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Messages - Cyclingstar

Pages: 1
Games / You guys play COD?
« on: February 12, 2017, 03:27:11 am »
hey guys,
i play a few days again emps-world and i tought maybe there well be here some players that play cod 2?
maybe we can play a quickscoop match?
leave something down here
here is a little montage of me


Introductions & Farewells / Hi emps-world!
« on: October 25, 2015, 09:41:40 am »
Dear Emps-World Players.

I returned today!
After a long break of 2 years, I decided to return.
after I lost my bank, I also lost the fun of the game.
Now that I'm back , I would like to build a bank back, this will take time but I'm getting there.

Feel free to add me ingame: cyclingstar


Pages: 1