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Messages - Cyfern Melee

Pages: 1
General Discussion / Re: Runecrafting - how?!
« on: August 09, 2015, 09:19:41 am »
a skill which isn't that good for anything (making money)
>meanwhile people buying bloods and deaths 1-2kea ALLLL the time.
Yes, what i mean though is that other skills give you alot more money. Even selling rune ess seems like it makes you more money.

General Discussion / Re: Runecrafting - how?!
« on: August 08, 2015, 11:26:42 pm »
Hmm, seems like a real waste of time for a skill which isn't that good for anything (making money, general usefulness) unless you're a mage. Better take a look at a new skill.

General Discussion / Runecrafting - how?!
« on: August 08, 2015, 11:23:08 pm »
Ok, so I understand how to runecraft (I'm not stupid 8)). But after you've created the runes how do you get out? Do you have to teleport to Barb? Because if so that feels like a waste of time and makes the skill really boring and a pain to train...

Pages: 1