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Messages - Gorz

Pages: 1
Help me! / Re: LF> Pest Control Group (5 Months Now)
« on: January 17, 2017, 02:59:51 pm »
Yeah, it is a known problem. You could msg some staff and tell them to yell "come pc" or run around ge and get some ppl.

I've sat in GE for hours before with "LF> Pest Control Group" on loop. Not a soul to care.

Help me! / LF> Pest Control Group (5 Months Now)
« on: January 17, 2017, 02:41:51 pm »
I've been trying to get a Ring of Vigor for like 5 months now. Can I please get a group for PC at some point or please make the Ring available some other way. It's boring literally sitting on the boat for 4+ hours a day to see one person come to the boat and wait for 30 seconds only to just leave... I have 0 Friends who would play this PriSer anyway. With only 15 to 60 people on at a time you'll NEVER get that 5 man requirement for PC unless a group of 5 friends just come for EXP and I still have never seen even that. I just want my Ring of Vigor already... It's like literally the only thing I even WANT at this point in the game... :/

General Discussion / Re: Void and Vigour on an Ironman?
« on: July 23, 2016, 10:15:50 pm »
Not sure what's the point of this thread, but minigames can be played on ironman accounts in osrs and RS3 as well.

The point is NOBODY plays Minigames on Emps. Even with the double tickets being active.

Update Notes / Re: Updates July 4th - Ironman Mode
« on: July 04, 2016, 03:52:10 pm »
When will we be getting the Minigame update that was pitched? Like, out of all the time I've been on Emps I've not even been in a minigame. It feels kinda sad.

I said before that I think we should get a rotating Minigame every week that gives out double or even quad tickets for that game. It'd get people to play the minigames and also have a reason for minigames rewards to even exsist.

The only things I ever see from Minigames are Void things and 99% of the time those are bought on GE now and not worked for.

Idk though, just a minigames lover wanting some love for minigames.

General Discussion / Re: Best 1 Attack Weapon on this Private Server?
« on: June 10, 2016, 11:30:57 pm »


My piece of advice would be to train a bit of attack and str to wield a better weapon and after reaching your defence goal reset the skills with lamps. 1 lamp = -1k xp. If you trained 20 attack and str it would take 10 lamps to reset both back to 1. That would cost 500k-1M according to price list and it would make leveling defence much faster than with 1 str and attack.

I was thinking that and already did do my Strength up to 20, didn't want to do attack right away.

One last question to everyone, Is it possible to Lamp Below 10 HP?

Help me! / Re: High Alch Price Wrong?
« on: June 10, 2016, 09:47:55 am »
our values are custom adjusted to our eco. For example dragon sq shield had a huge value that has been toned down to be more on par with our economy

We have a wiki for things like this... Runescape is an entirely different game with different things. You dont find taverley dungeon in taverley either yet i dont see you complaining about all these things. We have different items, different monsters, even different combat levels for monsters, so why do you think alch values are the same

On the contrary. I've played this since Emps-Scape. I'm not complaining, I was just wondering why this was the biggest gap I found. That's all. No need to be an arsehat. My question was answered already, you didn't need to come in and make a smart aleck remark. :)

General Discussion / Re: Best 1 Attack Weapon on this Private Server?
« on: June 10, 2016, 09:46:53 am »
glowing dagger/dark dagger/obsidian maul i guess

Obby Maul would require me getting Str. I'm going for 1 Attack 1 Strength. Hench "Defense Pure"

Thank you for your insight on the other two though. :)

General Discussion / Best 1 Attack Weapon on this Private Server?
« on: June 10, 2016, 05:51:43 am »
As the title states. Just in case I want to make a Defense Pure. 20 Attack Weapons as well I guess, because I can Lamp later, but I prefer not even doing that honestly.

Help me! / Re: High Alch Price Wrong?
« on: June 09, 2016, 11:13:05 pm »
Just seems weird, everything else is only off by a measly 5k if it is even off. This is the biggest gap I've seen so far.

Resolved Bug Reports / High Alch Price Wrong?
« on: June 09, 2016, 10:43:00 pm »
Everything so far that I've alched has been pretty close (Like only 5k difference) if not the exact same as the price for OSRS.

This on the other hand, this is pretty sad, I feel like I've been jipped 40k each time I do this.

Help me! / High Alch Price Wrong?
« on: June 09, 2016, 10:38:05 pm »
Everything so far that I've alched has been pretty close (Like only 5k difference) if not the exact same as the price for OSRS.

This on the other hand, this is pretty sad, I feel like I've been jipped 40k each time I do this.

Pages: 1