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Messages - Semih12125

Pages: 1
Resolved Bug Reports / Re: Elemental whip
« on: February 21, 2016, 09:00:53 am »
So if I read it right, this is not a bug and I can't get the 5000 charges with this ele whip?

Resolved Bug Reports / Re: Elemental whip
« on: February 20, 2016, 05:14:54 pm »
Yes about a month ago, but I destroyed that one. I remember it has the same charge count.

Resolved Bug Reports / Elemental whip
« on: February 20, 2016, 02:26:21 pm »
I bought a thunder crystal and attached it to abbysal whip, when I checked the charges it said 2713 charges instead of 3000. I haven't used it once..

Edit: 5000 instead of 3000*

Feedback / Re: Statius / Vesta
« on: January 26, 2016, 03:28:57 pm »
Then what do you think it is? Cause raw stats do not have different effects on different pieces of armor...

So, basicly you are saying that for example bronze armour can be as good as bandos, because stats dont have a real effect?

Feedback / Re: Statius / Vesta
« on: January 25, 2016, 10:29:33 pm »
Pure bad luck
Statius has more raw stats than bandos, it's impossible for raw stats to function differently on different items.
You gotta keep in mind for bossing 99% players use piety and super sets, might also be a result of different weapons.

I use piety aswell, z brew, s att and s def (Yes, I drink the z brew first then the other 2). I use ZS, other people use ZS but somehow they manage to do more damage every kill then me with medium end gear. I know higher the stats doesn't grant me a kill every attempt, but you'd expect some kills against someone who has allot lower stats then you?

How often do you find yourself eating? Ancient armours have less defense bonus than gwd sets and could cause you to eat more. Time spent eating is less time spent doing damage.

I don't eat quiet allot, I mainly eat while i hit the boss to avoid the animation.

Feedback / Re: Statius / Vesta
« on: January 25, 2016, 07:07:58 pm »
Isn't Statius's and Vesta's set, all these ancient armours is for PK'ing ?

Well, yeah it is used mainly for PK but looking from the stats its a pretty good PVM gear too. Especially now, because of the ancient energy prices.

Feedback / Statius / Vesta
« on: January 25, 2016, 06:25:13 pm »
Alright, so lately I have been using statius (nonc) to pvm, mostly bosses. And while I do bossing I see constantly that I am hitting allot of 0's and occasionally a 60 or a 20. I lose most of the kills to people wearing bandos / 3rd age / and even dragon armour. While I wear f cape, steads, str t, statius body and legs, bandos helm and bandos gloves. As to some opposing players that boss can wear d boots fury 3rd age armour (or bandos) no f cape and still out damage me by 100-200. When i use my z brew/s att/s def and piety and i get lucky i might get the drop, but after 1-2 kills i just do allot of 0's constantly. Looking at the stats i have almost twice the attack offense compared if i wear bcp and tassy instead of stat legs and body.I have asked around to some of my friends and they said that they see the same problem occuring with them while doing bossing/pvm'ing. Maybey its bad luck that I don't hit that freqeuntly, I am not sure but it seems a little bit odd. I kill 10 corporeal beasts, i lose 8 drops to a guy with 3rd age / dragon armour. I have used allot of weapons including ZS, elemental whip+arcane, anger mace and d hally but still see no difference. I am eager to hear your opinion about this below. Thank you for reading.


*ps. I did not see this over a few kills, I have participated in about 800-900 kills and saw this happening.

Resolved Bug Reports / Bird snaring golden warbler
« on: March 01, 2015, 12:00:59 pm »
So i set a bird snare at the bird catching place in Al-kharid and the bird touches the bird snare, it flies away and there is nothing on the snare. So the strange thing is i still get full xp, chicken and feathers. It may be only the golden warbler, i havent tried any other bird because of my low hunter level.

Pages: 1