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Messages - Angelpoop

Pages: 1
Suggestions & Ideas / Winter tod and kingdoms
« on: December 24, 2018, 07:19:42 pm »
Hello Staff members.

have you ever thought  about making kingdoms and winter tod? these are good methods for gathering herbs, seeds and logs. they would also benefit skillers, but you should make a quest for them as well, so it wouldnt be that easy.
i think it would make a big difference in market prices on herbs, so the new guys and veterans would have it easier on  skilling herb, farming,firemaking and woodcutting .

winter tod is basically a minigame where you can train firemaking/wooducutiting, and you also earn winter tod boxes from there wich contain unique items like: phoenix pet, and fire set. Examples: book of fire, burning pages and armor wich is for skilling.
kingdoms: ik you dont like ideas taken from rs, but you can make them unique so, kingdom is basically your own area, where you can put money in, and your workers will collect herbs, logs,seedse etc from there over days.

Pages: 1