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Messages - Its Sk1ll3r

Pages: 1 2
Off-Topic / Re: fail english ingame or shoutbox
« on: January 04, 2015, 02:59:52 pm »

Showcase / Re: IRL pictures thread
« on: January 04, 2015, 02:50:26 pm »
How many kilograms of makeup does she have on?
Holy **** that really badly applied thick layer of foundation she's got on o.O
Funny how she wasn't wearing that much foundation that day...
Erm, that's either foundation or a really badly taken picture that looks like she has
This isn't her best angle to say the least. :P

I think she would look nice even without make-up. She has beautiful eyes and a cute smile. And I think there is nothing wrong with her foundation there.. Compared to the girls walking around nowadays.
Really curious how Mary looks like, after saying those things hehe.

Josh , Idk if it's your sister or gf. But there is nothing wrong with her, Maybe a bit jealousy going. She looks just fine :)

Current Affairs / Re: Multiculturalism in Europe
« on: January 03, 2015, 11:24:40 pm »
Maybe you have misunderstood me. After an hour long chat with Fireblast12, I have come to the conclusion that I should tell you better what I am against.

I'm against the current policy of multiculturalism. Non-respectful, violent, non-working immigrants coming to Europe and befoul our culture.
I have nothing against respectful and working immigrants.

That's something else ofcourse, You could mention that. You've changed the subject in a 360 degree. You was moments ago, just against them. now against a part. Means that Fireblast and I reached something.
But still, I kind of agree. But don't tell me there are no estonians that don't work. It could happen to everyone. Maybe to your parents or you , with the crisis going, it's certainly not only the immigrants..
it doesn't matter who it is, if you go to a country and want to stay there without doing shit then just leave.
There shouldn't be free looters from other peoples their work
No , Excuse me?
Where does it say you  HAVE to work? I agree ofcourse, but the way you say it , Completely wrong.. Can you go a bit more in depth?

Current Affairs / Re: Multiculturalism in Europe
« on: January 03, 2015, 10:01:17 pm »
Maybe you have misunderstood me. After an hour long chat with Fireblast12, I have come to the conclusion that I should tell you better what I am against.

I'm against the current policy of multiculturalism. Non-respectful, violent, non-working immigrants coming to Europe and befoul our culture.
I have nothing against respectful and working immigrants.

That's something else ofcourse, You could mention that. You've changed the subject in a 360 degree. You was moments ago, just against them. now against a part. Means that Fireblast and I reached something.
But still, I kind of agree. But don't tell me there are no estonians that don't work. It could happen to everyone. Maybe to your parents or you , with the crisis going, it's certainly not only the immigrants..

Current Affairs / Re: Multiculturalism in Europe
« on: January 03, 2015, 09:12:35 pm »
What the actual **** are you saying.

So you just come to Europe and don't respect us and expect us to respect you?

"Imagine, You are coming to my house.. You don't speak our language. You barely know our country. And we act like a prick towards you. What would you think about that?"

That's why immigrants need to respect us and our culture ffs. Do you even think what you are saying? You're completely talking against yourself.
Problem is people generalise, two muslims blow up a tower so the third muslim is a terrorist aswell --> acting bitchy to the third muslim who actually can be a nice person.
Couldn't say it better myself..

Current Affairs / Re: Multiculturalism in Europe
« on: January 03, 2015, 08:43:18 pm »
What the actual **** are you saying.

So you just come to Europe and don't respect us and expect us to respect you?

"Imagine, You are coming to my house.. You don't speak our language. You barely know our country. And we act like a prick towards you. What would you think about that?"

That's why immigrants need to respect us and our culture ffs. Do you even think what you are saying? You're completely talking against yourself.

No I'm not. You just dont understand me, You just see everything from 1 point of a view.
If you would go to my house, And we would act like a prick. It wouldn't be a solution , unless you hate multiculturalism no matter what.

If you would go to my house, And I would act friendly, and respect you, You would respect me back. And eventually we would understand eachother much better, and it would be easier for you to get the hang of my house. And just integrate.

Wouldn't it?

Just answer this, Because with your mindset you can't go anywhere.

Current Affairs / Re: Multiculturalism in Europe
« on: January 03, 2015, 08:29:38 pm »
What's your logic? "Weird how you demand respect for no respect"?

They come to my country. They need to earn my respect first.

They have to earn nothing?
It's up to theirself to respect you or nothing. We live in a free world. and even the goverment has no right to tell you who to respect and who not?
So like I Said, You are nothing more than a simple citizen just like them..
Imagine, You are coming to my house.. You don't speak our language. You barely know our country. And we act like a prick towards you. What would you think about that?

Please, İ'm begging you, Try to put yourself in their shoes. and come with better things. İ'm just repeating the things in other words, so you can understand.

Current Affairs / Re: Multiculturalism in Europe
« on: January 03, 2015, 08:18:16 pm »
I am an Estonian living in my homeland.

I respect those who respect me.

And who are the immigrants?

Are they respecting us?

I don't know the immigrants in your country.
And you can see my post before.
They don't respect us = I don't respect them.

That's good for you ! You won't get much further in life with that mindset. You will understand that much better when you get mentally adultish, I'd say.
I really don't want to discuss with someone, who comes with arguments like this.
Weird how you demand respect for no respect. But like I said ^^^ . Incase you would like to come with valid arguments, then we could talk a bit more.

Current Affairs / Re: Multiculturalism in Europe
« on: January 03, 2015, 08:06:06 pm »
I am an Estonian living in my homeland.

I respect those who respect me.

And who are the immigrants?

Are they respecting us?

I don't know the immigrants in your country.
And you can see my post before.

Current Affairs / Re: Multiculturalism in Europe
« on: January 03, 2015, 08:03:08 pm »
I am an Estonian living in my homeland.

I respect those who respect me.

Exactly! That's what I mean !
Maybe your whole mindset is wrong, and that's the reason, that you will make many mistakes in life.
Maybe you should try respecting people more often, eventually you would get the respect back.

Current Affairs / Re: Multiculturalism in Europe
« on: January 03, 2015, 07:53:48 pm »
I just actually wrote like a thousand word comment, still wasn't done. So I try to sum it up, shorter hopely, And try to bring out my point as fast and clear as possible..
I have the same doctor, friends for like forever, and everytime literally, They say my name wrong. But if I would do it, I would be called dumb. I always believed integrating started by yourself.

How can immigrants, (or people who have immigrants as like a dad or grandfather) Find work?
Tell me how can they find work, if we're afraid of their surnames.. Don't tell me it's not true. We all know it.

Going back is no option. I might be turkish , but I see myself more as a dutchman, Because we took over the culture everything. It's not even taken over, we were born like this. And there is literally no difference between me , and any other dutch guy. I'm not a violent person at all, And I still get called Turk or whatever, Maybe as a joke , majority of the time not. 
I hope I brought a new light to this subject.. And I'd like to discuss about it, Because in my eyes we are missing one of the most beautiful things that could happen, Meeting other people of other cultures. It's really amazing, But people don't realise it..
Reality isn't so beautiful. Reality is that the people who come to Europe aren't all so peaceful and respectful towards us and our culture.

We are all human beings.. There isn't us and them. You are completely wrong, with your whole mindset.

'' We've all got both light and dark inside of us. what matters is the part we choose to act on that's who we really are ''
A nice quote by Sirius Black from the harry potter series.

The majority of the immigrants MIGHT be not that peaceful and respectful . But who the fuck are you? Yes you sir. To blame on other human beings? Are you or the europeans perfect? Tell me are you ? It would be a huge step, to respect them, and then see that you would get your respect back. And otherways you tried, And you would see it's not always the case that their violent.

We as humans have good and bad in us, There is no certain group such as the immigrants that are more violent. We humans could be either bad or good. You just can't mix it up with culture nor religion nor nothiing else. Nobody is perfect, I'm pretty sure you aren't either . So as I said who the hell are you THEN. To expect them to be perfect?

Current Affairs / Re: Multiculturalism in Europe
« on: January 03, 2015, 07:42:32 pm »
I just actually wrote like a thousand word comment, still wasn't done. So I try to sum it up, shorter hopely, And try to bring out my point as fast and clear as possible..
I have the same doctor, friends for like forever, and everytime literally, They say my name wrong. But if I would do it, I would be called dumb. I always believed integrating started by yourself.

How can immigrants, (or people who have immigrants as like a dad or grandfather) Find work?
Tell me how can they find work, if we're afraid of their surnames.. Don't tell me it's not true. We all know it.

Going back is no option. I might be turkish , but I see myself more as a dutchman, Because we took over the culture everything. It's not even taken over, we were born like this. And there is literally no difference between me , and any other dutch guy. I'm not a violent person at all, And I still get called Turk or whatever, Maybe as a joke , majority of the time not. 
I hope I brought a new light to this subject.. And I'd like to discuss about it, Because in my eyes we are missing one of the most beautiful things that could happen, Meeting other people of other cultures. It's really amazing, But people don't realise it..
Reality isn't so beautiful. Reality is that the people who come to Europe aren't all so peaceful and respectful towards us and our culture.

Reality isn't so beautiful, for immature people like you . who expects other people to change , while they don't give them to oppurtunity to change, nor do you change yourself towards them. So how in the hell do you expect them to change . tell me.

Current Affairs / Re: Multiculturalism in Europe
« on: January 03, 2015, 05:00:35 pm »
I just actually wrote like a thousand word comment, still wasn't done. So I try to sum it up, shorter hopely, And try to bring out my point as fast and clear as possible..
I have the same doctor, friends for like forever, and everytime literally, They say my name wrong. But if I would do it, I would be called dumb. I always believed integrating started by yourself.

How can immigrants, (or people who have immigrants as like a dad or grandfather) Find work?
Tell me how can they find work, if we're afraid of their surnames.. Don't tell me it's not true. We all know it.

Going back is no option. I might be turkish , but I see myself more as a dutchman, Because we took over the culture everything. It's not even taken over, we were born like this. And there is literally no difference between me , and any other dutch guy. I'm not a violent person at all, And I still get called Turk or whatever, Maybe as a joke , majority of the time not. 
I hope I brought a new light to this subject.. And I'd like to discuss about it, Because in my eyes we are missing one of the most beautiful things that could happen, Meeting other people of other cultures. It's really amazing, But people don't realise it..

Introductions & Farewells / Re: Uhh Hello, Its Its Sk1ll3r / Thegod :)
« on: January 03, 2015, 01:31:30 pm »
Welcome back, Deniz! :D
Thanks joshieee ! :D

welcome back! feel free to pm me whenever you need help with something :)
I will , Thank you zeep ! :)

Welcome back :P,
Enjoy your stay

welcome back enjoy your stay :)
Thanks , Ice ! :)

DENIZ!! Been damn long time buddy :-*

Cya ing 8)
hehehhe <3

Welcome back! :)

Thenkyu Nerd :)

Introductions & Farewells / Re: My Introduction
« on: January 03, 2015, 01:29:27 pm »
How could we forget H A R L E Y :D
Welcome back man! One of the few with 99 magic 10 hp, at the time.. Idk your stats now hehe :)

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