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Messages - Its Sander

Pages: 1
Maybe a new good update?
Try to refresh the game, all accs starts from zero. We need a new challenge.

with oses accounts will be reset so just wait til then :P
i mean the original world too

Maybe a new good update?
Try to refresh the game, all accs starts from zero. We need a new challenge.


Suggestions & Ideas / Re: teleport idea
« on: January 27, 2016, 08:54:33 pm »

Please Add a edgevil teleport to (fish monger).
To respawn in edge and tele fast to edge much better for the pkers.
Now you died and need to run every time from barb to edge.
And i think its a quik and small easy thing to add that in emps.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: teleport idea
« on: January 27, 2016, 08:51:55 pm »
Add plz a edgevile teleport that makes more fun for pkers in wildy

Pages: 1