50m, Armadyl Godsword, Arcane & Spectral Spirit Shields -
Found by Hrky
- Screenshot Hunt 8: 50m, 200 Overload, 100 Renewal, 100 Saradomin Brew, 100 Prayer Potions -
Found by Hrky
- Screenshot Hunt 9: 50m, Demon Crossbow -
Found by Miuzu
- Screenshot Hunt 10: 50m, Demon Longbow -
Found by MiuzuRules:- Take Screenshot of your WHOLE client.
- One screenshot can have one winner
- Tag me on Discord in #general channel with the screenshot
*Special thanks to Barnnnnni for donating rewards.